
parent c8240f5f
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......@@ -223,6 +223,9 @@ class IsTrie trie where
nodeEntropy :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> trie k i -> e
nodeChild :: Ord k => k -> trie k e -> trie k e
findTrie :: Ord k => [k] -> trie k e -> trie k e
normalizeEntropy :: Entropy e
=> Getting e i e -> ModEntropy i o e
-> trie k i -> trie k o
--nodeAutonomy :: (Ord k, Entropy e) => Getting e i e -> trie k i -> [k] -> e
......@@ -239,20 +242,12 @@ instance IsTrie Trie where
findTrie ks t = L.foldl (flip nodeChild) t ks
normalizeEntropy :: Entropy e
=> Getting e i e -> ModEntropy i o e
-> Trie k i -> Trie k o
normalizeEntropy inE modE t = go (modE identity) level t
level = (entropyLevels inE t)
go _ [] _ = panic "normalizeEntropy' empty levels"
go _ _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
-- go _ ([] : _) _ = panic "normalizeEntropy': empty level"
go f (es : ess) (Node c i children)
-- | any (sim (i ^. inE)) es
= Node c (f i) $ go (modE $ normalizeLevel (i ^. inE) es) ess <$> children
-- | otherwise
-- = panic "NOT an elem"
normalizeEntropy inE modE t = go (modE identity) (entropyLevels inE t) t
go _ [] _ = panic "normalizeEntropy' empty levels"
go _ _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go f (es : ess) (Node c i children)
= Node c (f i) $ go (modE $ normalizeLevel (i ^. inE) es) ess <$> children
......@@ -312,6 +307,11 @@ instance IsTrie Tries where
nodeChild k (Tries fwd bwd) = Tries (nodeChild k fwd) (nodeChild k bwd)
normalizeEntropy inE modE = onTries (normalizeEntropy inE modE)
onTries :: (Trie k i -> Trie k o) -> Tries k i -> Tries k o
onTries f (Tries fwd bwd) = Tries (f fwd) (f bwd)
split :: (IsTrie trie, Entropy e) => Lens' i e -> trie Token i -> [Token] -> [[Token]]
split _ _ [] = []
......@@ -425,17 +425,17 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do
-- forM_ pss (P.putStrLn . show)
P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn "Forward:"
printTrie (_fwd t)
printTrie (_fwd nt)
P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn "Backward:"
printTrie (_bwd t)
printTrie (_bwd nt)
P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn "Levels:"
forM_ (entropyLevels identity t'') $ \level ->
P.putStrLn $ " " <> show level
P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn "Normalized:"
printTrie nt
P.putStrLn "Entropy Var:"
printTrie t''
P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn "Splitting:"
P.putStrLn $ show res
......@@ -453,11 +453,11 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do
& bwd . node_children . at (Terminal Start) . _Just . node_entropy .~ nan
-- TODO NP: this is a hack to set the bwd entropy of Start at NaN.
t'' :: Trie Token Double
t'' = set_entropy_vars identity (\e _i -> e) t
nt :: Tries Token (I Double)
nt = normalizeEntropy identity set_autonomy t
nt :: Trie Token (I Double)
nt = normalizeEntropy identity set_autonomy t''
t'' :: Trie Token Double
t'' = set_entropy_vars info_autonomy (\e _i -> e) nt
-- nt = normalizeEntropy identity set_autonomy (fwd :: Trie Token Double)
-- nt = normalizeEntropy' info_entropy (\f -> info_norm_entropy' %~ f) nt
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