Commit 01ad91a8 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë


parent 5229f873
Pipeline #3184 passed with stage
in 92 minutes and 18 seconds
......@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ phylo2dot2json phylo = do
flowPhyloAPI :: PhyloConfig -> CorpusId -> GargNoServer Phylo
flowPhyloAPI config cId = do
(mapList, corpus) <- corpusIdtoDocuments (timeUnit config) cId
phyloWithCliques <- pure $ toPhyloStep corpus mapList config
temporalSeries <- pure $ toPhyloStep corpus mapList config
-- writePhylo phyloWithCliquesFile phyloWithCliques
pure $ toPhylo (setConfig config phyloWithCliques)
pure $ toPhylo (setConfig config temporalSeries)
corpusIdtoDocuments :: TimeUnit -> CorpusId -> GargNoServer (TermList, [Document])
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