Commit 052f4bf8 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Support line number and module in logging via TH

parent b0cd4cda
Pipeline #4512 passed with stages
in 11 minutes and 45 seconds
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.New
import Conduit
import Control.Lens hiding (elements, Empty)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as BSB64
......@@ -204,15 +203,15 @@ addToCorpusWithQuery user cid (WithQuery { _wq_query = q
, _wq_flowListWith = flw }) maybeLimit jobHandle = do
-- TODO ...
logM DEBUG $ T.pack $ "[addToCorpusWithQuery] (cid, dbs) " <> show (cid, dbs)
logM DEBUG $ T.pack $ "[addToCorpusWithQuery] datafield " <> show datafield
logM DEBUG $ T.pack $ "[addToCorpusWithQuery] flowListWith " <> show flw
$(logLocM) DEBUG $ T.pack $ "(cid, dbs) " <> show (cid, dbs)
$(logLocM) DEBUG $ T.pack $ "datafield " <> show datafield
$(logLocM) DEBUG $ T.pack $ "flowListWith " <> show flw
addLanguageToCorpus cid l
case datafield of
Just Web -> do
logM DEBUG $ T.pack $ "[addToCorpusWithQuery] processing web request " <> show datafield
$(logLocM) DEBUG $ T.pack $ "processing web request " <> show datafield
markStarted 1 jobHandle
......@@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ addToCorpusWithQuery user cid (WithQuery { _wq_query = q
-- TODO if cid is folder -> create Corpus
-- if cid is corpus -> add to corpus
-- if cid is root -> create corpus in Private
logM DEBUG $ T.pack $ "[G.A.N.C.New] getDataText with query: " <> show q
$(logLocM) DEBUG $ T.pack $ "getDataText with query: " <> show q
let db = database2origin dbs
mPubmedAPIKey <- getUserPubmedAPIKey user
-- printDebug "[addToCorpusWithQuery] mPubmedAPIKey" mPubmedAPIKey
......@@ -240,8 +239,8 @@ addToCorpusWithQuery user cid (WithQuery { _wq_query = q
markProgress 1 jobHandle
void $ flowDataText user txt (Multi l) cid (Just flw) jobHandle
-- printDebug "corpus id" cids
corpusId <- flowDataText user txt (Multi l) cid (Just flw) jobHandle
$(logLocM) DEBUG $ T.pack $ "corpus id " <> show corpusId
-- printDebug "sending email" ("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" :: Text)
sendMail user
-- TODO ...
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Gargantext.System.Logging (
, HasLogger(..)
, MonadLogger(..)
, logM
, logLocM
, withLogger
, withLoggerHoisted
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Type)
import Control.Exception.Lifted (bracket)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
data LogLevel =
-- | Debug messages
......@@ -61,6 +65,35 @@ logM level msg = do
logger <- getLogger
logTxt logger level msg
-- | Like 'logM', but it automatically adds the file and line number to
-- the output log.
logLocM :: ExpQ
logLocM = [| \level msg ->
let loc = $(getLocTH)
in logM level (formatWithLoc loc msg)
formatWithLoc :: Loc -> T.Text -> T.Text
formatWithLoc loc msg = "[" <> locationToText <> "] " <> msg
locationToText :: T.Text
locationToText = T.pack $ (loc_filename loc) ++ ':' : (line loc) ++ ':' : (char loc)
line = show . fst . loc_start
char = show . snd . loc_start
getLocTH :: ExpQ
getLocTH = [| $(location >>= liftLoc) |]
liftLoc :: Loc -> Q Exp
liftLoc (Loc a b c (d1, d2) (e1, e2)) = [|Loc
$(TH.lift a)
$(TH.lift b)
$(TH.lift c)
($(TH.lift d1), $(TH.lift d2))
($(TH.lift e1), $(TH.lift e2))
-- | exception-safe combinator that creates and destroys a logger.
-- Think about it like a 'bracket' function from 'Control.Exception'.
withLogger :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, HasLogger m)
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