Commit 1c34d7d6 authored by Grégoire Locqueville's avatar Grégoire Locqueville

Cleaned up the database prelude

parent 00f48464
Pipeline #7069 failed with stages
in 66 minutes and 33 seconds
......@@ -9,12 +9,50 @@ Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Gargantext.Database.Prelude where
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Gargantext.Database.Prelude
( -- * Types and Constraints
-- $typesAndConstraints
-- ** Environment Constraints
, IsDBEnv
, IsDBEnvExtra
-- ** Command Monad Constraints
, IsCmd
, IsDBCmd
, IsDBCmdExtra
-- ** Existential Versions of the Above Constraints, for Convenience
, Cmd
, CmdRandom
, DBCmd
, DBCmdWithEnv
, DBCmdExtra
-- ** Miscellaneous Type(s)
-- * Functions
-- ** Executing DB Queries
-- *** PostgreSQL.Simple
, execPGSQuery
, runPGSQuery
, runPGSQuery_
-- *** Opaleye
, runOpaQuery
, runCountOpaQuery
-- ** Other Functions
, runCmd
, createDBIfNotExists
, dbCheck
, formatPGSQuery
, fromField'
, mkCmd
, restrictMaybe
import Control.Exception.Safe (throw)
import Control.Lens (Getter, view)
......@@ -35,24 +73,37 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Config (HasConfig(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Mail.Types (HasMail)
import Gargantext.Core.NLP (HasNLPServer)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Opaleye (Unpackspec, showSql, FromFields, Select, runSelect, SqlJsonb, DefaultFromField, toFields, matchMaybe, MaybeFields)
import Opaleye (FromFields, Select, runSelect, SqlJsonb, DefaultFromField, toFields, matchMaybe, MaybeFields)
import Opaleye.Aggregate (countRows)
import Opaleye.Internal.Constant qualified
import Opaleye.Internal.Operators qualified
import Shelly qualified as SH
-- $typesAndConstraints
-- The names of the constraints and types in this module are chosen based on
-- the following guidelines:
-- * By default, constraints are relatively lenient. Stricter constraints are
-- obtained by appending the `Extra` suffix to the minimal constraint name.
-- * `IsDBEnv(Extra)` applies to the environment; the basic constraint allows
-- access to the database, and the `Extra` variant offers some more
-- capabilities such as access to mail.
-- * `IsCmd` is the basic constraint for command monads. Append `DB` to it to get
-- a monad of commands that can talk to the database. Append `Extra` to get
-- the ability to send mail, make use of the NLP server and deal with central
-- exchange notifications. Append `Random` to get access to randomness.
-- * Existential versions of the constraints bear the same name as the constraint
-- they are based on, but without the `Is` prefix.
class HasConnectionPool env where
connPool :: Getter env (Pool Connection)
instance HasConnectionPool (Pool Connection) where
connPool = identity
type JSONB = DefaultFromField SqlJsonb
-- | If possible, try to not add more constraints here. When performing
-- | The most basic constraints for an environment with a database.
-- If possible, try to not add more constraints here. When performing
-- a query/update on the DB, one shouldn't need more than being able to
-- fetch from the underlying 'env' the connection pool and access the
-- 'GargConfig' for some sensible defaults to store into the DB.
......@@ -61,6 +112,8 @@ type IsDBEnv env =
, HasConfig env
-- | Constraints for a full-fledged environment, with a database, mail exchange,
-- NLP processing, notifications.
type IsDBEnvExtra env =
( IsDBEnv env
, HasMail env
......@@ -68,6 +121,9 @@ type IsDBEnvExtra env =
, CET.HasCentralExchangeNotification env
-- | The most general constraints for commands. To interact with the database,
-- or access extra features (such as sending mail), you'll need to add some more
-- constraints (see the rest of this module)
type IsCmd env err m =
( MonadReader env m
, MonadError err m
......@@ -82,25 +138,41 @@ type IsDBCmd env err m =
, IsDBEnv env
-- | Full-fledged command class. Types in this class provide commands that can
-- interact with the database, perform NLP processing, etc.
type IsDBCmdExtra env err m =
( IsCmd env err m
, IsDBEnvExtra env
-- | Basic command with access to randomness. It feels a little ad hoc to have
-- such a constraint instead of substituting it (and its counterpart existential
-- type `CmdRandom`) with its definition every time it appears in the codebase,
-- but I tried to doing that substitution and it wasn't so easy.
type IsCmdRandom env err m =
( MonadReader env m
, MonadError err m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, MonadRandom m
( IsCmd env err m
, MonadRandom m
-- | Barebones command type, without any built-in ability to interact with the
-- database or do stuff like email exchanges.
type Cmd env err a = forall m. IsCmd env err m => m a
type CmdRandom env err a = forall m. IsCmdRandom env err m => m a
type Cmd env err a = forall m. IsCmd env err m => m a
type DBCmdExtra err a = forall m env. IsDBCmdExtra env err m => m a
type DBCmdWithEnv env err a = forall m. IsDBCmd env err m => m a
type DBCmd err a = forall m env. IsDBCmd env err m => m a
-- | Basic command type with access to randomness
type CmdRandom env err a = forall m. IsCmdRandom env err m => m a
-- | Command type that allows for interaction with the database.
type DBCmd err a = forall m env. IsDBCmd env err m => m a
-- | Command type that allows for interaction with the database. Similar to
-- `DBCmd`, except you can constraint the environment type some more.
type DBCmdWithEnv env err a = forall m. IsDBCmd env err m => m a
-- | Full-fledged command types, with access to the database, mail, NLP
-- processing and central exchange notifications.
type DBCmdExtra err a = forall m env. IsDBCmdExtra env err m => m a
type JSONB = DefaultFromField SqlJsonb
fromInt64ToInt :: Int64 -> Int
fromInt64ToInt = fromIntegral
......@@ -130,10 +202,6 @@ runCountOpaQuery q = do
formatPGSQuery :: PGS.ToRow a => PGS.Query -> a -> DBCmd err DB.ByteString
formatPGSQuery q a = mkCmd $ \conn -> PGS.formatQuery conn q a
-- TODO use runPGSQueryDebug everywhere
runPGSQuery' :: (PGS.ToRow a, PGS.FromRow b) => PGS.Query -> a -> DBCmd err [b]
runPGSQuery' q a = mkCmd $ \conn -> PGS.query conn q a
runPGSQuery :: ( PGS.FromRow r, PGS.ToRow q )
=> PGS.Query -> q -> DBCmd err [r]
runPGSQuery q a = mkCmd $ \conn -> catch (PGS.query conn q a) (printError conn)
......@@ -143,22 +211,6 @@ runPGSQuery q a = mkCmd $ \conn -> catch (PGS.query conn q a) (printError conn)
hPutStrLn stderr q'
throw (SomeException e)
runPGSQueryFold :: ( CmdM env err m
, PGS.FromRow r
=> PGS.Query -> a -> (a -> r -> IO a) -> m a
runPGSQueryFold q initialState consume = mkCmd $ \conn -> catch (PGS.fold_ conn initialState consume) (printError conn)
printError c (SomeException e) = do
q' <- PGS.formatQuery c q
hPutStrLn stderr q'
throw (SomeException e)
-- | TODO catch error
runPGSQuery_ :: ( PGS.FromRow r )
=> PGS.Query -> DBCmd err [r]
......@@ -171,10 +223,6 @@ runPGSQuery_ q = mkCmd $ \conn -> catch (PGS.query_ conn q) printError
execPGSQuery :: PGS.ToRow a => PGS.Query -> a -> DBCmd err Int64
execPGSQuery q a = mkCmd $ \conn -> PGS.execute conn q a
-- connectGargandb :: SettingsFile -> IO Connection
-- connectGargandb sf = readConfig sf >>= \params -> connect (DBConfig.unTOMLConnectInfo params)
fromField' :: (Typeable b, FromJSON b) => Field -> Maybe DB.ByteString -> Conversion b
fromField' field mb = do
......@@ -188,9 +236,6 @@ fromField' field mb = do
, show v
printSqlOpa :: Default Unpackspec a a => Select a -> IO ()
printSqlOpa = putStrLn . maybe "Empty query" identity . showSql
dbCheck :: DBCmd err Bool
dbCheck = do
r :: [PGS.Only Text] <- runPGSQuery_ "select username from public.auth_user"
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