Commit 26d65e3b authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Developer Guidelines, adding style

parent a8ad31d0
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# Contributing
## Code contribution
We use Git to share and merge our code.
## Style
We are using the common Haskell Style:
## Code Of Conduct
Be constructive as sharing our code of conduct
## Chat with us
We are on IRC: [, channel #gargantext](ircs://
You can join via Matrix, just search for:
You can also join via XMPP: <xmpp://>
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ all developers about how to:
The rest of the document try to answer all those questions.
## Glossary
- GIT: _Git_ is a distributed version control system
......@@ -57,7 +58,25 @@ The rest of the document try to answer all those questions.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of the development guidelines.
### Main working Branches
### Style
When we code, we are using the [common Haskell Style guide](
### Code Of Conduct
Please be constructive as sharing our [code of conduct](
### Chat with us !
We are on IRC: [, channel #gargantext](ircs://
You can join via Matrix, just search for:
You can also join via XMPP: <xmpp://>
## Git Collaboration Guidelines
### Git Main working Branches
3 main branches are used in the distributed version control system (Git) of GarganText:
- _dev_ branch for latest development
  • @AlfredoDiNapoli @cgenie @karenkonou I have just modified this hoping it is ok for you, if not tell me. I do not think it is sensitive, if you have a better style guidelines, thank you in advance, since it has been asked by new developers joining the team Today

  • @anoe 👍 on my side -- the style guide you posted is a sensible one, and generally recognised as one of the most sensible. If I could add my 2 cents, perhaps I would also add that in general, more than following a single style guide (because to the present day it's not realistic to assume that we wrote Gargantext following a uniform style guide), I would perhaps use the following rule of thumb (but this is me, I'm not saying it's the way it should be):

    1. For new files, use the referenced style guide;
    2. For older files, which might have been written using a different code style, try to respect whichever style guide was used to write the file (to ensure consistency and minimise unwanted changes);
    3. Resist the urge of making style modifications mixed to general refactoring; rather separate those into independent commits, so that they are easy to revert if unwanted / not needed


  • Thank you, added and quoted: 6a0c62d6

  • mentioned in commit 5660aec0

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