Commit 286c814e authored by Karen Konou's avatar Karen Konou

[Tree] Changes for pinning

parent 33881047
Pipeline #3889 failed with stage
in 28 minutes and 19 seconds
......@@ -117,7 +117,10 @@ tree_advanced r nodeTypes = do
-- printDebug (rPrefix "publicRoots") publicRoots
sharedRoots <- findNodes r Shared nodeTypes
-- printDebug (rPrefix "sharedRoots") sharedRoots
toTree $ toTreeParent (mainRoot <> sharedRoots <> publicRoots)
-- let ret = toSubtreeParent r (mainRoot <> sharedRoots <> publicRoots)
-- printDebug (rPrefix "treeParent") ret
-- toTree ret
toTree $ toSubtreeParent r (mainRoot <> sharedRoots <> publicRoots)
-- | Fetch only first level of tree
tree_first_level :: (HasTreeError err, HasNodeError err)
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