Commit 37af3986 authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

add a new group by docs

parent e9693985
Pipeline #847 failed with stage
...@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ Portability : POSIX ...@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker where module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker where
import Data.List (concat, nub, partition, sort, (++), group, intersect, null, sortOn, groupBy) import Data.List (concat, nub, partition, sort, (++), group, intersect, null, sortOn, groupBy, tail)
import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, keys, unionWith, fromList, empty, toList, elems, (!), restrictKeys, foldlWithKey) import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, keys, unionWith, fromList, empty, toList, elems, (!), restrictKeys, foldlWithKey, insert)
import Data.Set (size) import Data.Set (size)
import Data.Vector (Vector) import Data.Vector (Vector)
...@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ toPhylo1 docs phyloBase = case (getSeaElevation phyloBase) of ...@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ toPhylo1 docs phyloBase = case (getSeaElevation phyloBase) of
phyloClique = toPhyloClique phyloBase docs' phyloClique = toPhyloClique phyloBase docs'
-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
docs' :: Map (Date,Date) [Document] docs' :: Map (Date,Date) [Document]
docs' = groupDocsByPeriod' date (getPeriodIds phyloBase) docs docs' = groupDocsByPeriodRec date (getPeriodIds phyloBase) (sortOn date docs) empty
-- docs' = groupDocsByPeriod' date (getPeriodIds phyloBase) docs
-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
...@@ -227,6 +228,16 @@ docsToTimeScaleCooc docs fdt = ...@@ -227,6 +228,16 @@ docsToTimeScaleCooc docs fdt =
-- | to Phylo Base | -- -- | to Phylo Base | --
----------------------- -----------------------
groupDocsByPeriodRec :: (NFData doc, Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date) -> [(date,date)] -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc]
groupDocsByPeriodRec f prds docs acc =
if ((null prds) || (null docs))
then acc
let prd = head' "groupBy" prds
docs' = partition (\d -> (f d >= fst prd) && (f d <= snd prd)) docs
in groupDocsByPeriodRec f (tail prds) (snd docs') (insert prd (fst docs') acc)
-- | To group a list of Documents by fixed periods -- | To group a list of Documents by fixed periods
groupDocsByPeriod' :: (NFData doc, Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date) -> [(date,date)] -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc] groupDocsByPeriod' :: (NFData doc, Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date) -> [(date,date)] -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc]
groupDocsByPeriod' f pds docs = groupDocsByPeriod' f pds docs =
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