Commit 37d72aa8 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

more lenient pauses in markProgress testing

parent ffceed6d
Pipeline #3925 failed with stage
in 27 minutes and 41 seconds
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.Prelude
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes as EnvTypes
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types
data JobT = A
| B
| C
......@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ withJob_ env f = void (withJob env f)
newTestEnv :: IO Env
newTestEnv = do
k <- genSecret
let settings = defaultJobSettings 2 k
let settings = defaultJobSettings 1 k
myEnv <- newJobEnv settings defaultPrios testTlsManager
pure $ Env
{ _env_settings = error "env_settings not needed, but forced somewhere (check StrictData)"
......@@ -277,28 +278,40 @@ testFetchJobStatusNoContention = do
testMarkProgress :: IO ()
testMarkProgress = do
myEnv <- newTestEnv
evts <- newMVar []
evts <- newTBQueueIO 7
let getStatus hdl = do
liftIO $ threadDelay 100_000
st <- getLatestJobStatus hdl
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTBQueue evts st
readAllEvents = do
allEventsArrived <- isFullTBQueue evts
if allEventsArrived then flushTBQueue evts else retry
withJob_ myEnv $ \hdl _input -> do
markStarted 10 hdl
jl0 <- getLatestJobStatus hdl
getStatus hdl
markProgress 1 hdl
jl1 <- getLatestJobStatus hdl
getStatus hdl
markFailure 1 Nothing hdl
jl2 <- getLatestJobStatus hdl
getStatus hdl
markFailure 1 (Just "boom") hdl
jl3 <- getLatestJobStatus hdl
getStatus hdl
markComplete hdl
jl4 <- getLatestJobStatus hdl
getStatus hdl
markStarted 5 hdl
markProgress 1 hdl
jl5 <- getLatestJobStatus hdl
getStatus hdl
markFailed (Just "kaboom") hdl
jl6 <- getLatestJobStatus hdl
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ evts (const (pure [jl0, jl1, jl2, jl3, jl4, jl5, jl6]))
threadDelay 500_000
[jl0, jl1, jl2, jl3, jl4, jl5, jl6] <- readMVar evts
getStatus hdl
[jl0, jl1, jl2, jl3, jl4, jl5, jl6] <- atomically readAllEvents
-- Check the events are what we expect
jl0 `shouldBe` JobLog { _scst_succeeded = Just 0
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