Commit 396fbd52 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Port Lancaster stemming for Corpus search

We use for now an initial translation into Haskell of
this Javascript implementation:

More tests needed
parent ea8965c4
......@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ library
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Gargantext.Core.Text.Terms.Mono.Stem.Lancaster
( stemIt
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
data Rule = Rule
{ _match :: Text
, _replacement :: Text
, _ruleType :: RuleType
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data RuleType
= Intact
| Continue
| Contint
| Stop
| Protect
deriving (Show, Eq)
type RuleCollection = [(Char, [Rule])]
stop, intact, cont, protect, contint :: RuleType
stop = Stop
intact = Intact
cont = Continue
protect = Protect
contint = Contint
-- Define rules
rulesPaper :: RuleCollection
rulesPaper =
[ ('a', [ Rule "ia" "" intact, Rule "a" "" intact ])
, ('b', [ Rule "bb" "b" stop ])
, ('c', [ Rule "ytic" "ys" stop, Rule "ic" "" cont, Rule "nc" "nt" cont ])
, ('d', [ Rule "dd" "d" stop, Rule "ied" "y" cont, Rule "ceed" "cess" stop, Rule "eed" "ee" stop
, Rule "ed" "" cont, Rule "hood" "" cont ])
, ('e', [ Rule "e" "" cont ])
, ('f', [ Rule "lief" "liev" stop, Rule "if" "" cont ])
, ('g', [ Rule "ing" "" cont, Rule "iag" "y" stop, Rule "ag" "" cont, Rule "gg" "g" stop ])
, ('h', [ Rule "th" "" intact, Rule "guish" "ct" stop, Rule "ish" "" cont ])
, ('i', [ Rule "i" "" intact, Rule "i" "y" cont ])
, ('j', [ Rule "ij" "id" stop, Rule "fuj" "fus" stop, Rule "uj" "ud" stop, Rule "oj" "od" stop
, Rule "hej" "her" stop, Rule "verj" "vert" stop, Rule "misj" "mit" stop, Rule "nj" "nd" stop
, Rule "j" "s" stop ])
, ('l', [ Rule "ifiabl" "" stop, Rule "iabl" "y" stop, Rule "abl" "" cont, Rule "ibl" "" stop
, Rule "bil" "bl" cont, Rule "cl" "c" stop, Rule "iful" "y" stop, Rule "ful" "" cont
, Rule "ul" "" stop, Rule "ial" "" cont, Rule "ual" "" cont, Rule "al" "" cont
, Rule "ll" "l" stop ])
, ('m', [ Rule "ium" "" stop, Rule "um" "" intact, Rule "ism" "" cont, Rule "mm" "m" stop ])
, ('n', [ Rule "sion" "j" cont, Rule "xion" "ct" stop, Rule "ion" "" cont, Rule "ian" "" cont
, Rule "an" "" cont, Rule "een" "" protect, Rule "en" "" cont, Rule "nn" "n" stop ])
, ('p', [ Rule "ship" "" cont, Rule "pp" "p" stop ])
, ('r', [ Rule "er" "" cont, Rule "ear" "" protect, Rule "ar" "" stop, Rule "or" "" cont
, Rule "ur" "" cont, Rule "rr" "r" stop, Rule "tr" "t" cont, Rule "ier" "y" cont ])
, ('s', [ Rule "ies" "y" cont, Rule "sis" "s" stop, Rule "is" "" cont, Rule "ness" "" cont
, Rule "ss" "" protect, Rule "ous" "" cont, Rule "us" "" intact, Rule "s" "" contint
, Rule "s" "" protect ])
, ('t', [ Rule "plicat" "ply" stop, Rule "at" "" cont, Rule "ment" "" cont, Rule "ent" "" cont
, Rule "ant" "" cont, Rule "ript" "rib" stop, Rule "orpt" "orb" stop, Rule "duct" "duc" stop
, Rule "sumpt" "sum" stop, Rule "cept" "ceiv" stop, Rule "olut" "olv" stop
, Rule "sist" "" protect, Rule "ist" "" cont, Rule "tt" "t" stop ])
, ('u', [ Rule "iqu" "" stop, Rule "ogu" "og" stop ])
, ('v', [ Rule "siv" "j" cont, Rule "eiv" "" protect, Rule "iv" "" cont ])
, ('y', [ Rule "bly" "bl" cont, Rule "ily" "y" cont, Rule "ply" "" protect, Rule "ly" "" cont
, Rule "ogy" "og" stop, Rule "phy" "ph" stop, Rule "omy" "om" stop, Rule "opy" "op" stop
, Rule "ity" "" cont, Rule "ety" "" cont, Rule "lty" "l" stop, Rule "istry" "" stop
, Rule "ary" "" cont, Rule "ory" "" cont, Rule "ify" "" stop, Rule "ncy" "nt" cont
, Rule "acy" "" cont ])
, ('z', [ Rule "iz" "" cont, Rule "yz" "ys" stop ])
-- Returns 'True' if the input character is a vowel.
isVowel :: Char -> Bool
isVowel c = c `elem` vowelsSet
{-# INLINE isVowel #-}
vowelsSet :: String
vowelsSet = "aeiouy"
{-# INLINE vowelsSet #-}
stemIt :: Text -> Text
stemIt inputText = lancasterStemmer inputText rulesPaper
-- Lancaster Stemmer
lancasterStemmer :: Text -> RuleCollection -> Text
lancasterStemmer inputText rules = applyRules (T.toLower inputText) True rules
applyRules :: Text -> Bool -> RuleCollection -> Text
applyRules value isIntact rules =
case T.unsnoc value of
Nothing -> value
Just (_, lastChar) ->
case lookup lastChar rules of
Nothing -> value
Just ruleset -> applyRuleSet value isIntact ruleset
applyRuleSet :: Text -> Bool -> [Rule] -> Text
applyRuleSet val _ [] = val
applyRuleSet val isIntact' (rule:rest) =
case ruleApplication value isIntact' rule of
Just res -> res
Nothing -> applyRuleSet val isIntact' rest
ruleApplication :: Text -> Bool -> Rule -> Maybe Text
ruleApplication val isIntact' (Rule m r t) =
if not isIntact' && (t == intact || t == contint)
then Nothing
else case T.stripSuffix m val of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just stem ->
let next = stem `T.append` r
in if not (acceptable next)
then Nothing
else if t == cont || t == contint
then Just $ applyRules next False rules
else Just next
-- | A stem is acceptable if
acceptable :: Text -> Bool
acceptable val
| T.null val = False
| otherwise
= if isVowel (T.head val)
then T.length val > 1
else T.length val > 2 && T.any isVowel val
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