[CLI] INI to TOML works now

parent 19f4848f
Pipeline #6581 failed with stages
in 11 minutes and 38 seconds
Module : Ini.hs
Description : Gargantext Ini file
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2024-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
Import a corpus binary.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module CLI.Ini where
import CLI.Types
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple qualified as PGS
import Gargantext.Core.Config qualified as Config
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Ini qualified as Ini
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Mail qualified as IniMail
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.NLP qualified as IniNLP
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Types qualified as CTypes
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Options.Applicative
import Servant.Client.Core (parseBaseUrl)
import Toml qualified
iniCLI :: IniArgs -> IO ()
iniCLI (IniArgs iniPath) = do
-- putStrLn $ "ini path: " <> iniPath
ini <- Ini.readConfig iniPath
iniMail <- IniMail.readConfig iniPath
iniNLP <- IniNLP.readConfig iniPath
-- putStrLn (show ini :: Text)
connInfo <- Ini.readDBConfig iniPath
let c = convertConfigs ini iniMail iniNLP connInfo
-- putStrLn (show c :: Text)
putStrLn (show (Toml.encode c) :: Text)
iniCmd :: HasCallStack => Mod CommandFields CLI
iniCmd = command "ini" (info (helper <*> fmap CLISub ini_p) (progDesc "Parse .ini file and output a corresponding .toml file."))
ini_p :: Parser CLICmd
ini_p = fmap CCMD_ini $ IniArgs
<$> strOption ( long "ini-path"
<> help "Path to ini file" )
convertConfigs :: Ini.GargConfig -> IniMail.MailConfig -> IniNLP.NLPConfig -> PGS.ConnectInfo -> Config.GargConfig
convertConfigs ini@(Ini.GargConfig { .. }) iniMail nlpConfig connInfo =
Config.GargConfig { _gc_backend_name
, _gc_url
, _gc_url_backend_api
, _gc_masteruser
, _gc_secretkey
, _gc_datafilepath
, _gc_frame_write_url
, _gc_frame_calc_url
, _gc_frame_visio_url
, _gc_frame_searx_url
, _gc_frame_istex_url
, _gc_max_docs_parsers
, _gc_max_docs_scrapers
, _gc_js_job_timeout
, _gc_js_id_timeout
, _gc_pubmed_api_key
, _gc_epo_api_url
, _gc_mail_config = iniMail
, _gc_nlp_config = nlpConfig
, _gc_frontend_config = mkFrontendConfig ini
, _gc_database_config = connInfo
, _gc_notifications_config = defaultNotificationsConfig }
mkFrontendConfig :: Ini.GargConfig -> CTypes.FrontendConfig
mkFrontendConfig (Ini.GargConfig { .. }) =
CTypes.FrontendConfig { _fc_url = _gc_url
, _fc_backend_name = _gc_backend_name
, _fc_url_backend_api = _gc_url_backend_api
, _fc_jwt_settings = "TODO"
, _fc_cors
, _fc_microservices}
_fc_cors = CTypes.CORSSettings { _corsAllowedOrigins = [
toCORSOrigin "https://demo.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://formation.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://academia.sub.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://cnrs.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://imt.sub.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://helloword.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://complexsystems.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://europa.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://earth.sub.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://health.sub.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://msh.sub.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "https://dev.sub.gargantext.org"
, toCORSOrigin "http://localhost:8008"
, toCORSOrigin "http://localhost:8108"
, toCORSOrigin "http://localhost:3000"
, _corsAllowedHosts = []
, _corsUseOriginsForHosts = True }
_fc_microservices = CTypes.MicroServicesSettings { _msProxyPort = 8009
, _msProxyEnabled = False }
toCORSOrigin :: Text -> CTypes.CORSOrigin
toCORSOrigin url =
case parseBaseUrl (T.unpack url) of
Nothing -> panicTrace $ "Cannot parse base url for: " <> url
Just b -> CTypes.CORSOrigin b
defaultNotificationsConfig :: CTypes.NotificationsConfig
defaultNotificationsConfig =
CTypes.NotificationsConfig { _nc_central_exchange_bind = "tcp://*:5560"
, _nc_central_exchange_connect = "tcp://localhost:5560"
, _nc_dispatcher_bind = "tcp://*:5561"
, _nc_dispatcher_connect = "tcp://localhost:5561" }
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module CLI.Init where
import CLI.Parsers
import CLI.Types
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types
import Gargantext.API.Dev (withDevEnv, runCmdDev)
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module CLI.Invitations where
import CLI.Parsers
import CLI.Types
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types
import Gargantext.API.Dev (withDevEnv, runCmdDev)
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types
......@@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ import Gargantext.API.Node () -- instances only
import Gargantext.API.Node.Share qualified as Share
import Gargantext.API.Node.Share.Types qualified as Share
import Gargantext.Core.AsyncUpdates.CentralExchange.Types qualified as CET
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Utils (readConfig)
import Gargantext.Core.NLP (HasNLPServer)
import Gargantext.Core.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu (User(..))
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
module CLI.Parsers where
import Prelude
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Types (SettingsFile(..))
import Options.Applicative
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module CLI.Types where
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Types (SettingsFile(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Types (NodeId)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Query
......@@ -46,6 +45,10 @@ data ImportArgs = ImportArgs
, imp_corpus_path :: !FilePath
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data IniArgs = IniArgs
{ ini_path :: !FilePath
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data InitArgs = InitArgs
{ init_settings :: !SettingsFile
} deriving (Show, Eq)
......@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ data CLICmd
| CCMD_obfuscate_db !ObfuscateDBArgs
| CCMD_admin !AdminArgs
| CCMD_import !ImportArgs
| CCMD_ini !IniArgs
| CCMD_init !InitArgs
| CCMD_invitations !InvitationsArgs
| CCMD_phylo !PhyloArgs
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ module CLI.Upgrade where
import CLI.Types
import CLI.Parsers
import Data.List qualified as List (cycle, concat, take, unlines)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
import Gargantext.API.Dev (withDevEnv)
import Gargantext.API.Node () -- instances only
import Gargantext.Core.Config (GargConfig(..))
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Options.Applicative
import CLI.Admin (adminCLI, adminCmd)
import CLI.FileDiff (fileDiffCLI, fileDiffCmd)
import CLI.Import (importCLI, importCmd)
import CLI.Ini (iniCLI, iniCmd)
import CLI.Init (initCLI, initCmd)
import CLI.Invitations (invitationsCLI, invitationsCmd)
import CLI.Phylo (phyloCLI, phyloCmd)
......@@ -45,6 +46,8 @@ runCLI = \case
-> adminCLI args
CLISub (CCMD_import args)
-> importCLI args
CLISub (CCMD_ini args)
-> iniCLI args
CLISub (CCMD_init args)
-> initCLI args
CLISub (CCMD_invitations args)
......@@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ allOptions = subparser (
obfuscateDBCmd <>
adminCmd <>
importCmd <>
iniCmd <>
initCmd <>
invitationsCmd <>
phyloCmd <>
......@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ library
......@@ -730,6 +733,7 @@ executable gargantext-cli
......@@ -765,15 +769,18 @@ executable gargantext-cli
, protolude ^>= 0.3.3
, servant
, servant-auth
, servant-client-core >= 0.18.3 && < 0.20
, servant-routes < 0.2
, servant-websockets >= 2.0.0 && < 2.1
, shelly
, split ^>=
, text ^>=
, time ^>= 1.9.3
, toml-parser >= && < 3
, tree-diff
, unordered-containers ^>=
, vector ^>= 0.7.3
ghc-options: -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wmissing-signatures -Wunused-binds -Wunused-imports -Werror -freduction-depth=300 -fprint-potential-instances
executable gargantext-server
......@@ -129,50 +129,35 @@ instance FromValue GargConfig where
, _gc_database_config = unTOMLConnectInfo db_config
, _gc_nlp_config
, _gc_notifications_config }
-- configCodec :: Toml.TomlCodec GargConfig
-- configCodec = GargConfig
-- <$> Toml.text "frontend.backend_name" .= _gc_backend_name
-- <*> (stripRight '/' <$> Toml.text "frontend.url") .= _gc_url
-- <*> (stripRight '/' <$> Toml.text "frontend.url_backend_api") .= _gc_url_backend_api
-- <*> Toml.text "secrets.master_user" .= _gc_masteruser
-- <*> Toml.text "secrets.secret_key" .= _gc_secretkey
-- <*> Toml.string "paths.data_filepath" .= _gc_datafilepath
-- <*> (stripRight '/' <$> Toml.text "external.frames.write_url") .= _gc_frame_write_url
-- <*> (stripRight '/' <$> Toml.text "external.frames.calc_url") .= _gc_frame_calc_url
-- <*> (stripRight '/' <$> Toml.text "external.frames.visio_url") .= _gc_frame_visio_url
-- <*> (stripRight '/' <$> Toml.text "external.frames.searx_url") .= _gc_frame_searx_url
-- <*> (stripRight '/' <$> Toml.text "external.frames.istex_url") .= _gc_frame_istex_url
-- <*> Toml.integer "jobs.max_docs_parsers" .= _gc_max_docs_parsers
-- <*> Toml.integer "jobs.max_docs_scrapers" .= _gc_max_docs_scrapers
-- <*> Toml.integer "jobs.js_job_timeout" .= _gc_js_job_timeout
-- <*> Toml.integer "jobs.js_id_timeout" .= _gc_js_id_timeout
-- <*> Toml.text "apis.pubmed.api_key" .= _gc_pubmed_api_key
-- <*> Toml.text "apis.epo.api_url" .= _gc_epo_api_url
-- pure $ GargConfig
-- { _gc_backend_name = cs $ val' "BACKEND_NAME"
-- , _gc_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "URL"
-- , _gc_url_backend_api = stripRight '/' $ val' "URL_BACKEND_API"
-- , _gc_masteruser = val' "MASTER_USER"
-- , _gc_secretkey = val' "SECRET_KEY"
-- , _gc_datafilepath = cs $ val' "DATA_FILEPATH"
-- , _gc_repofilepath = cs $ val' "REPO_FILEPATH"
-- , _gc_frame_write_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_WRITE_URL"
-- , _gc_frame_calc_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_CALC_URL"
-- , _gc_frame_visio_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_VISIO_URL"
-- , _gc_frame_searx_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_SEARX_URL"
-- , _gc_frame_istex_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_ISTEX_URL"
-- , _gc_max_docs_parsers = read $ cs $ val' "MAX_DOCS_PARSERS"
-- , _gc_max_docs_scrapers = read $ cs $ val' "MAX_DOCS_SCRAPERS"
-- , _gc_pubmed_api_key = val' "PUBMED_API_KEY"
-- , _gc_js_job_timeout = read $ cs $ val' "JS_JOB_TIMEOUT"
-- , _gc_js_id_timeout = read $ cs $ val' "JS_ID_TIMEOUT"
-- , _gc_epo_api_url = cs $ val' "EPO_API_URL"
-- }
instance ToValue GargConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable GargConfig where
toTable (GargConfig { .. }) =
table [ "frontend" .= _gc_frontend_config
, "secrets" .= secrets
, "paths" .= table [ "data_filepath" .= _gc_datafilepath ]
, "apis" .= apis
, "external" .= table [ "frames" .= frames ]
, "jobs" .= jobs
, "database" .= TOMLConnectInfo _gc_database_config
, "mail" .= _gc_mail_config
, "notifications" .= _gc_notifications_config
, "nlp" .= _gc_nlp_config
secrets = SecretsConfig { _s_master_user = _gc_masteruser
, _s_secret_key = _gc_secretkey }
apis = APIsConfig { _ac_pubmed_api_key = _gc_pubmed_api_key
, _ac_epo_api_url = _gc_epo_api_url }
frames = FramesConfig { _f_write_url = _gc_frame_write_url
, _f_calc_url = _gc_frame_calc_url
, _f_visio_url = _gc_frame_visio_url
, _f_searx_url = _gc_frame_searx_url
, _f_istex_url = _gc_frame_istex_url }
jobs = JobsConfig { _jc_max_docs_parsers = _gc_max_docs_parsers
, _jc_max_docs_scrapers = _gc_max_docs_scrapers
, _jc_js_job_timeout = _gc_js_job_timeout
, _jc_js_id_timeout = _gc_js_id_timeout }
mkProxyUrl :: GargConfig -> MicroServicesSettings -> BaseUrl
Module : Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Ini
Description : Textmining Collaborative Platform
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
Configuration for the gargantext server
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Ini (
-- * Types
-- * Lenses
, gc_backend_name
, gc_datafilepath
, gc_epo_api_url
, gc_frame_calc_url
, gc_frame_istex_url
, gc_frame_searx_url
, gc_frame_visio_url
, gc_frame_write_url
, gc_js_id_timeout
, gc_js_job_timeout
, gc_masteruser
, gc_max_docs_parsers
, gc_max_docs_scrapers
, gc_pubmed_api_key
, gc_repofilepath
, gc_secretkey
, gc_url
, gc_url_backend_api
-- * Utility functions
, readIniFile'
, readConfig
, val
, readDBConfig
) where
import Data.Ini (readIniFile, lookupValue, Ini)
import Data.Text as T
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple qualified as PGS
import Prelude (read)
import Gargantext.Prelude
-- | strip a given character from end of string
stripRight :: Char -> T.Text -> T.Text
stripRight c s = if T.last s == c then stripRight c (T.take (T.length s - 1) s) else s
data GargConfig = GargConfig { _gc_backend_name :: !T.Text
, _gc_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_url_backend_api :: !T.Text
, _gc_masteruser :: !T.Text
, _gc_secretkey :: !T.Text
, _gc_datafilepath :: !FilePath
, _gc_repofilepath :: !FilePath
, _gc_frame_write_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_frame_calc_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_frame_visio_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_frame_searx_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_frame_istex_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_max_docs_parsers :: !Integer
, _gc_max_docs_scrapers :: !Integer
, _gc_pubmed_api_key :: !T.Text
, _gc_js_job_timeout :: !Integer
, _gc_js_id_timeout :: !Integer
, _gc_epo_api_url :: !T.Text
deriving (Generic, Show)
makeLenses ''GargConfig
readIniFile' :: FilePath -> IO Ini
readIniFile' fp = do
ini <- readIniFile fp
case ini of
Left e -> panicTrace $ T.pack $ "ini file not found " <> show e
Right ini' -> pure ini'
val :: Ini -> Text -> Text -> Text
val ini section key = do
case (lookupValue section key ini) of
Left e -> panicTrace $ "ERROR: add " <> key <> " in section \"" <> section <> "\" to your gargantext.ini. " <> show e
Right p' -> p'
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO GargConfig
readConfig fp = do
ini <- readIniFile' fp
let val' = val ini "gargantext"
pure $ GargConfig
{ _gc_backend_name = cs $ val' "BACKEND_NAME"
, _gc_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "URL"
, _gc_url_backend_api = stripRight '/' $ val' "URL_BACKEND_API"
, _gc_masteruser = val' "MASTER_USER"
, _gc_secretkey = val' "SECRET_KEY"
, _gc_datafilepath = cs $ val' "DATA_FILEPATH"
, _gc_repofilepath = cs $ val' "REPO_FILEPATH"
, _gc_frame_write_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_WRITE_URL"
, _gc_frame_calc_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_CALC_URL"
, _gc_frame_visio_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_VISIO_URL"
, _gc_frame_searx_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_SEARX_URL"
, _gc_frame_istex_url = stripRight '/' $ val' "FRAME_ISTEX_URL"
, _gc_max_docs_parsers = read $ cs $ val' "MAX_DOCS_PARSERS"
, _gc_max_docs_scrapers = read $ cs $ val' "MAX_DOCS_SCRAPERS"
, _gc_pubmed_api_key = val' "PUBMED_API_KEY"
, _gc_js_job_timeout = read $ cs $ val' "JS_JOB_TIMEOUT"
, _gc_js_id_timeout = read $ cs $ val' "JS_ID_TIMEOUT"
, _gc_epo_api_url = cs $ val' "EPO_API_URL"
readDBConfig :: FilePath -> IO PGS.ConnectInfo
readDBConfig fp = do
ini <- readIniFile' fp
let val' = val ini "database"
let dbPortRaw = val' "DB_PORT"
let dbPort =
case (readMaybe dbPortRaw :: Maybe Word16) of
Nothing -> panicTrace $ "DB_PORT incorrect: " <> dbPortRaw
Just d -> d
pure $ PGS.ConnectInfo { PGS.connectHost = cs $ val' "DB_HOST"
, PGS.connectPort = dbPort
, PGS.connectUser = cs $ val' "DB_USER"
, PGS.connectPassword = cs $ val' "DB_PASS"
, PGS.connectDatabase = cs $ val' "DB_NAME" }
Module : Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Mail
Description :
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Mail (
-- * Types
, LoginType(..)
, MailConfig(..)
-- * Utility functions
, gargMail
, readConfig
-- * Lenses
, mc_mail_from
, mc_mail_host
, mc_mail_login_type
, mc_mail_password
, mc_mail_port
, mc_mail_user
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Ini (readIniFile', val)
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Mail (LoginType(..), MailConfig(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Network.Mail.Mime (plainPart)
import Network.Mail.SMTP hiding (htmlPart, STARTTLS)
import Prelude (read)
type Email = Text
type Name = Text
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO MailConfig
readConfig fp = do
ini <- readIniFile' fp
let val' = val ini "mail"
pure $ MailConfig { _mc_mail_host = cs $ val' "MAIL_HOST"
, _mc_mail_port = read $ cs $ val' "MAIL_PORT"
, _mc_mail_user = cs $ val' "MAIL_USER"
, _mc_mail_from = cs $ val' "MAIL_FROM"
, _mc_mail_password = cs $ val' "MAIL_PASSWORD"
, _mc_mail_login_type = read $ cs $ val' "MAIL_LOGIN_TYPE"
data GargMail = GargMail { gm_to :: Email
, gm_name :: Maybe Name
, gm_subject :: Text
, gm_body :: Text
-- | TODO add parameters to gargantext.ini
gargMail :: MailConfig -> GargMail -> IO ()
gargMail (MailConfig {..}) (GargMail { .. }) = do
let host = unpack _mc_mail_host
user = unpack _mc_mail_user
password = unpack _mc_mail_password
case _mc_mail_login_type of
NoAuth -> sendMail host mail
Normal -> sendMailWithLogin' host _mc_mail_port user password mail
SSL -> sendMailWithLoginTLS' host _mc_mail_port user password mail
TLS -> sendMailWithLoginTLS' host _mc_mail_port user password mail
STARTTLS -> sendMailWithLoginSTARTTLS' host _mc_mail_port user password mail
mail = simpleMail sender receiver cc bcc gm_subject [plainPart $ cs gm_body]
sender = Address (Just "GarganText Email") _mc_mail_from
receiver = [Address gm_name gm_to]
cc = []
bcc = []
makeLenses ''MailConfig
Module : Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.NLP
Description :
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.NLP (
-- * Types
-- * Utility functions
, readConfig
-- * Lenses
, nlp_default
, nlp_languages
import Data.Ini qualified as Ini
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Ini (readIniFile', val)
import Gargantext.Core.Config.NLP (NLPConfig(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Prelude.Utils (listToMaybeAll)
import Network.URI (parseURI)
iniSection :: Text
iniSection = "nlp"
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO NLPConfig
readConfig fp = do
ini <- readIniFile' fp
let val' = val ini iniSection
let lang_default_text = "EN" -- Change this value by one of your choice: "All", "FR", or "EN"
let m_nlp_default = parseURI $ cs $ val' lang_default_text
let m_nlp_keys = filter (\k -> k `notElem` [lang_default_text]) $ fromRight [] $ Ini.keys iniSection ini
let m_nlp_other = listToMaybeAll $ (\k -> (,) k <$> (parseURI $ cs $ val' k)) <$> m_nlp_keys
let mRet = NLPConfig <$> m_nlp_default <*> (Map.fromList <$> m_nlp_other)
case mRet of
Nothing -> panicTrace $ T.concat [ "Cannot read config file: _nlp_default = "
, T.pack $ show m_nlp_default
, ", _nlp_other = "
, T.pack $ show m_nlp_other ]
Just ret -> pure ret
makeLenses ''NLPConfig
......@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ instance FromValue LoginType where
_ -> fail ("Cannot parse login type from " <> T.unpack t)
fromValue _ = fail ("Expected text for login type")
instance ToValue LoginType where
toValue v = toValue (show v :: Text)
data MailConfig = MailConfig { _mc_mail_host :: !T.Text
, _mc_mail_port :: !PortNumber
......@@ -67,7 +69,6 @@ data MailConfig = MailConfig { _mc_mail_host :: !T.Text
, _mc_mail_from :: !T.Text
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromValue MailConfig where
fromValue = parseTableFromValue $ do
_mc_mail_host <- reqKey "host"
......@@ -77,6 +78,15 @@ instance FromValue MailConfig where
_mc_mail_login_type <- reqKey "login_type"
_mc_mail_from <- reqKey "from"
return $ MailConfig { _mc_mail_port = fromIntegral port, .. }
instance ToValue MailConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable MailConfig where
toTable (MailConfig { .. }) = table [ "port" .= (fromIntegral _mc_mail_port :: Int)
, "host" .= _mc_mail_host
, "user" .= _mc_mail_user
, "password" .= _mc_mail_password
, "from" .= _mc_mail_from
, "login_type" .= _mc_mail_login_type ]
-- readConfig :: SettingsFile -> IO MailConfig
-- readConfig (SettingsFile fp) = do
......@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ instance FromValue URI where
Nothing -> fail ("Cannot parse URI " <> T.unpack t)
Just uri -> return uri
fromValue _ = fail ("Expected text for URI")
instance ToValue URI where
toValue v = toValue (show v :: Text)
data NLPConfig = NLPConfig { _nlp_default :: URI
, _nlp_languages :: Map.Map T.Text URI }
......@@ -51,6 +52,11 @@ instance FromValue NLPConfig where
MkTable t <- parseTableFromValue getTable v
_nlp_languages <- mapM fromValue (snd <$> t)
return $ NLPConfig { .. }
instance ToValue NLPConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable NLPConfig where
toTable (NLPConfig { .. }) =
table [ k .= v | (k, v) <- Map.toList _nlp_languages ]
-- readConfig :: SettingsFile -> IO NLPConfig
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Fail (fail)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple qualified as PGS
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Servant.Client.Core (BaseUrl, parseBaseUrl)
import Servant.Client.Core (BaseUrl, parseBaseUrl, showBaseUrl)
import Toml
import Toml.Schema
......@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ instance FromValue CORSOrigin where
Nothing -> fail $ "Cannot parse base url for: " <> T.unpack t
Just b -> return $ CORSOrigin b
fromValue _ = fail "Incorrect key type, expected Text"
instance ToValue CORSOrigin where
toValue (CORSOrigin o) = toValue (showBaseUrl o)
data CORSSettings =
CORSSettings {
......@@ -75,6 +76,11 @@ instance FromValue CORSSettings where
let _corsAllowedHosts = mempty
_corsUseOriginsForHosts <- reqKey "use-origins-for-hosts"
return $ CORSSettings { .. }
instance ToValue CORSSettings where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable CORSSettings where
toTable (CORSSettings { .. }) = table [ "allowed-origins" .= _corsAllowedOrigins
, "use-origins-for-hosts" .= _corsUseOriginsForHosts ]
makeLenses ''CORSSettings
......@@ -85,12 +91,19 @@ data MicroServicesSettings =
_msProxyPort :: !Int
, _msProxyEnabled :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromValue MicroServicesSettings where
fromValue = parseTableFromValue $ reqKeyOf "proxy" $ parseTableFromValue $ do
_msProxyPort <- reqKey "port"
_msProxyEnabled <- reqKey "enabled"
return $ MicroServicesSettings { .. }
instance ToValue MicroServicesSettings where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable MicroServicesSettings where
toTable (MicroServicesSettings { .. }) =
table [ "proxy" .=
table [ "port" .= _msProxyPort
, "enabled" .= _msProxyEnabled ]
makeLenses ''MicroServicesSettings
......@@ -110,6 +123,15 @@ instance FromValue TOMLConnectInfo where
, PGS.connectUser = user
, PGS.connectPassword = password
, PGS.connectDatabase = db }
instance ToValue TOMLConnectInfo where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable TOMLConnectInfo where
toTable (TOMLConnectInfo (PGS.ConnectInfo { .. })) =
table [ "host" .= connectHost
, "port" .= connectPort
, "user" .= connectUser
, "pass" .= connectPassword
, "name" .= connectDatabase ]
data FramesConfig =
......@@ -120,7 +142,6 @@ data FramesConfig =
, _f_istex_url :: Text
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromValue FramesConfig where
fromValue = parseTableFromValue $ do
_f_write_url <- reqKey "write_url"
......@@ -129,6 +150,14 @@ instance FromValue FramesConfig where
_f_searx_url <- reqKey "searx_url"
_f_istex_url <- reqKey "istex_url"
return $ FramesConfig { .. }
instance ToValue FramesConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable FramesConfig where
toTable (FramesConfig { .. }) = table [ "write_url" .= _f_write_url
, "calc_url" .= _f_calc_url
, "visio_url" .= _f_visio_url
, "searx_url" .= _f_searx_url
, "istex_url" .= _f_istex_url ]
data FrontendConfig =
......@@ -140,7 +169,6 @@ data FrontendConfig =
, _fc_microservices :: !MicroServicesSettings
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromValue FrontendConfig where
fromValue = parseTableFromValue $ do
_fc_url <- reqKey "url"
......@@ -150,6 +178,15 @@ instance FromValue FrontendConfig where
_fc_cors <- reqKey "cors"
_fc_microservices <- reqKey "microservices"
return $ FrontendConfig { .. }
instance ToValue FrontendConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable FrontendConfig where
toTable (FrontendConfig { .. }) = table [ "url" .= _fc_url
, "backend_name" .= _fc_backend_name
, "url_backend_api" .= _fc_url_backend_api
, "jwt_settings" .= _fc_jwt_settings
, "cors" .= _fc_cors
, "microservices" .= _fc_microservices ]
data SecretsConfig =
......@@ -157,12 +194,16 @@ data SecretsConfig =
, _s_secret_key :: !Text
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromValue SecretsConfig where
fromValue = parseTableFromValue $ do
_s_master_user <- reqKey "master_user"
_s_secret_key <- reqKey "secret_key"
return $ SecretsConfig { .. }
instance ToValue SecretsConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable SecretsConfig where
toTable (SecretsConfig { .. }) = table [ "master_user" .= _s_master_user
, "secret_key" .= _s_secret_key ]
data JobsConfig =
......@@ -177,6 +218,13 @@ instance FromValue JobsConfig where
_jc_js_job_timeout <- reqKey "js_job_timeout"
_jc_js_id_timeout <- reqKey "js_id_timeout"
return $ JobsConfig { .. }
instance ToValue JobsConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable JobsConfig where
toTable (JobsConfig { .. }) = table [ "max_docs_parsers" .= _jc_max_docs_parsers
, "max_docs_scrapers" .= _jc_max_docs_scrapers
, "js_job_timeout" .= _jc_js_job_timeout
, "js_id_timeout" .= _jc_js_id_timeout ]
data APIsConfig =
......@@ -187,7 +235,12 @@ instance FromValue APIsConfig where
_ac_pubmed_api_key <- reqKeyOf "pubmed" $ parseTableFromValue $ reqKey "api_key"
_ac_epo_api_url <- reqKeyOf "epo" $ parseTableFromValue $ reqKey "api_url"
return $ APIsConfig { .. }
instance ToValue APIsConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable APIsConfig where
toTable (APIsConfig { .. }) = table [ "pubmed" .= table [ "api_key" .= _ac_pubmed_api_key ]
, "epo" .= table [ "api_url" .= _ac_epo_api_url ]
data NotificationsConfig =
......@@ -209,3 +262,14 @@ instance FromValue NotificationsConfig where
c <- reqKey "connect"
pure (b, c)
return $ NotificationsConfig { .. }
instance ToValue NotificationsConfig where
toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToTable NotificationsConfig where
toTable (NotificationsConfig { .. }) =
table [ "central-exchange" .=
table [ "bind" .= _nc_central_exchange_bind
, "connect" .= _nc_central_exchange_connect ]
, "dispatcher" .=
table [ "bind" .= _nc_dispatcher_bind
, "connect" .= _nc_dispatcher_connect ]
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