[epo] implement limit

parent 32920384
Pipeline #5356 failed with stages
in 3 minutes and 50 seconds
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ get Nothing _ _ _ _ = do
-- throwIO $ EPO.OtherError "AuthKey is required"
pure $ Left $ ConnectionError $ toException $ ErrorCall "AuthKey is required"
get (Just authKey) epoAPIUrl q lang mLimit = do
let _limit = Corpus.getLimit $ fromMaybe 10000 mLimit
let limit = Corpus.getLimit <$> mLimit
case parseURI (T.unpack epoAPIUrl) of
Nothing -> pure $ Left $ ConnectionError $ toException $ ErrorCall "Cannot parse API URL"
Just apiUrl -> do
eRes <- EPO.searchEPOAPIC apiUrl authKey Nothing (Just 30) (Corpus.getRawQuery q)
eRes <- EPO.searchEPOAPIC apiUrl authKey Nothing limit (Corpus.getRawQuery q)
pure $ (\(total, itemsC) -> (Just total, itemsC .| mapC (toDoc lang))) <$> eRes
-- EPO.Paginated { .. } <- EPO.searchEPOAPI apiUrl authKey 1 20 (Corpus.getRawQuery q)
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