[tests] add notifications func comment, fix core/notifications indent

parent b8ea3af2
Pipeline #7258 passed with stages
in 76 minutes and 38 seconds
......@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ tests = sequential $ around withTestDBAndPort $ do
-- | Given spec context and an action, call that action to perform
-- some node tree update, and check that there was a notification
-- about this tree update.
checkNotification :: SpecContext a
-> (AuthResponse -> IO ())
-> IO ()
......@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ qcTests :: TestTree
qcTests =
testGroup "Notifications QuickCheck tests" $ do
[ QC.testProperty "CEMessage aeson encoding" $ \m -> A.decode (A.encode (m :: CEMessage)) == Just m
, QC.testProperty "Topic aeson encoding" $ \t -> A.decode (A.encode (t :: Topic)) == Just t
, QC.testProperty "WSRequest aeson encoding" $ \ws -> A.decode (A.encode (ws :: WSRequest)) == Just ws ]
, QC.testProperty "Topic aeson encoding" $ \t -> A.decode (A.encode (t :: Topic)) == Just t
, QC.testProperty "WSRequest aeson encoding" $ \ws -> A.decode (A.encode (ws :: WSRequest)) == Just ws ]
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