Commit 45598a22 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[ngrams] some more moving of types around

parent ca7ecf6d
Pipeline #2950 failed with stage
in 13 minutes and 25 seconds
......@@ -194,22 +194,6 @@ instance ToSchema NgramsTable
-- | OutGroup NgramsId NgramsId
-- | SetListType NgramsId ListType
data PatchSet a = PatchSet
{ _rem :: Set a
, _add :: Set a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
makeLenses ''PatchSet
makePrisms ''PatchSet
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (PatchSet a) where
toJSON = genericToJSON $ unPrefix "_"
toEncoding = genericToEncoding $ unPrefix "_"
instance (Ord a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (PatchSet a) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ unPrefix "_"
instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (PatchSet a) where
arbitrary = PatchSet <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
......@@ -266,55 +250,6 @@ makePrisms ''PM.PatchMap
makePrisms ''PatchMSet
_PatchMSetIso :: Ord a => Iso' (PatchMSet a) (PatchSet a)
_PatchMSetIso = _PatchMSet . _PatchMap . iso f g . from _PatchSet
f :: Ord a => Map a (Replace (Maybe ())) -> (Set a, Set a)
f = Map.partition isRem >>> both %~ Map.keysSet
g :: Ord a => (Set a, Set a) -> Map a (Replace (Maybe ()))
g (rems, adds) = Map.fromSet (const remPatch) rems
<> Map.fromSet (const addPatch) adds
instance Ord a => Action (PatchMSet a) (MSet a) where
act (PatchMSet p) (MSet m) = MSet $ act p m
instance Ord a => Applicable (PatchMSet a) (MSet a) where
applicable (PatchMSet p) (MSet m) = applicable p m
instance (Ord a, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (PatchMSet a) where
toJSON = toJSON . view _PatchMSetIso
toEncoding = toEncoding . view _PatchMSetIso
instance (Ord a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (PatchMSet a) where
parseJSON = fmap (_PatchMSetIso #) . parseJSON
instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (PatchMSet a) where
arbitrary = (PatchMSet . PM.fromMap) <$> arbitrary
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (PatchMSet a) where
declareNamedSchema _ = wellNamedSchema "" (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
type instance Patched (PatchMSet a) = MSet a
instance (Eq a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Replace a) where
arbitrary = uncurry replace <$> arbitrary
-- If they happen to be equal then the patch is Keep.
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Replace a) where
declareNamedSchema (_ :: Proxy (Replace a)) = do
-- TODO Keep constructor is not supported here.
aSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy a)
return $ NamedSchema (Just "Replace") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& properties .~
[ ("old", aSchema)
, ("new", aSchema)
& required .~ [ "old", "new" ]
ngramsElementToRepo :: NgramsElement -> NgramsRepoElement
(NgramsElement { _ne_size = s
......@@ -356,6 +291,12 @@ ngramsElementFromRepo
instance Arbitrary NgramsRepoElement where
arbitrary = elements $ map ngramsElementToRepo ns
NgramsTable ns = mockTable
reRootChildren :: NgramsTerm -> ReParent NgramsTerm
reRootChildren root ngram = do
nre <- use $ at ngram
......@@ -389,14 +330,6 @@ reParentNgramsTablePatch p = itraverse_ reParentNgramsPatch (p ^. _NgramsTablePa
instance Action NgramsTablePatch (Maybe NgramsTableMap) where
act p =
fmap (execState (reParentNgramsTablePatch p)) .
act (p ^. _NgramsTablePatch)
instance Arbitrary NgramsTablePatch where
arbitrary = NgramsTablePatch <$> PM.fromMap <$> arbitrary
-- Should it be less than an Lens' to preserve PatchMap's abstraction.
-- ntp_ngrams_patches :: Lens' NgramsTablePatch (Map NgramsTerm NgramsPatch)
-- ntp_ngrams_patches = _NgramsTablePatch . undefined
......@@ -477,17 +410,6 @@ type RepoCmdM env err m =
-- Instances
instance Arbitrary NgramsRepoElement where
arbitrary = elements $ map ngramsElementToRepo ns
NgramsTable ns = mockTable
instance FromHttpApiData (Map SchemaNgrams.NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap))
parseUrlPiece x = maybeToEither x (decode $ cs x)
instance ToHttpApiData (Map SchemaNgrams.NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap)) where
toUrlPiece m = cs (encode m)
ngramsTypeFromTabType :: TabType -> SchemaNgrams.NgramsType
ngramsTypeFromTabType tabType =
......@@ -521,3 +443,8 @@ instance ToSchema UpdateTableNgramsCharts where
type NgramsList = (Map SchemaNgrams.NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap))
instance FromHttpApiData (Map SchemaNgrams.NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap))
parseUrlPiece x = maybeToEither x (decode $ cs x)
instance ToHttpApiData (Map SchemaNgrams.NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap)) where
toUrlPiece m = cs (encode m)
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Gargantext.Core.Types.Ngrams where
......@@ -12,7 +15,7 @@ import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Map.Strict.Patch (PatchMap)
import Data.Map.Strict.Patch (PatchMap, fromMap)
import Data.Patch.Class (Action(..), Applicable(..), Composable, ConflictResolution, ConflictResolutionReplace, Group, MaybePatch(Mod), Patched, PairPatch(..), Replace, Transformable(..))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
......@@ -119,6 +122,74 @@ newtype PatchMSet a = PatchMSet (PatchMap a AddRem)
unPatchMSet :: PatchMSet a -> PatchMap a AddRem
unPatchMSet (PatchMSet a) = a
data PatchSet a = PatchSet
{ _rem :: Set a
, _add :: Set a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
makeLenses ''PatchSet
makePrisms ''PatchSet
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (PatchSet a) where
toJSON = genericToJSON $ unPrefix "_"
toEncoding = genericToEncoding $ unPrefix "_"
instance (Ord a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (PatchSet a) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ unPrefix "_"
_PatchMSetIso :: Ord a => Iso' (PatchMSet a) (PatchSet a)
_PatchMSetIso = _PatchMSet . _PatchMap . iso f g . from _PatchSet
f :: Ord a => Map a (Replace (Maybe ())) -> (Set a, Set a)
f = Map.partition isRem >>> both %~ Map.keysSet
g :: Ord a => (Set a, Set a) -> Map a (Replace (Maybe ()))
g (rems, adds) = Map.fromSet (const remPatch) rems
<> Map.fromSet (const addPatch) adds
instance Ord a => Action (PatchMSet a) (MSet a) where
act (PatchMSet p) (MSet m) = MSet $ act p m
instance Ord a => Applicable (PatchMSet a) (MSet a) where
applicable (PatchMSet p) (MSet m) = applicable p m
instance (Ord a, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (PatchMSet a) where
toJSON = toJSON . view _PatchMSetIso
toEncoding = toEncoding . view _PatchMSetIso
instance (Ord a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (PatchMSet a) where
parseJSON = fmap (_PatchMSetIso #) . parseJSON
instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (PatchMSet a) where
arbitrary = (PatchMSet . fromMap) <$> arbitrary
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (PatchMSet a) where
declareNamedSchema _ = wellNamedSchema "" (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
type instance Patched (PatchMSet a) = MSet a
instance (Eq a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Replace a) where
arbitrary = uncurry replace <$> arbitrary
-- If they happen to be equal then the patch is Keep.
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Replace a) where
declareNamedSchema (_ :: Proxy (Replace a)) = do
-- TODO Keep constructor is not supported here.
aSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy a)
return $ NamedSchema (Just "Replace") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
& properties .~
[ ("old", aSchema)
, ("new", aSchema)
& required .~ [ "old", "new" ]
type ConflictResolutionPatchMSet a = a -> ConflictResolutionReplace (Maybe ())
type instance ConflictResolution (PatchMSet a) = ConflictResolutionPatchMSet a
......@@ -232,6 +303,12 @@ instance FromField NgramsTablePatch
instance FromField (PatchMap SchemaNgrams.NgramsType (PatchMap NodeId NgramsTablePatch))
fromField = fromField'
instance Action NgramsTablePatch (Maybe NgramsTableMap) where
act p =
fmap (execState (reParentNgramsTablePatch p)) .
act (p ^. _NgramsTablePatch)
instance Arbitrary NgramsTablePatch where
arbitrary = NgramsTablePatch <$> fromMap <$> arbitrary
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