Commit 4a5fdbd6 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX name] GraphTerm -> MapTerm

parent ccd84a0f
Pipeline #908 failed with stage
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata (HyperdataDocument(..))
import Gargantext.Text.Context (TermList)
import Gargantext.Text.Corpus.Parsers.CSV (csv_title, csv_abstract, csv_publication_year)
import Gargantext.Text.Corpus.Parsers (FileFormat(..),parseFile)
import Gargantext.Text.List.CSV (csvGraphTermList)
import Gargantext.Text.List.CSV (csvMapTermList)
import Gargantext.Text.Terms.WithList (Patterns, buildPatterns, extractTermsWithList)
import Gargantext.Viz.AdaptativePhylo
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker (toPhylo)
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ main = do
Right config -> do
printIOMsg "Parse the corpus"
mapList <- csvGraphTermList (listPath config)
mapList <- csvMapTermList (listPath config)
corpus <- fileToDocs (corpusParser config) (corpusPath config) mapList
printIOComment (show (length corpus) <> " parsed docs from the corpus")
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import Gargantext.Text.Terms
import Gargantext.Text.Context
import Gargantext.Text.Terms.WithList
import Gargantext.Text.Corpus.Parsers.CSV (readFile, csv_title, csv_abstract, csv_publication_year)
import Gargantext.Text.List.CSV (csvGraphTermList)
import Gargantext.Text.List.CSV (csvMapTermList)
import Gargantext.Text.Terms (terms)
import Gargantext.Text.Metrics.Count (coocOnContexts, Coocs)
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ main = do
<$> readFile corpusFile
-- termListMap :: [Text]
termList <- csvGraphTermList termListFile
termList <- csvMapTermList termListFile
putStrLn $ show $ length termList
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Text.Context (TermList)
import Gargantext.Text.Corpus.Parsers (FileFormat(..),parseFile)
import Gargantext.Text.Corpus.Parsers.CSV (csv_title, csv_abstract, csv_publication_year)
import Gargantext.Text.List.CSV (csvGraphTermList)
import Gargantext.Text.List.CSV (csvMapTermList)
import Gargantext.Text.Terms.WithList
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.LevelMaker
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ main = do
P.Left err -> putStrLn err
P.Right conf -> do
termList <- csvGraphTermList (listPath conf)
termList <- csvMapTermList (listPath conf)
corpus <- parse (corpusType conf) (limit conf) (corpusPath conf) termList
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ updatePie' cId maybeListId tabType _maybeLimit = do
, hd_scatter = hds
, hd_tree = hdt }) = node ^. node_hyperdata
p <- pieData cId (ngramsTypeFromTabType tabType) GraphTerm
p <- pieData cId (ngramsTypeFromTabType tabType) MapTerm
_ <- updateHyperdata listId $ HyperdataList hdc hdl (Just $ ChartMetrics p) hds hdt
pure $ ChartMetrics p
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ mkNgramsElement ngrams list rp children =
newNgramsElement :: Maybe ListType -> NgramsTerm -> NgramsElement
newNgramsElement mayList ngrams =
mkNgramsElement ngrams (fromMaybe GraphTerm mayList) Nothing mempty
mkNgramsElement ngrams (fromMaybe MapTerm mayList) Nothing mempty
instance ToSchema NgramsElement where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_ne_")
......@@ -348,16 +348,16 @@ toNgramsElement ns = map toNgramsElement' ns
mockTable :: NgramsTable
mockTable = NgramsTable
[ mkNgramsElement "animal" GraphTerm Nothing (mSetFromList ["dog", "cat"])
, mkNgramsElement "cat" GraphTerm (rp "animal") mempty
[ mkNgramsElement "animal" MapTerm Nothing (mSetFromList ["dog", "cat"])
, mkNgramsElement "cat" MapTerm (rp "animal") mempty
, mkNgramsElement "cats" StopTerm Nothing mempty
, mkNgramsElement "dog" GraphTerm (rp "animal") (mSetFromList ["dogs"])
, mkNgramsElement "dog" MapTerm (rp "animal") (mSetFromList ["dogs"])
, mkNgramsElement "dogs" StopTerm (rp "dog") mempty
, mkNgramsElement "fox" GraphTerm Nothing mempty
, mkNgramsElement "fox" MapTerm Nothing mempty
, mkNgramsElement "object" CandidateTerm Nothing mempty
, mkNgramsElement "nothing" StopTerm Nothing mempty
, mkNgramsElement "organic" GraphTerm Nothing (mSetFromList ["flower"])
, mkNgramsElement "flower" GraphTerm (rp "organic") mempty
, mkNgramsElement "organic" MapTerm Nothing (mSetFromList ["flower"])
, mkNgramsElement "flower" MapTerm (rp "organic") mempty
, mkNgramsElement "moon" CandidateTerm Nothing mempty
, mkNgramsElement "sky" StopTerm Nothing mempty
......@@ -695,8 +695,8 @@ ngramsIdPatch = fromList $ catMaybes $ reverse [ replace (1::NgramsId) (Just $ n
-- TODO: Replace.old is ignored which means that if the current list
-- `GraphTerm` and that the patch is `Replace CandidateTerm StopTerm` then
-- the list is going to be `StopTerm` while it should keep `GraphTerm`.
-- `MapTerm` and that the patch is `Replace CandidateTerm StopTerm` then
-- the list is going to be `StopTerm` while it should keep `MapTerm`.
-- However this should not happen in non conflicting situations.
mkListsUpdate :: NgramsType -> NgramsTablePatch -> [(NgramsTypeId, NgramsTerm, ListTypeId)]
mkListsUpdate nt patches =
......@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ filterListWithRoot :: ListType -> Map Text (ListType, Maybe Text)
-> Map Text (Maybe RootTerm)
filterListWithRoot lt m = Map.fromList
$ map (\(t,(_,r)) -> (t,r))
$ filter isGraphTerm (Map.toList m)
$ filter isMapTerm (Map.toList m)
isGraphTerm (_t,(l, maybeRoot)) = case maybeRoot of
isMapTerm (_t,(l, maybeRoot)) = case maybeRoot of
Nothing -> l == lt
Just r -> case Map.lookup r m of
Nothing -> panic $ "Garg.API.Ngrams.Tools: filterWithRoot, unknown key: " <> r
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ getNodeNgrams cId lId' nt repo = do
Just l -> pure l
lIds <- selectNodesWithUsername NodeList userMaster
let ngs = filterListWithRoot GraphTerm $ mapTermListRoot [lId] nt repo
let ngs = filterListWithRoot MapTerm $ mapTermListRoot [lId] nt repo
r <- getNgramsByNodeOnlyUser cId (lIds <> [lId]) nt (Map.keys ngs)
pure r
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ type HashId = Text
type TypeId = Int
-- TODO multiple ListType declaration, remove it
data ListType = StopTerm | CandidateTerm | GraphTerm
data ListType = StopTerm | CandidateTerm | MapTerm
deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded)
instance ToJSON ListType
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ type ListTypeId = Int
listTypeId :: ListType -> ListTypeId
listTypeId StopTerm = 0
listTypeId CandidateTerm = 1
listTypeId GraphTerm = 2
listTypeId MapTerm = 2
fromListTypeId :: ListTypeId -> Maybe ListType
fromListTypeId i = lookup i $ fromList [ (listTypeId l, l) | l <- [minBound..maxBound]]
......@@ -73,6 +73,6 @@ getNgrams cId maybeListId tabType = do
lists <- mapTermListRoot [lId] (ngramsTypeFromTabType tabType) <$> getRepo
let maybeSyn = Map.unions $ map (\t -> filterListWithRoot t lists)
[GraphTerm, StopTerm, CandidateTerm]
[MapTerm, StopTerm, CandidateTerm]
pure (lists, maybeSyn)
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ buildNgramsOthersList uCid groupIt nt = do
graphTerms = List.take listSize all'
candiTerms = List.drop listSize all'
pure $ Map.unionsWith (<>) [ toElements GraphTerm graphTerms
pure $ Map.unionsWith (<>) [ toElements MapTerm graphTerms
, toElements CandidateTerm candiTerms
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ buildNgramsTermsList' uCid groupIt stop gls is = do
$ map toNgramsElement
$ map (\t -> (StopTerm , toList' t)) s
<> map (\t -> (CandidateTerm, toList' t)) c
<> map (\t -> (GraphTerm , toList' t)) m
<> map (\t -> (MapTerm , toList' t)) m
pure $ Map.fromList [(NgramsTerms, ngs')]
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ buildNgramsTermsList l n m s uCid mCid = do
termList =
-- (toTermList a b ((isStopTerm s) . fst) candidatesHead)
(map (toGargList ((isStopTerm s) .fst) GraphTerm) candidatesHead)
(map (toGargList ((isStopTerm s) .fst) MapTerm) candidatesHead)
<> (map (toGargList ((isStopTerm s) .fst) CandidateTerm) candidatesTail)
ngs = List.concat $ map toNgramsElement termList
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ toTermList :: Int
toTermList _ _ _ [] = []
toTermList a b stop ns = -- trace ("computing toTermList") $
map (toGargList stop CandidateTerm) xs
<> map (toGargList stop GraphTerm) ys
<> map (toGargList stop MapTerm) ys
<> toTermList a b stop zs
xs = take a ns
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ import Gargantext.Text.Context
csvGraphTermList :: FilePath -> IO TermList
csvGraphTermList fp = csv2list CsvMap <$> snd <$> fromCsvListFile fp
csvMapTermList :: FilePath -> IO TermList
csvMapTermList fp = csv2list CsvMap <$> snd <$> fromCsvListFile fp
csv2list :: CsvListType -> Vector CsvList -> TermList
csv2list lt vs = V.toList $ (\(CsvList _ label forms)
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ computeGraph cId d nt repo = do
-- (map (\n -> LegendField n "#FFFFFF" (pack $ show n)) [1..10])
lIds <- selectNodesWithUsername NodeList userMaster
let ngs = filterListWithRoot GraphTerm $ mapTermListRoot [lId] nt repo
let ngs = filterListWithRoot MapTerm $ mapTermListRoot [lId] nt repo
myCooc <- Map.filter (>1)
<$> getCoocByNgrams (Diagonal True)
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ flowPhylo :: FlowCmdM env err m
flowPhylo cId = do
list <- defaultList cId
termList <- Map.toList <$> getTermsWith Text.words [list] NgramsTerms GraphTerm
termList <- Map.toList <$> getTermsWith Text.words [list] NgramsTerms MapTerm
docs' <- catMaybes
<$> map (\h -> (,) <$> _hyperdataDocument_publication_year h
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