Commit 4f17f5dd authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

fix the freq

parent f55c2f59
Pipeline #595 failed with stage
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ defaultConfig =
, phyloLevel = 2
, phyloProximity = WeightedLogJaccard 10 0 0.1
, phyloSynchrony = ByProximityDistribution 0
, phyloQuality = Quality 0.5 1
, phyloQuality = Quality 10 3
, timeUnit = Year 3 1 5
, contextualUnit = Fis 1 5
, exportLabel = [BranchLabel MostInclusive 2, GroupLabel MostEmergentInclusive 2]
......@@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ data Phylo =
Phylo { _phylo_foundations :: PhyloFoundations
, _phylo_timeCooc :: !(Map Date Cooc)
, _phylo_timeDocs :: !(Map Date Double)
, _phylo_termFreq :: !(Map Int Double)
, _phylo_param :: PhyloParam
, _phylo_periods :: Map PhyloPeriodId PhyloPeriod
......@@ -338,11 +338,12 @@ branchDating export =
$ foldl' (\acc g -> if (g ^. phylo_groupBranchId == b ^. branch_id)
then acc ++ [g ^. phylo_groupPeriod]
else acc ) [] $ export ^. export_groups
periods = nub groups
birth = fst $ head' "birth" groups
age = (snd $ last' "age" groups) - birth
in b & branch_meta %~ insert "birth" [fromIntegral birth]
& branch_meta %~ insert "age" [fromIntegral age]
& branch_meta %~ insert "size" [fromIntegral $ length groups] ) export
& branch_meta %~ insert "size" [fromIntegral $ length periods] ) export
processMetrics :: PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
processMetrics export = ngramsMetrics
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker where
import Data.List (concat, nub, partition, sort, (++))
import Data.List (concat, nub, partition, sort, (++), group)
import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, keys, unionWith, fromList, empty, toList, elems, (!), restrictKeys)
import Data.Set (size)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
......@@ -206,6 +206,17 @@ groupDocsByPeriod f pds es =
docsToTermFreq :: [Document] -> Vector Ngrams -> Map Int Double
docsToTermFreq docs fdt =
let nbDocs = fromIntegral $ length docs
freqs = map (/nbDocs)
$ fromList
$ map (\lst -> (head' "docsToTermFreq" lst, fromIntegral $ length lst))
$ group $ sort $ concat $ map (\d -> nub $ ngramsToIdx (text d) fdt) docs
sumFreqs = sum $ elems freqs
in map (/sumFreqs) freqs
-- | To count the number of docs by unit of time
docsToTimeScaleNb :: [Document] -> Map Date Double
docsToTimeScaleNb docs =
......@@ -230,5 +241,6 @@ toPhyloBase docs lst conf =
$ Phylo foundations
(docsToTimeScaleCooc docs (foundations ^. foundations_roots))
(docsToTimeScaleNb docs)
(docsToTermFreq docs (foundations ^. foundations_roots))
(fromList $ map (\prd -> (prd, PhyloPeriod prd (initPhyloLevels 1 prd))) periods)
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.TemporalMatching where
import Data.List (concat, splitAt, tail, sortOn, (++), intersect, null, inits, groupBy, scanl, nub, union, dropWhile, partition, delete, and)
import Data.List (concat, splitAt, tail, sortOn, (++), intersect, null, inits, groupBy, scanl, nub, union, dropWhile, partition, delete, or)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, elems, restrictKeys, unionWith, intersectionWith, findWithDefault, keys, (!), filterWithKey)
import Gargantext.Prelude
......@@ -370,23 +370,23 @@ alterBorder :: Int -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> [PhyloGroup] -> Int
alterBorder border branches branch = border + (length $ concat branches) - (length branch)
-- | Important ne pas virer les filtree mais les mettre en false
seqMatching :: Proximity -> Double -> Map Int Double -> Int -> Double -> Int -> Map Date Double -> [PhyloPeriodId] -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)] -> ([PhyloGroup],Bool) -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)] -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)]
seqMatching proximity beta frequency minBranch egoThr frame docs periods done ego rest =
seqMatching proximity beta frequency minBranch egoThr frame docs periods done ego rest =
-- | 1) keep or not the new division of ego
let done' = done ++ (if snd ego
then (if ((null ego') || (quality > quality'))
then (if ((null (fst ego')) || (quality > quality'))
then trace (" ✗ F(β) = " <> show(quality) <> " (vs) " <> show(quality')
<> " | " <> show((length done) + (length ego') + (length rest))
<> "["
<> show((length $ concat $ map fst done) + (length $ concat ego') + (length $ concat $ map fst rest))
<> "]")
<> " | " <> show(length $ fst ego) <> " groups : "
<> " |✓ " <> show(length $ fst ego') <> show(map length $ fst ego')
<> " |✗ " <> show(length $ snd ego') <> "[" <> show(length $ concat $ snd ego') <> "]")
$ [(fst ego,False)]
else trace (" ✓ F(β) = " <> show(quality) <> " (vs) " <> show(quality')
<> " | " <> show((length done) + (length ego') + (length rest))
<> "["
<> show((length $ concat $ map fst done) + (length $ concat ego') + (length $ concat $ map fst rest))
<> "]")
$ (map (\e -> (e,True)) ego'))
<> " | " <> show(length $ fst ego) <> " groups : "
<> " |✓ " <> show(length $ fst ego') <> show(map length $ fst ego')
<> " |✗ " <> show(length $ snd ego') <> "[" <> show(length $ concat $ snd ego') <> "]")
$ ((map (\e -> (e,True)) (fst ego')) ++ (map (\e -> (e,False)) (snd ego'))))
else [ego])
-- | 2) if there is no more branches in rest then return else continue
......@@ -399,21 +399,21 @@ seqMatching proximity beta frequency minBranch egoThr frame docs periods done eg
quality :: Double
quality = toPhyloQuality' beta frequency ((map fst done) ++ [fst ego] ++ (map fst rest))
ego' :: [[PhyloGroup]]
ego' :: ([[PhyloGroup]],[[PhyloGroup]])
ego' =
let branches = groupsToBranches $ fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g))
$ phyloBranchMatching frame periods proximity egoThr docs (fst ego)
branches' = branches `using` parList rdeepseq
in filter (\b -> length b >= minBranch) branches'
in partition (\b -> (length $ nub $ map _phylo_groupPeriod b) >= minBranch) branches'
quality' :: Double
quality' = toPhyloQuality' beta (reduceFrequency frequency ((map fst done) ++ ego' ++ (map fst rest)))
((map fst done) ++ ego' ++ (map fst rest))
quality' = toPhyloQuality' beta frequency
((map fst done) ++ (fst ego') ++ (snd ego') ++ (map fst rest))
recursiveMatching' :: Proximity -> Double -> Int -> Map Int Double -> Double -> Int -> [PhyloPeriodId] -> Map Date Double -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)] -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)]
recursiveMatching' proximity beta minBranch frequency egoThr frame periods docs branches =
if (egoThr >= 1) || ((not . and) $ map snd branches)
if (egoThr >= 1) || ((not . or) $ map snd branches)
then branches
let branches' = seqMatching proximity beta frequency minBranch egoThr frame docs periods
......@@ -459,23 +459,18 @@ temporalMatching phylo = updatePhyloGroups 1
(fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g,g)) $ traceMatchEnd $ concat branches)
-- | 2) init the recursiveMatching
branches :: [[PhyloGroup]]
branches = map fst
$ recursiveMatching' (phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
(_qua_relevance $ phyloQuality $ getConfig phylo)
(_qua_minBranch $ phyloQuality $ getConfig phylo)
(phylo ^. phylo_termFreq)
(getThresholdInit $ phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
(getTimeFrame $ timeUnit $ getConfig phylo)
(getPeriodIds phylo)
(phylo ^. phylo_timeDocs)
-- | 2) process the constants of the quality score
frequency :: Map Int Double
frequency =
let terms = ngramsInBranches [groups]
freqs = map (\t -> termFreq' t groups) terms
in fromList $ map (\(t,freq) -> (t,freq/(sum freqs))) $ zip terms freqs
-- | 1) for each group process an initial temporal Matching
groups :: [PhyloGroup]
groups = phyloBranchMatching (getTimeFrame $ timeUnit $ getConfig phylo) (getPeriodIds phylo)
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