Commit 4f317061 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[export] texts: attachment with filename

parent 74015249
Pipeline #3532 canceled with stage
......@@ -36,16 +36,19 @@ api uid dId = getDocumentsJSON uid dId
-- | Hashes are ordered by Set
getDocumentsJSON :: UserId
-> DocId
-> GargNoServer DocumentExport
-> GargNoServer (Headers '[Header "Content-Disposition" T.Text] DocumentExport)
getDocumentsJSON uId pId = do
mcId <- getClosestParentIdByType pId NodeCorpus
let cId = maybe (panic "[G.A.N.D.Export] Node has no parent") identity mcId
docs <- runViewDocuments cId False Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
pure $ DocumentExport { _de_documents = mapFacetDoc <$> docs
pure $ addHeader (T.concat [ "attachment; filename=GarganText_DocsList-"
, T.pack $ show pId
, ".json"])
DocumentExport { _de_documents = mapFacetDoc <$> docs
, _de_garg_version = T.pack $ showVersion PG.version }
mapFacetDoc (FacetDoc { .. }) =
Document { _d_document =
Document { _d_document =
Node { _node_id = facetDoc_id
, _node_hash_id = Nothing
, _node_typename = toDBid NodeDocument
......@@ -64,10 +67,13 @@ getDocumentsJSON uId pId = do
getDocumentsCSV :: UserId
-> DocId
-> GargNoServer T.Text -- [Document]
-> GargNoServer (Headers '[Header "Content-Disposition" T.Text] T.Text) -- [Document]
getDocumentsCSV uId pId = do
DocumentExport { _de_documents } <- getDocumentsJSON uId pId
dJSON <- getDocumentsJSON uId pId
let DocumentExport { _de_documents } = getResponse dJSON
let ret = TE.decodeUtf8 $ BSC.toStrict $ encodeDefaultOrderedByName _de_documents
pure ret
pure $ addHeader (T.concat [ "attachment; filename=GarganText_DocsList-"
, T.pack $ show pId
, ".csv"])
......@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ instance ToParamSchema Ngrams where
type API = Summary "Document Export"
:> "export"
:> ( "json"
:> Get '[JSON] DocumentExport
:> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[Servant.Header "Content-Disposition" Text] DocumentExport)
:<|> "csv"
:> Get '[PlainText] Text) -- [Document])
:> Get '[PlainText] (Headers '[Servant.Header "Content-Disposition" Text] Text)) -- [Document])
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_de_") ''DocumentExport)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_d_") ''Document)
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