Commit 514a2c5e authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[ADM] scripts to install.

parent 00713970
Pipeline #20 failed with stage
......@@ -15,9 +15,17 @@ Institute of Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) and its partners.
curl -sSL | sh
## Use Cases
### Multi-User with Graphical User Interface (Server Mode)
### Command Line Mode
(for now: simple cooccurrences computation)
~/.local/bin/stack --docker exec gargantext-server -- --ini "gargantext.ini" --run Prod
### Command Line Mode tools
#### Simple cooccurrences computation and indexation from a list of Ngrams
stack --docker exec gargantext-cli -- CorpusFromGarg.csv ListFromGarg.csv Ouput.json
......@@ -34,3 +34,7 @@ cd ..
~/.local/bin/stack --docker build
~/.local/bin/stack --docker install
# Database configuration
# CREATE USER gargantua WITH PASSWORD $(grep DB_PASS gargantext.ini)
# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE gargandbV4 to gargantua
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