Commit 5a2df841 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[DB][Flow] question about the map of ngramsT.

parent 2d561cb0
Pipeline #7 failed with stage
......@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ authors
module Gargantext.Database.Flow (flowDatabase)
import GHC.Show (Show)
import System.FilePath (FilePath)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text, splitOn)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Tuple.Extra (both, second)
import qualified Data.Map as DM
......@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node (HyperdataDocument(..))
import Gargantext.Database.User (getUser, UserLight(..), Username)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Text.Parsers (parseDocs, FileFormat)
import Gargantext.Ext.IMT (toSchoolName)
type UserId = Int
type RootId = Int
......@@ -56,16 +59,34 @@ flowDatabase ff fp cName = do
-- Documents Flow
hyperdataDocuments <- map addUniqIds <$> parseDocs ff fp
--printDebug "hyperdataDocuments" hyperdataDocuments
ids <- runCmd' $ insertDocuments masterUserId corpusId hyperdataDocuments
printDebug "Docs IDs : " (length ids)
--printDebug "Docs IDs : " (ids)
idsRepeat <- runCmd' $ insertDocuments masterUserId corpusId hyperdataDocuments
printDebug "Repeated Docs IDs : " (length ids)
--printDebug "Repeated Docs IDs : " (length ids)
-- Ngrams Flow
-- todo: flow for new documents only
let tids = toInserted ids
--printDebug "toInserted ids" (length tids, tids)
let tihs = toInsert hyperdataDocuments
--printDebug "toInsert hyperdataDocuments" (length tihs, tihs)
let documentsWithId = mergeData (toInserted ids) (toInsert hyperdataDocuments)
-- printDebug "documentsWithId" documentsWithId
let docsWithNgrams = documentIdWithNgrams extractNgramsT documentsWithId
printDebug "docsWithNgrams" docsWithNgrams
let maps = mapNodeIdNgrams docsWithNgrams
printDebug "maps" (maps)
indexedNgrams <- runCmd' $ indexNgrams maps
printDebug "inserted ngrams" indexedNgrams
_ <- runCmd' $ insertToNodeNgrams indexedNgrams
-- List Flow
......@@ -74,10 +95,12 @@ flowDatabase ff fp cName = do
printDebug "Docs IDs : " (length idsRepeat)
(_, _, corpusId2) <- subFlow "alexandre" cName
(_, _, corpusId2) <- subFlow "user1" cName
inserted <- runCmd' $ add corpusId2 (map reId ids)
printDebug "Inserted : " (length inserted)
pure [corpusId2, corpusId]
--runCmd' $ del [corpusId2, corpusId]
......@@ -116,7 +139,7 @@ type NodeId = Int
type ListId = Int
toInsert :: [HyperdataDocument] -> Map HashId HyperdataDocument
toInsert = DM.fromList . map (\d -> (hash (_hyperdataDocument_uniqIdBdd d), d))
toInsert = DM.fromList . map (\d -> (hash (_hyperdataDocument_uniqId d), d))
hash = maybe "Error" identity
......@@ -127,12 +150,12 @@ toInserted rs = DM.fromList $ map (\r -> (reUniqId r, r) )
data DocumentWithId =
DocumentWithId { documentId :: NodeId
, documentData :: HyperdataDocument
} deriving (Show)
mergeData :: Map HashId ReturnId -> Map HashId HyperdataDocument -> [DocumentWithId]
mergeData rs hs = map (\(hash,r) -> DocumentWithId (reId r) (lookup' hash hs)) $ DM.toList rs
lookup' h xs = maybe (panic $ "Error with " <> h) identity (DM.lookup h xs)
mergeData rs hs = map (\(hash,hpd) -> DocumentWithId (lookup' hash rs) hpd) $ DM.toList hs
lookup' h xs = maybe (panic $ "Database.Flow.mergeData: Error with " <> h) reId (DM.lookup h rs)
......@@ -140,16 +163,20 @@ data DocumentIdWithNgrams =
{ documentWithId :: DocumentWithId
, document_ngrams :: Map (NgramsT Ngrams) Int
} deriving (Show)
-- TODO add Authors and Terms (Title + Abstract)
-- TODO add Terms (Title + Abstract)
-- add f :: Text -> Text
-- newtype Ngrams = Ngrams Text
extractNgramsT :: HyperdataDocument -> Map (NgramsT Ngrams) Int
extractNgramsT doc = DM.fromList $ [(NgramsT Sources ngrams, 1)]
extractNgramsT doc = DM.fromList $ [(NgramsT Sources source, 1)]
<> [(NgramsT Institutes i' , 1)| i' <- institutes ]
<> [(NgramsT Authors a' , 1)| a' <- authors ]
ngrams = text2ngrams $ maybe "Nothing" identity maybeNgrams
maybeNgrams = _hyperdataDocument_source doc
source = text2ngrams $ maybe "Nothing" identity $ _hyperdataDocument_source doc
institutes = map text2ngrams $ maybe ["Nothing"] (map toSchoolName . (splitOn ", ")) $ _hyperdataDocument_institutes doc
authors = map text2ngrams $ maybe ["Nothing"] (splitOn ", ") $ _hyperdataDocument_authors doc
-- TODO group terms
documentIdWithNgrams :: (HyperdataDocument -> Map (NgramsT Ngrams) Int)
-> [DocumentWithId] -> [DocumentIdWithNgrams]
......@@ -171,9 +198,9 @@ indexNgrams ng2nId = do
insertToNodeNgrams :: Map (NgramsT NgramsIndexed) (Map NodeId Int) -> Cmd Int
insertToNodeNgrams m = insertNodeNgrams [ NodeNgram Nothing nId ((_ngramsId . _ngramsT ) ng)
(fromIntegral n) ((ngramsTypeId . _ngramsType) ng)
(fromIntegral n) ((ngramsTypeId . _ngramsType) ng)
| (ng, nId2int) <- DM.toList m
, (nId, n) <- DM.toList nId2int
, (nId, n) <- DM.toList nId2int
......@@ -76,13 +76,14 @@ import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as DPS
-- ngrams in source field of document has Sources Type
-- ngrams in authors field of document has Authors Type
-- ngrams in text (title or abstract) of documents has Terms Type
data NgramsType = Sources | Authors | Terms
deriving (Eq)
data NgramsType = Authors | Institutes | Sources | Terms
deriving (Eq, Show)
ngramsTypeId :: NgramsType -> Int
ngramsTypeId Terms = 1
ngramsTypeId Authors = 2
ngramsTypeId Sources = 3
ngramsTypeId Authors = 1
ngramsTypeId Institutes = 2
ngramsTypeId Sources = 3
ngramsTypeId Terms = 4
type NgramsTerms = Text
type NgramsId = Int
......@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ type Size = Int
-- | TODO put it in Gargantext.Text.Ngrams
data Ngrams = Ngrams { _ngramsTerms :: Text
, _ngramsSize :: Int
} deriving (Generic)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance Eq Ngrams where
(==) = (==)
instance Ord Ngrams where
......@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ text2ngrams txt = Ngrams txt $ length $ splitOn " " txt
data NgramsT a =
NgramsT { _ngramsType :: NgramsType
, _ngramsT :: a
} deriving (Generic)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance Eq (NgramsT a)
where (==) = (==)
......@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ data NgramsIndexed =
{ _ngrams :: Ngrams
, _ngramsId :: NgramsId
} deriving (Generic)
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Eq NgramsIndexed where
(==) = (==)
......@@ -94,6 +94,10 @@ hal_data = snd <$> CSV.readHal "doc/corpus_imt/Gargantext_Corpus.csv"
names :: S.Set Text
names = S.fromList $ (\s -> school_id s) schools
toSchoolName :: Text -> Text
toSchoolName t = case M.lookup t mapIdSchool of
Nothing -> t
Just t' -> t'
publisBySchool :: DV.Vector CsvHal -> [(Maybe Text, Int)]
publisBySchool hal_data' = (\(i,n) -> (M.lookup i mapIdSchool, n))
......@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ csvHal2doc (CsvHal title source
(Just title)
(Just inst)
(Just authors)
(Just inst)
(Just source)
(Just abstract)
(Just $ pack . show $ jour pub_year pub_month pub_day)
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