Commit 5bee1178 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge branch '70-dev-searx-parser' of...

Merge branch '70-dev-searx-parser' of ssh:// into dev-merge
parents 50497ca2 55615160
Pipeline #1721 passed with stage
in 31 minutes and 38 seconds
......@@ -53,14 +53,16 @@ data SearxResponse = SearxResponse
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_srs_") ''SearxResponse)
data FetchSearxParams = FetchSearxParams
{ _fsp_manager :: Manager
{ _fsp_language :: Lang
, _fsp_manager :: Manager
, _fsp_pageno :: Int
, _fsp_query :: Text
, _fsp_url :: Text
fetchSearxPage :: FetchSearxParams -> IO (Either Prelude.String SearxResponse)
fetchSearxPage (FetchSearxParams { _fsp_manager
fetchSearxPage (FetchSearxParams { _fsp_language
, _fsp_manager
, _fsp_pageno
, _fsp_query
, _fsp_url }) = do
......@@ -70,9 +72,10 @@ fetchSearxPage (FetchSearxParams { _fsp_manager
let request = urlEncodedBody
[ --("category_general", "1")
("q", encodeUtf8 _fsp_query)
, ("categories", "news") --
, ("pageno", encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ show _fsp_pageno)
--, ("time_range", "None")
--, ("language", "en-US") -- TODO
, ("language", encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ show _fsp_language)
, ("format", "json")
] req
res <- httpLbs request _fsp_manager
......@@ -94,7 +97,8 @@ triggerSearxSearch cid q l = do
printDebug "[triggerSearxSearch] surl" surl
manager <- liftBase $ newManager tlsManagerSettings
res <- liftBase $ fetchSearxPage $ FetchSearxParams { _fsp_manager = manager
res <- liftBase $ fetchSearxPage $ FetchSearxParams { _fsp_language = l
, _fsp_manager = manager
, _fsp_pageno = 1
, _fsp_query = q
, _fsp_url = surl }
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