[README] info about no storage backend

parent 0ab0188a
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......@@ -455,3 +455,27 @@ If you want to add a new job, just add a new constructor to `Job`
(with all the arguments this job needs), implement to/from JSON
serialization (so we can send and read that job via the broker) and
implement appropriate handler in `G.C.Worker` -> `performAction`.
## No storage backend
When you compare `haskell-bee` with the [celery
project](https://docs.celeryq.dev/en/stable/), you can notice 2
- both have configurable brokers
- `haskell-bee` doesn't have a storage backend This is because, when
analyzing our tasks, we actually don't store any **task** results
anywhere. The progress can be reported immediately via notifications,
same for errors. And when a task is executed (e.g. add to corpus with
query), the garg db state is mutated.
One could discuss if such a **task** storage backend is needed: if you
want to debug some task, just run the worker and log its results. You
can inspect later the errors in the log. On the other hand, if we had
a production worker, which processes lots of tasks, it could be a pain
to store the results of all of them, as we mostly don't care about the
finished ones.
Also, the `haskell-bee` framework allows to add custom hooks to the
worker. In particular, search for `onJobError`/`onJobTimeout` in
`Worker.State`. We could trigger some `IO` action on these hooks
(logging, sending mail, firing rockets).
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