Commit 5e210c11 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Add frontend error for NoListFound

parent 60e1953f
......@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ backendErrorToFrontendError = \case
nodeErrorToFrontendError :: NodeError -> FrontendError
nodeErrorToFrontendError ne = case ne of
NoListFound _lid
-> undefined
NoListFound lid
-> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_error_list_not_found lid
-> mkFrontendErr' renderedError FE_node_error_root_not_found
-> mkFrontendErrShow FE_node_error_root_not_found
-> mkFrontendErr' renderedError FE_node_error_corpus_not_found
-> mkFrontendErrShow FE_node_error_corpus_not_found
NoUserFound _ur
-> undefined
......@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ nodeErrorToFrontendError ne = case ne of
-> undefined
QueryNoParse _txt
-> undefined
renderedError = T.pack (show ne)
-- | Converts a 'FrontendError' into a 'ServerError' that the servant app can
-- return to the frontend.
......@@ -22,13 +22,17 @@ module Gargantext.API.Errors.Types (
, ToFrontendErrorData(..)
-- * Constructing frontend errors
, mkFrontendErr
, mkFrontendErrNoDiagnostic
, mkFrontendErrShow
, mkFrontendErr'
-- * Evidence carrying
, Dict(..)
, IsFrontendErrorData(..)
-- * Generating test cases
, genFrontendErr
-- * Attaching callstacks to exceptions
, WithStacktrace(..)
) where
......@@ -120,7 +124,8 @@ instance HasJoseError BackendInternalError where
data BackendErrorCode
-- node errors
| EC_404__node_error_root_not_found
| EC_404__node_error_corpus_not_found
-- tree errors
| EC_404__tree_error_root_not_found
......@@ -156,6 +161,8 @@ class ( SingI payload
) => IsFrontendErrorData payload where
isFrontendErrorData :: Proxy payload -> Dict IsFrontendErrorData payload
instance IsFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_list_not_found where
isFrontendErrorData _ = Dict
instance IsFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_root_not_found where
isFrontendErrorData _ = Dict
instance IsFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_corpus_not_found where
......@@ -171,6 +178,10 @@ data NoFrontendErrorData = NoFrontendErrorData
data family ToFrontendErrorData (payload :: BackendErrorCode) :: Type
newtype instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_list_not_found =
FE_node_error_list_not_found { lnf_list_id :: ListId }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_root_not_found =
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
......@@ -187,6 +198,15 @@ data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__tree_error_root_not_found =
-- JSON instances. It's important to have nice and human readable instances.
instance ToJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_list_not_found) where
toJSON (FE_node_error_list_not_found lid) =
JSON.object [ "list_id" .= toJSON lid ]
instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_list_not_found) where
parseJSON = withObject "FE_node_error_list_not_found" $ \o -> do
lnf_list_id <- o .: "list_id"
pure FE_node_error_list_not_found{..}
instance ToJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_root_not_found) where
toJSON _ = JSON.Null
......@@ -207,10 +227,18 @@ instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__tree_error_root_not_found) where
_rnf_rootId <- o .: "root_id"
pure RootNotFound{..}
mkFrontendErr :: IsFrontendErrorData payload
=> ToFrontendErrorData payload
-> FrontendError
mkFrontendErr et = mkFrontendErr' mempty et
-- | Creates an error without attaching a diagnostic to it.
mkFrontendErrNoDiagnostic :: IsFrontendErrorData payload
=> ToFrontendErrorData payload
-> FrontendError
mkFrontendErrNoDiagnostic et = mkFrontendErr' mempty et
-- | Renders the error by using as a diagnostic the string
-- resulting from 'Show'ing the underlying type.
mkFrontendErrShow :: IsFrontendErrorData payload
=> ToFrontendErrorData payload
-> FrontendError
mkFrontendErrShow et = mkFrontendErr' (T.pack $ show et) et
mkFrontendErr' :: forall payload. IsFrontendErrorData payload
=> T.Text
......@@ -218,24 +246,26 @@ mkFrontendErr' :: forall payload. IsFrontendErrorData payload
-> FrontendError
mkFrontendErr' diag pl = FrontendError diag (fromSing $ sing @payload) pl
-- Arbitrary instances and test data generation
instance Arbitrary BackendErrorCode where
arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
instance Arbitrary FrontendError where
arbitrary = do
et <- arbitrary
txt <- arbitrary
genFrontendErr txt et
genFrontendErr :: T.Text -> BackendErrorCode -> Gen FrontendError
genFrontendErr txt be = case be of
-> pure $ mkFrontendErr' txt FE_node_error_root_not_found
-> pure $ mkFrontendErr' txt FE_node_error_corpus_not_found
-> do rootId <- arbitrary
pure $ mkFrontendErr' txt (RootNotFound rootId)
genFrontendErr :: BackendErrorCode -> Gen FrontendError
genFrontendErr be = do
txt <- arbitrary
case be of
-> arbitrary >>= \lid -> pure $ mkFrontendErr' txt $ FE_node_error_list_not_found lid
-> pure $ mkFrontendErr' txt FE_node_error_root_not_found
-> pure $ mkFrontendErr' txt FE_node_error_corpus_not_found
-> do rootId <- arbitrary
pure $ mkFrontendErr' txt (RootNotFound rootId)
instance ToJSON BackendErrorCode where
toJSON = JSON.String . T.pack . drop 3 . show
......@@ -258,6 +288,9 @@ instance FromJSON FrontendError where
(fe_diagnostic :: T.Text) <- o .: "diagnostic"
(fe_type :: BackendErrorCode) <- o .: "type"
case fe_type of
EC_404__node_error_list_not_found -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_list_not_found) <- o .: "data"
pure FrontendError{..}
EC_404__node_error_root_not_found -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_error_root_not_found) <- o .: "data"
pure FrontendError{..}
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Opaleye (DefaultFromField, defaultFromField, SqlInt4, SqlText, SqlTSVecto
import Opaleye qualified as O
import Prelude qualified
import Servant hiding (Context)
import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
import Test.QuickCheck (elements, Positive (getPositive))
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Text ()
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Time ()
......@@ -304,8 +304,10 @@ instance FromHttpApiData NodeId where
instance ToHttpApiData NodeId where
toUrlPiece (UnsafeMkNodeId n) = toUrlPiece n
instance ToParamSchema NodeId
-- | It makes sense to generate only positive ids.
instance Arbitrary NodeId where
arbitrary = UnsafeMkNodeId <$> arbitrary
arbitrary = UnsafeMkNodeId . getPositive <$> arbitrary
type ParentId = NodeId
type CorpusId = NodeId
......@@ -38,13 +38,21 @@ jsonEnumRoundtrip d = case d of
prop :: Dict EnumBoundedJSON a -> a -> Property
prop Dict a = counterexample ("Parsed JSON: " <> C8.unpack (encode a)) $ eitherDecode (encode a) === Right a
-- | Tests /all/ the 'BackendErrorCode' and their associated 'FrontendError' payloads.
jsonFrontendErrorRoundtrip :: Property
jsonFrontendErrorRoundtrip = conjoin $ map mk_prop [minBound .. maxBound]
mk_prop :: BackendErrorCode -> Property
mk_prop code = forAll (genFrontendErr code) $ \a ->
counterexample ("Parsed JSON: " <> C8.unpack (encode a)) $ eitherDecode (encode a) === Right a
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "JSON" [
testProperty "NodeId roundtrips" (jsonRoundtrip @NodeId)
, testProperty "RootId roundtrips" (jsonRoundtrip @RootId)
, testProperty "Datafield roundtrips" (jsonRoundtrip @Datafield)
, testProperty "WithQuery roundtrips" (jsonRoundtrip @WithQuery)
, testProperty "FrontendError roundtrips" (jsonRoundtrip @FrontendError)
, testProperty "FrontendError roundtrips" jsonFrontendErrorRoundtrip
, testProperty "BackendErrorCode roundtrips" (jsonEnumRoundtrip (Dict @_ @BackendErrorCode))
, testCase "WithQuery frontend compliance" testWithQueryFrontend
, testGroup "Phylo" [
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