Commit 5efae317 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[nodeStory] fixes to insertNodeStory function

Updates weren't calculated properly.
parent 7cdb0713
Pipeline #3475 passed with stage
in 91 minutes and 56 seconds
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ columns: `node_id`, `ngrams_type_id`, `patch`. This is because each
history item is in fact a map from `NgramsType` to `NgramsTablePatch`
(see the `NgramsStatePatch'` type).
Moreover, since in ~G.A.Ngrams.commitStatePatch~ we use current state
Moreover, since in `G.A.Ngrams.commitStatePatch` we use current state
only, with only recent history items, I concluded that it is not
necessary to load whole history into memory. Instead, it is kept in DB
(history is immutable) and only recent changes are added to
......@@ -406,9 +406,8 @@ getNodeStory c nId@(NodeId nodeId) = do
panic $ Text.pack $ "[getNodeStory] versions for " <> show nodeId <> " differ! " <> show versionsS
pure ()
-- NOTE When concatenating, check that the same version is for all states
pure $ NodeStory $ Map.singleton nId $ foldl combine mempty dbData
--pure $ NodeStory $ Map.fromListWith (<>) $ (\(NodeStoryDB nId a) -> (nId, a)) <$> res
-- NOTE (<>) for Archive doesn't concatenate states, so we have to use `combine`
combine a1 a2 = a1 & a_state %~ combineState (a2 ^. a_state)
......@@ -421,15 +420,23 @@ nodeStoriesQuery = [sql| SELECT version, ngrams_type_id, terms, ngrams_repo_elem
WHERE node_id = ? |]
type ArchiveStateList = [(TableNgrams.NgramsType, NgramsTerm, NgramsRepoElement)]
type ArchiveStateSet = Set.Set (TableNgrams.NgramsType, NgramsTerm)
-- Functions to convert archive state (which is a Map NgramsType (Map
-- NgramsTerm NgramsRepoElement)) to/from a flat list
-- |Functions to convert archive state (which is a `Map NgramsType
-- (Map NgramsTerm NgramsRepoElement`)) to/from a flat list
archiveStateAsList :: NgramsState' -> ArchiveStateList
archiveStateAsList s = mconcat $ (\(nt, ntm) -> (\(n, nre) -> (nt, n, nre)) <$> Map.toList ntm) <$> Map.toList s
archiveStateFromList :: ArchiveStateList -> NgramsState'
archiveStateFromList l = Map.fromListWith (<>) $ (\(nt, t, nre) -> (nt, Map.singleton t nre)) <$> l
archiveStateSet :: ArchiveStateList -> ArchiveStateSet
archiveStateSet lst = Set.fromList $ (\(nt, term, _) -> (nt, term)) <$> lst
archiveStateListFilterFromSet :: ArchiveStateSet -> ArchiveStateList -> ArchiveStateList
archiveStateListFilterFromSet set =
filter (\(nt, term, _) -> Set.member (nt, term) set)
-- | This function inserts whole new node story and archive for given node_id.
insertNodeStory :: PGS.Connection -> NodeId -> ArchiveList -> IO ()
insertNodeStory c (NodeId nId) a = do
......@@ -500,17 +507,23 @@ updateNodeStory c nodeId@(NodeId _nId) currentArchive newArchive = do
-- 1. Find differences (inserts/updates/deletes)
let currentList = archiveStateAsList $ currentArchive ^. a_state
let newList = archiveStateAsList $ newArchive ^. a_state
let currentSet = Set.fromList $ (\(nt, n, _) -> (nt, n)) <$> currentList
let newSet = Set.fromList $ (\(nt, n, _) -> (nt, n)) <$> newList
let currentSet = archiveStateSet currentList
let newSet = archiveStateSet newList
let inserts = filter (\(nt, n, _) -> Set.member (nt, n) $ Set.difference newSet currentSet) newList
--printDebug "[updateNodeStory] inserts" inserts
let deletes = filter (\(nt, n, _) -> Set.member (nt, n) $ Set.difference currentSet newSet) currentList
--printDebug "[updateNodeStory] deletes" deletes
printDebug "[updateNodeStory] new - current = " $ Set.difference newSet currentSet
let inserts = archiveStateListFilterFromSet (Set.difference newSet currentSet) newList
printDebug "[updateNodeStory] inserts" inserts
printDebug "[updateNodeStory] current - new" $ Set.difference currentSet newSet
let deletes = archiveStateListFilterFromSet (Set.difference currentSet newSet) currentList
printDebug "[updateNodeStory] deletes" deletes
-- updates are the things that are in new but not in current
let updates = Set.toList $ Set.difference (Set.fromList newList) (Set.fromList currentList)
--printDebug "[updateNodeStory] updates" $ Text.unlines $ (Text.pack . show) <$> updates
let commonSet = Set.intersection currentSet newSet
let commonNewList = archiveStateListFilterFromSet commonSet newList
let commonCurrentList = archiveStateListFilterFromSet commonSet currentList
let updates = Set.toList $ Set.difference (Set.fromList commonNewList) (Set.fromList commonCurrentList)
printDebug "[updateNodeStory] updates" $ Text.unlines $ (Text.pack . show) <$> updates
-- 2. Perform inserts/deletes/updates
--printDebug "[updateNodeStory] applying insert" ()
......@@ -602,10 +615,10 @@ nodeStoryInc c (Just ns@(NodeStory nls)) nId = do
nodeStoryIncs :: PGS.Connection -> Maybe NodeListStory -> [NodeId] -> IO NodeListStory
nodeStoryIncs _ Nothing [] = pure $ NodeStory $ Map.empty
nodeStoryIncs c (Just nls) ns = foldM (\m n -> nodeStoryInc c (Just m) n) nls ns
nodeStoryIncs c Nothing (ni:ns) = do
m <- getNodeStory c ni
nodeStoryIncs c (Just m) ns
nodeStoryIncs c (Just nls) ns = foldM (\m n -> nodeStoryInc c (Just m) n) nls ns
-- nodeStoryDec :: Pool PGS.Connection -> NodeListStory -> NodeId -> IO NodeListStory
-- nodeStoryDec pool ns@(NodeStory nls) ni = do
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