[phylo] slight refactoring

parent 7f8b7680
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......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ data SeaElevation =
| Adaptative
{ _adap_steps :: Double }
| Evolving
{ _evol_neighborhood :: Bool }
{ _evol_neighborhood :: Bool }
deriving (Show,Generic,Eq)
instance ToSchema SeaElevation
......@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ data PhyloSimilarity =
| WeightedLogSim
{ _wls_sensibility :: Double
, _wls_minSharedNgrams :: Int }
| Hamming
{ _hmg_sensibility :: Double
| Hamming
{ _hmg_sensibility :: Double
, _hmg_minSharedNgrams :: Int}
deriving (Show,Generic,Eq)
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ data PhyloSubConfig =
subConfig2config :: PhyloSubConfig -> PhyloConfig
subConfig2config subConfig = defaultConfig { similarity = WeightedLogJaccard (_sc_phyloProximity subConfig) 1
subConfig2config subConfig = defaultConfig { similarity = WeightedLogJaccard (_sc_phyloProximity subConfig) 1
, phyloSynchrony = ByProximityThreshold (_sc_phyloSynchrony subConfig) 0 AllBranches MergeAllGroups
, phyloQuality = Quality (_sc_phyloQuality subConfig) 1
, timeUnit = _sc_timeUnit subConfig
......@@ -430,7 +430,6 @@ data Phylo =
instance ToSchema Phylo where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_phylo_")
-- | Period | --
......@@ -188,4 +188,3 @@ instance ToParamSchema Metric
instance ToParamSchema Order
instance ToParamSchema Sort
instance ToSchema Order
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@ toLstDate ds = snd
getTimeScale :: Phylo -> [Char]
getTimeScale p = case (timeUnit $ getConfig p) of
Epoch _ _ _ -> "epoch"
Year _ _ _ -> "year"
Month _ _ _ -> "month"
Week _ _ _ -> "week"
Day _ _ _ -> "day"
Epoch {} -> "epoch"
Year {} -> "year"
Month {} -> "month"
Week {} -> "week"
Day {} -> "day"
-- | Get a regular & ascendante timeScale from a given list of dates
......@@ -188,27 +188,27 @@ toTimeScale dates step =
getTimeStep :: TimeUnit -> Int
getTimeStep time = case time of
Epoch _ s _ -> s
Year _ s _ -> s
Month _ s _ -> s
Week _ s _ -> s
Day _ s _ -> s
Epoch { .. } -> _epoch_step
Year { .. } -> _year_step
Month { .. } -> _month_step
Week { .. } -> _week_step
Day { .. } -> _day_step
getTimePeriod :: TimeUnit -> Int
getTimePeriod time = case time of
Epoch p _ _ -> p
Year p _ _ -> p
Month p _ _ -> p
Week p _ _ -> p
Day p _ _ -> p
Epoch { .. } -> _epoch_period
Year { .. } -> _year_period
Month { .. } -> _month_period
Week { .. } -> _week_period
Day { .. } -> _day_period
getTimeFrame :: TimeUnit -> Int
getTimeFrame time = case time of
Epoch _ _ f -> f
Year _ _ f -> f
Month _ _ f -> f
Week _ _ f -> f
Day _ _ f -> f
Epoch { .. } -> _epoch_matchingFrame
Year { .. } -> _year_matchingFrame
Month { .. } -> _month_matchingFrame
Week { .. } -> _week_matchingFrame
Day { .. } -> _day_matchingFrame
-- | Fis | --
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ isNested :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isNested l l'
| null l' = True
| length l' > length l = False
| (union l l') == l = True
| union l l' == l = True
| otherwise = False
......@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ traceSupport mFis = foldl (\msg cpt -> msg <> show (countSup cpt supports) <> "
traceFis :: [Char] -> Map (Date, Date) [Clustering] -> Map (Date, Date) [Clustering]
traceFis msg mFis = trace ( "\n" <> "-- | " <> msg <> " : " <> show (sum $ map length $ elems mFis) <> "\n"
<> "Support : " <> (traceSupport mFis) <> "\n"
<> "Nb Ngrams : " <> (traceClique mFis) <> "\n" ) mFis
<> "Support : " <> traceSupport mFis <> "\n"
<> "Nb Ngrams : " <> traceClique mFis <> "\n" ) mFis
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ findMaxima lst = map (hasMax) $ toChunk 3 lst
hasMax :: [(Double,Double)] -> Bool
hasMax chunk =
hasMax chunk =
if (length chunk) /= 3
then False
else (snd(chunk !! 0) < snd(chunk !! 1)) && (snd(chunk !! 2) < snd(chunk !! 1))
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ findMaxima lst = map (hasMax) $ toChunk 3 lst
-- | split a list into chunks of size n
toChunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
toChunk n = takeWhile ((== n) . length) . transpose . take n . iterate tail
toChunk n = takeWhile ((== n) . length) . transpose . take n . iterate tail
-- | To compute the average degree from a cooc matrix
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ toAverageDegree cooc roots = 2 * (fromIntegral $ Map.size cooc) / (fromIntegral
-- | Use the giant component regime to estimate the default level
-- http://networksciencebook.com/chapter/3#networks-supercritical
regimeToDefaultLevel :: Cooc -> Vector Ngrams -> Double
regimeToDefaultLevel cooc roots
regimeToDefaultLevel cooc roots
| avg == 0 = 1
| avg < 1 = avg * 0.6
| avg == 1 = 0.6
......@@ -356,26 +356,26 @@ regimeToDefaultLevel cooc roots
lnN = log (fromIntegral $ Vector.length roots)
coocToConfidence :: Phylo -> Cooc
coocToConfidence phylo =
coocToConfidence phylo =
let count = getRootsCount phylo
cooc = foldl (\acc cooc' -> sumCooc acc cooc') empty
cooc = foldl (\acc cooc' -> sumCooc acc cooc') empty
$ elems $ getCoocByDate phylo
in Map.mapWithKey (\(a,b) w -> confidence a b w count) cooc
-- confidence
confidence :: Int -> Int -> Double -> Map Int Double -> Double
confidence a b inter card = maximum [(inter / card ! a),(inter / card ! b)]
sumtest :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
sumtest :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
sumtest l1 l2 = (head' "test" l1) + (head' "test" $ reverse l2)
findDefaultLevel :: Phylo -> Phylo
findDefaultLevel phylo =
let confidence = Map.filterWithKey (\(a,b) _ -> a /= b)
$ Map.filter (> 0.01)
findDefaultLevel phylo =
let confidence = Map.filterWithKey (\(a,b) _ -> a /= b)
$ Map.filter (> 0.01)
$ coocToConfidence phylo
roots = getRoots phylo
level = regimeToDefaultLevel confidence roots
......@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ getPhyloSeaRiseSteps :: Phylo -> Double
getPhyloSeaRiseSteps phylo = case (getSeaElevation phylo) of
Constante _ s -> s
Adaptative s -> s
Evolving _ -> 0.1
Evolving _ -> 0.1
getConfig :: Phylo -> PhyloConfig
......@@ -501,10 +501,10 @@ getLadder :: Phylo -> [Double]
getLadder phylo = phylo ^. phylo_seaLadder
getCoocByDate :: Phylo -> Map Date Cooc
getCoocByDate phylo = coocByDate (phylo ^. phylo_counts)
getCoocByDate phylo = coocByDate (phylo ^. phylo_counts)
getDocsByDate :: Phylo -> Map Date Double
getDocsByDate phylo = docsByDate (phylo ^. phylo_counts)
getDocsByDate phylo = docsByDate (phylo ^. phylo_counts)
getRootsCount :: Phylo -> Map Int Double
getRootsCount phylo = rootsCount (phylo ^. phylo_counts)
......@@ -599,10 +599,10 @@ updatePeriods periods' phylo =
) phylo
updateQuality :: Double -> Phylo -> Phylo
updateQuality quality phylo = phylo { _phylo_quality = quality }
updateQuality quality phylo = phylo { _phylo_quality = quality }
updateLevel :: Double -> Phylo -> Phylo
updateLevel level phylo = phylo { _phylo_level = level }
updateLevel level phylo = phylo { _phylo_level = level }
traceToPhylo :: Scale -> Phylo -> Phylo
traceToPhylo lvl phylo =
......@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ getMinSharedNgrams :: PhyloSimilarity -> Int
getMinSharedNgrams proxi = case proxi of
WeightedLogJaccard _ m -> m
WeightedLogSim _ m -> m
Hamming _ _ -> undefined
Hamming _ _ -> undefined
-- | Branch | --
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