Commit 6b566317 authored by Quentin Lobbé's avatar Quentin Lobbé

Add the PhyloParam to the Phylo constructor

parent 0b69015c
Pipeline #320 failed with stage
......@@ -42,30 +42,31 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (NgramsId)
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix)
import Gargantext.Prelude
data PhyloExport =
PhyloExport { _phyloExport_param :: PhyloParam
, _phyloExport_data :: Phylo
} deriving (Generic, Show)
-- | .phylo parameters
-- | PhyloParam | --
-- | Global parameters of a Phylo
data PhyloParam =
PhyloParam { _phyloParam_version :: Text -- Double ?
, _phyloParam_software :: Software
, _phyloParam_params :: Hash
, _phyloParam_query :: Maybe PhyloQuery
PhyloParam { _phyloParam_version :: Text -- Double ?
, _phyloParam_software :: Software
, _phyloParam_query :: PhyloQuery
} deriving (Generic, Show)
type Hash = Text
-- | Software
-- TODO move somewhere since it is generic
-- | Software parameters
data Software =
Software { _software_name :: Text
, _software_version :: Text
} deriving (Generic, Show)
-- | Phylo | --
-- | Phylo datatype of a phylomemy
-- Duration : time Segment of the whole Phylo
......@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ data Phylo =
Phylo { _phylo_duration :: (Start, End)
, _phylo_foundations :: Vector Ngrams
, _phylo_periods :: [PhyloPeriod]
, _phylo_param :: PhyloParam
deriving (Generic, Show)
......@@ -88,6 +90,12 @@ type Date = Int
type Start = Date
type End = Date
-- | PhyloPeriod | --
-- | PhyloStep : steps of phylomemy on temporal axis
-- Period: tuple (start date, end date) of the step of the phylomemy
-- Levels: levels of granularity
......@@ -98,6 +106,11 @@ data PhyloPeriod =
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- | PhyloLevel | --
-- | PhyloLevel : levels of phylomemy on level axis
-- Levels description:
-- Level -1: Ngram equals itself (by identity) == _phylo_Ngrams
......@@ -111,6 +124,11 @@ data PhyloLevel =
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- | PhyloGroup | --
-- | PhyloGroup : group of ngrams at each level and step
-- Label : maybe has a label as text
-- Ngrams: set of terms that build the group
......@@ -155,7 +173,9 @@ type Pointer = (PhyloGroupId, Weight)
type Ngrams = Text
-- | Aggregates | --
-- | Document : a piece of Text linked to a Date
......@@ -189,14 +209,17 @@ type GroupGraph = (GroupNodes,GroupEdges)
-- | Error | --
data PhyloError = LevelDoesNotExist
| LevelUnassigned
deriving (Show)
-- | Cluster | --
-- | Cluster constructors
data Cluster = Fis FisParams
| RelatedComponents RCParams
......@@ -218,10 +241,12 @@ data RCParams = RCParams
data LouvainParams = LouvainParams
{ _louvain_proximity :: Proximity } deriving (Show)
-- | Proximity | --
-- | Proximity constructors
data Proximity = WeightedLogJaccard WLJParams
| Hamming HammingParams
......@@ -238,10 +263,12 @@ data WLJParams = WLJParams
data HammingParams = HammingParams
{ _hamming_threshold :: Double } deriving (Show)
-- | Filter | --
-- | Filter constructors
data Filter = LonelyBranch LBParams deriving (Show)
......@@ -251,36 +278,44 @@ data LBParams = LBParams
, _lb_periodsSup :: Int
, _lb_minNodes :: Int } deriving (Show)
-- | Metric | --
-- | Metric constructors
data Metric = BranchAge deriving (Show)
-- | Tagger | --
-- | Tagger constructors
data Tagger = BranchLabelFreq | GroupLabelCooc | GroupDynamics deriving (Show)
-- | Sort | --
-- | Sort constructors
data Sort = ByBranchAge deriving (Show)
data Order = Asc | Desc deriving (Show)
-- | PhyloQuery | --
-- | A Phyloquery describes a phylomemic reconstruction
data PhyloQuery = PhyloQuery
{ _q_phyloName :: Text
, _q_phyloDesc :: Text
{ _q_phyloTitle :: Text
, _q_phyloDesc :: Text
-- Grain and Steps for the PhyloPeriods
, _q_periodGrain :: Int
......@@ -301,14 +336,16 @@ data PhyloQuery = PhyloQuery
data Filiation = Ascendant | Descendant | Complete deriving (Show)
data EdgeType = PeriodEdge | LevelEdge deriving (Show)
-- | PhyloView | --
-- | A PhyloView is the output type of a Phylo
data PhyloView = PhyloView
{ _phylo_viewParam :: PhyloParam
, _phylo_viewLabel :: Text
, _phylo_viewTitle :: Text
, _phylo_viewDescription :: Text
, _phylo_viewFiliation :: Filiation
, _phylo_viewMeta :: Map Text Double
......@@ -342,10 +379,12 @@ data PhyloNode = PhyloNode
, _phylo_nodeChilds :: [PhyloNode]
} deriving (Show)
-- | PhyloQueryView | --
data DisplayMode = Flat | Nested
-- | A PhyloQueryView describes a Phylo as an output view
......@@ -373,12 +412,13 @@ data PhyloQueryView = PhyloQueryView
, _qv_verbose :: Bool
-- | Lenses | --
makeLenses ''PhyloParam
makeLenses ''PhyloExport
makeLenses ''Software
makeLenses ''Phylo
......@@ -398,10 +438,12 @@ makeLenses ''PhyloBranch
makeLenses ''PhyloNode
makeLenses ''PhyloEdge
-- | JSON instances | --
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_" ) ''Phylo )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_period" ) ''PhyloPeriod )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_level" ) ''PhyloLevel )
......@@ -409,7 +451,6 @@ $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_group" ) ''PhyloGroup )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_software_" ) ''Software )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phyloParam_" ) ''PhyloParam )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phyloExport_" ) ''PhyloExport )
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Cluster )
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Proximity )
......@@ -422,6 +463,7 @@ $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_wlj_" ) ''WLJParams )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_q_" ) ''PhyloQuery )
-- | TODO XML instances | --
......@@ -49,4 +49,8 @@ fisToCooc m p = map (/docs)
cooc :: Map (Int, Int) (Double)
cooc = Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,0)) (listToUnDirectedCombiWith (\x -> getIdxInFoundations x p) fisNgrams)
\ No newline at end of file
-- phyloCooc :: Map (Int, Int) Double
-- phyloCooc = fisToCooc phyloFis phylo1_0_1
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -144,16 +144,6 @@ toPhyloLevel lvl m p = alterPhyloPeriods
) period) p
-- | To init a Phylo
initPhylo :: Grain -> Step -> [(Date,Text)] -> [Ngrams] -> (Ngrams -> Ngrams) -> Phylo
initPhylo g s c a f = addPhyloLevel 0 (corpusToDocs f c base) base
base :: Phylo
base = initPhyloBase (initPeriods g s $ both fst (head c,last c)) (initFoundations a)
-- | To incrementally add new Levels to a Phylo by making all the linking and aggregation tasks
toNthLevel :: Level -> Proximity -> Cluster -> Phylo -> Phylo
toNthLevel lvlMax prox clus p
......@@ -198,8 +188,8 @@ toPhylo0 d p = addPhyloLevel 0 d p
-- | To reconstruct the Base of a Phylo
toPhyloBase :: PhyloQuery -> [(Date, Text)] -> [Ngrams] -> Phylo
toPhyloBase q c a = initPhyloBase periods foundations
toPhyloBase :: PhyloQuery -> PhyloParam -> [(Date, Text)] -> [Ngrams] -> Phylo
toPhyloBase q p c a = initPhyloBase periods foundations p
periods :: [(Date,Date)]
......@@ -226,5 +216,5 @@ toPhylo q c a = toNthLevel (getNthLevel q) (getInterTemporalMatching q) (getNthC
phyloDocs = corpusToDocs groupNgramsWithTrees c phyloBase
phyloBase :: Phylo
phyloBase = toPhyloBase q c a
phyloBase = toPhyloBase q (initPhyloParam (Just defaultPhyloVersion) (Just defaultSoftware) (Just q)) c a
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -125,21 +125,25 @@ addChildNodes shouldDo lvl lvlMin vb fl p v =
-- | To transform a PhyloQuery into a PhyloView
queryToView :: PhyloQueryView -> Phylo -> PhyloView
queryToView q p = processDisplay (q ^. qv_display)
toPhyloView :: PhyloQueryView -> Phylo -> PhyloView
toPhyloView q p = processDisplay (q ^. qv_display)
$ processSort (q ^. qv_sort) p
$ processTaggers (q ^. qv_taggers) p
$ processFilters (q ^. qv_filters) p
$ processMetrics (q ^. qv_metrics) p
$ addChildNodes (q ^. qv_childs) (q ^. qv_lvl) (q ^. qv_childsDepth) (q ^. qv_verbose) (q ^. qv_filiation) p
$ initPhyloView (q ^. qv_lvl) "Phylo2000" "This is a Phylo" (q ^. qv_filiation) (q ^. qv_verbose) p
$ initPhyloView (q ^. qv_lvl) (getPhyloTitle p) (getPhyloDescription p) (q ^. qv_filiation) (q ^. qv_verbose) p
-- | dirty params
phyloParams :: PhyloParam
phyloParams = PhyloParam "v0.1" (Software "Gargantext" "v4") "" Nothing
-- | To do : effectively get the PhyloParams of a Phylo
-- | To get the PhyloParam of a Phylo
getPhyloParams :: Phylo -> PhyloParam
getPhyloParams p = phyloParams
\ No newline at end of file
getPhyloParams = _phylo_param
-- | To get the title of a Phylo
getPhyloTitle :: Phylo -> Text
getPhyloTitle p = _q_phyloTitle $ _phyloParam_query $ getPhyloParams p
-- | To get the desc of a Phylo
getPhyloDescription :: Phylo -> Text
getPhyloDescription p = _q_phyloTitle $ _phyloParam_query $ getPhyloParams p
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