Commit 77c37772 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[CODE ERGO] Instance method renamed

parent 70057b4c
......@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ allLangs :: [Lang]
allLangs = [minBound ..]
class HasDBid a where
hasDBid :: a -> Int
toDBid :: a -> Int
fromDBid :: Int -> a
instance HasDBid Lang where
hasDBid All = 0
hasDBid FR = 1
hasDBid EN = 2
toDBid All = 0
toDBid FR = 1
toDBid EN = 2
fromDBid 0 = All
fromDBid 1 = FR
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ data PostTagAlgo = CoreNLP
deriving (Show, Read)
instance HasDBid PostTagAlgo where
hasDBid CoreNLP = 1
toDBid CoreNLP = 1
fromDBid 1 = CoreNLP
fromDBid _ = panic "HasDBid posTagAlgo : Not implemented"
......@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ deleteNode :: (HasConfig env, HasConnectionPool env, HasNodeError err)
deleteNode u nodeId = do
node' <- N.getNode nodeId
case (view node_typename node') of
nt | nt == hasDBid NodeUser -> panic "Not allowed to delete NodeUser (yet)"
nt | nt == hasDBid NodeTeam -> do
nt | nt == toDBid NodeUser -> panic "Not allowed to delete NodeUser (yet)"
nt | nt == toDBid NodeTeam -> do
uId <- getUserId u
if _node_userId node' == uId
then N.deleteNode nodeId
else delFolderTeam u nodeId
nt | nt == hasDBid NodeFile -> do
nt | nt == toDBid NodeFile -> do
node <- getNodeWith nodeId (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataFile)
let (HyperdataFile { _hff_path = path }) = node ^. node_hyperdata
GPU.removeFile $ unpack path
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ isPairedWith nId nt = runOpaQuery (selectQuery nt nId)
selectQuery :: NodeType -> NodeId -> Query (Column PGInt4)
selectQuery nt' nId' = proc () -> do
(node, node_node) <- queryJoin -< ()
restrict -< (node^.node_typename) .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid nt')
restrict -< (node^.node_typename) .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid nt')
restrict -< (node_node^.nn_node1_id) .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId nId')
returnA -< node^.node_id
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ getNodesByNgramsUser cId nt =
selectNgramsByNodeUser cId' nt' =
runPGSQuery queryNgramsByNodeUser
( cId'
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeDocument
, ngramsTypeId nt'
-- , 100 :: Int -- limit
-- , 0 :: Int -- offset
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ getNodesByNgramsUser cId nt =
JOIN nodes_nodes nn ON nn.node2_id = nng.node2_id
JOIN nodes n ON nn.node2_id =
WHERE nn.node1_id = ? -- CorpusId
AND n.typename = ? -- hasDBid
AND n.typename = ? -- toDBid
AND nng.ngrams_type = ? -- NgramsTypeId
AND nn.category > 0
GROUP BY nng.node2_id, ng.terms
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ selectNgramsOccurrencesOnlyByNodeUser cId nt tms =
runPGSQuery queryNgramsOccurrencesOnlyByNodeUser
( Values fields ((DPS.Only . unNgramsTerm) <$> tms)
, cId
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeDocument
, ngramsTypeId nt
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ queryNgramsOccurrencesOnlyByNodeUser = [sql|
JOIN nodes_nodes nn ON nn.node2_id = nng.node2_id
JOIN nodes n ON nn.node2_id =
WHERE nn.node1_id = ? -- CorpusId
AND n.typename = ? -- hasDBid
AND n.typename = ? -- toDBid
AND nng.ngrams_type = ? -- NgramsTypeId
AND nn.category > 0
GROUP BY nng.node2_id, ng.terms
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ queryNgramsOccurrencesOnlyByNodeUser' = [sql|
JOIN nodes_nodes nn ON nn.node2_id = nng.node2_id
JOIN nodes n ON nn.node2_id =
WHERE nn.node1_id = ? -- CorpusId
AND n.typename = ? -- hasDBid
AND n.typename = ? -- toDBid
AND nng.ngrams_type = ? -- NgramsTypeId
AND nn.category > 0
GROUP BY nng.node2_id, ng.terms
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser cId ls nt tms =
, Values [QualifiedIdentifier Nothing "int4"]
(DPS.Only <$> (map (\(NodeId n) -> n) ls))
, cId
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeDocument
, ngramsTypeId nt
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ queryNgramsOnlyByNodeUser = [sql|
JOIN nodes_nodes nn ON nn.node2_id = nng.node2_id
JOIN nodes n ON nn.node2_id =
WHERE nn.node1_id = ? -- CorpusId
AND n.typename = ? -- hasDBid
AND n.typename = ? -- toDBid
AND nng.ngrams_type = ? -- NgramsTypeId
AND nn.category > 0
GROUP BY ng.terms, nng.node2_id
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser' cId ls nt tms =
, Values [QualifiedIdentifier Nothing "int4"]
(DPS.Only <$> (map (\(NodeId n) -> n) ls))
, cId
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeDocument
, ngramsTypeId nt
......@@ -386,13 +386,13 @@ selectNgramsByNodeMaster n ucId mcId p = runPGSQuery
( ucId
, ngramsTypeId NgramsTerms
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeDocument
, p
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeDocument
, p
, n
, mcId
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeDocument
, ngramsTypeId NgramsTerms
......@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ queryNgramsByNodeMaster' = [sql|
JOIN node_node_ngrams nng ON nng.node2_id =
JOIN ngrams ng ON nng.ngrams_id =
WHERE nn.node1_id = ? -- UserCorpusId
-- AND n.typename = ? -- hasDBid
-- AND n.typename = ? -- toDBid
AND nng.ngrams_type = ? -- NgramsTypeId
AND nn.category > 0
AND node_pos(,?) >= ?
......@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ queryNgramsByNodeMaster' = [sql|
JOIN node_node_ngrams nng ON = nng.node2_id
JOIN ngrams ng ON = nng.ngrams_id
WHERE n.parent_id = ? -- Master Corpus hasDBid
AND n.typename = ? -- hasDBid
WHERE n.parent_id = ? -- Master Corpus toDBid
AND n.typename = ? -- toDBid
AND nng.ngrams_type = ? -- NgramsTypeId
GROUP BY, ng.terms
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ searchDocInDatabase p t = runOpaQuery (queryDocInDatabase p t)
queryDocInDatabase _ q = proc () -> do
row <- queryNodeSearchTable -< ()
restrict -< (_ns_search row) @@ (pgTSQuery (unpack q))
restrict -< (_ns_typename row) .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeDocument)
restrict -< (_ns_typename row) .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
returnA -< (_ns_id row, _ns_hyperdata row)
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ queryInCorpus cId t q = proc () -> do
then (nn^.nn_category) .== (toNullable $ pgInt4 0)
else (nn^.nn_category) .>= (toNullable $ pgInt4 1)
restrict -< (n ^. ns_search) @@ (pgTSQuery (unpack q))
restrict -< (n ^. ns_typename ) .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeDocument)
restrict -< (n ^. ns_typename ) .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
returnA -< FacetDoc (n^.ns_id )
(n^.ns_date )
(n^.ns_name )
......@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ selectContactViaDoc
selectContactViaDoc cId aId q = proc () -> do
(doc, (corpus_doc, (_contact_doc, (annuaire_contact, contact)))) <- queryContactViaDoc -< ()
restrict -< (doc^.ns_search) @@ (pgTSQuery $ unpack q )
restrict -< (doc^.ns_typename) .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeDocument)
restrict -< (doc^.ns_typename) .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
restrict -< (corpus_doc^.nn_node1_id) .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId)
restrict -< (annuaire_contact^.nn_node1_id) .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId aId)
restrict -< (contact^.node_typename) .== (toNullable $ pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeContact)
restrict -< (contact^.node_typename) .== (toNullable $ pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeContact)
returnA -< ( contact^.node_id
, contact^.node_date
, contact^.node_hyperdata
......@@ -273,6 +273,6 @@ textSearch :: HasDBid NodeType
-> Cmd err [(Int,Value,Value,Value, Value, Maybe Int)]
textSearch q p l o ord = runPGSQuery textSearchQuery (q,p,p,typeId,ord,o,l)
typeId = hasDBid NodeDocument
typeId = toDBid NodeDocument
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ userArbitrary :: Text
userArbitrary = "user1"
instance HasDBid NodeType where
hasDBid = nodeTypeId
toDBid = nodeTypeId
fromDBid = fromNodeTypeId
......@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ nodeTypeId n =
-- NodeFavorites -> 15
hasNodeType :: forall a. Node a -> NodeType -> Bool
hasNodeType n nt = (view node_typename n) == (hasDBid nt)
hasNodeType n nt = (view node_typename n) == (toDBid nt)
isInNodeTypes :: forall a. Node a -> [NodeType] -> Bool
isInNodeTypes n ts = elem (view node_typename n) (map hasDBid ts)
isInNodeTypes n ts = elem (view node_typename n) (map toDBid ts)
-- | Nodes are typed in the database according to a specific ID
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ nodeTypeInv :: [(NodeTypeId, NodeType)]
nodeTypeInv = map swap nodeTypes
nodeTypes :: [(NodeType, NodeTypeId)]
nodeTypes = [ (n, hasDBid n) | n <- allNodeTypes ]
nodeTypes = [ (n, toDBid n) | n <- allNodeTypes ]
fromNodeTypeId :: NodeTypeId -> NodeType
fromNodeTypeId tId = fromMaybe (panic $ pack $ "Type Id " <> show tId <> " does not exist")
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as DPS
triggerCountInsert :: HasDBid NodeType => Cmd err Int64
triggerCountInsert = execPGSQuery query (hasDBid NodeDocument, hasDBid NodeList)
triggerCountInsert = execPGSQuery query (toDBid NodeDocument, toDBid NodeList)
query :: DPS.Query
query = [sql|
......@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ triggerCountInsert = execPGSQuery query (hasDBid NodeDocument, hasDBid NodeList)
triggerCountInsert2 :: HasDBid NodeType => Cmd err Int64
triggerCountInsert2 = execPGSQuery query ( hasDBid NodeCorpus
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, hasDBid NodeList
triggerCountInsert2 = execPGSQuery query ( toDBid NodeCorpus
, toDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeList
query :: DPS.Query
......@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ triggerCountInsert2 = execPGSQuery query ( hasDBid NodeCorpus
-- TODO add the groups
triggerCoocInsert :: HasDBid NodeType => Cmd err Int64
triggerCoocInsert = execPGSQuery query ( hasDBid NodeCorpus
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, hasDBid NodeList
triggerCoocInsert = execPGSQuery query ( toDBid NodeCorpus
, toDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeList
, listTypeId CandidateTerm
, listTypeId CandidateTerm
......@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as DPS
triggerSearchUpdate :: HasDBid NodeType => Cmd err Int64
triggerSearchUpdate = execPGSQuery query ( hasDBid NodeDocument
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, hasDBid NodeContact
triggerSearchUpdate = execPGSQuery query ( toDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeContact
query :: DPS.Query
......@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ triggerSearchUpdate = execPGSQuery query ( hasDBid NodeDocument
type Secret = Text
triggerUpdateHash :: HasDBid NodeType => Secret -> Cmd err Int64
triggerUpdateHash secret = execPGSQuery query ( hasDBid NodeDocument
, hasDBid NodeContact
triggerUpdateHash secret = execPGSQuery query ( toDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeContact
, secret
, secret
, hasDBid NodeDocument
, hasDBid NodeContact
, toDBid NodeDocument
, toDBid NodeContact
, secret
, secret
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as DPS
type MasterListId = ListId
triggerDeleteCount :: MasterListId -> Cmd err Int64
triggerDeleteCount lId = execPGSQuery query (lId, hasDBid NodeList)
triggerDeleteCount lId = execPGSQuery query (lId, toDBid NodeList)
query :: DPS.Query
query = [sql|
......@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ instance (Typeable hyperdata, ToSchema hyperdata) =>
instance (Arbitrary nodeId
,Arbitrary hashId
,Arbitrary hasDBid
,Arbitrary toDBid
,Arbitrary userId
,Arbitrary nodeParentId
, Arbitrary hyperdata
) => Arbitrary (NodePoly nodeId hashId hasDBid userId nodeParentId
) => Arbitrary (NodePoly nodeId hashId toDBid userId nodeParentId
NodeName UTCTime hyperdata) where
--arbitrary = Node 1 1 (Just 1) 1 "name" (jour 2018 01 01) (arbitrary) (Just "")
arbitrary = Node <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
......@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ instance (Arbitrary nodeId
instance (Arbitrary hyperdata
,Arbitrary nodeId
,Arbitrary hasDBid
,Arbitrary toDBid
,Arbitrary userId
,Arbitrary nodeParentId
) => Arbitrary (NodePolySearch nodeId hasDBid userId nodeParentId
) => Arbitrary (NodePolySearch nodeId toDBid userId nodeParentId
NodeName UTCTime hyperdata (Maybe TSVector)) where
--arbitrary = Node 1 1 (Just 1) 1 "name" (jour 2018 01 01) (arbitrary) (Just "")
arbitrary = NodeSearch <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ viewAuthorsDoc cId _ nt = proc () -> do
restrict -< _node_id contact' .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId)
restrict -< _node_typename doc .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid nt)
restrict -< _node_typename doc .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid nt)
returnA -< FacetDoc (_node_id doc)
(_node_date doc)
......@@ -290,14 +290,14 @@ runViewDocuments :: HasDBid NodeType
runViewDocuments cId t o l order query = do
runOpaQuery $ filterWith o l order sqlQuery
ntId = hasDBid NodeDocument
ntId = toDBid NodeDocument
sqlQuery = viewDocuments cId t ntId query
runCountDocuments :: HasDBid NodeType => CorpusId -> IsTrash -> Maybe Text -> Cmd err Int
runCountDocuments cId t mQuery = do
runCountOpaQuery sqlQuery
sqlQuery = viewDocuments cId t (hasDBid NodeDocument) mQuery
sqlQuery = viewDocuments cId t (toDBid NodeDocument) mQuery
viewDocuments :: CorpusId
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ selectNodesWith' parentId maybeNodeType = proc () -> do
row@(Node _ _ typeId _ parentId' _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
restrict -< parentId' .== (pgNodeId parentId)
let typeId' = maybe 0 hasDBid maybeNodeType
let typeId' = maybe 0 toDBid maybeNodeType
restrict -< if typeId' > 0
then typeId .== (pgInt4 (typeId' :: Int))
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ getClosestParentIdByType nId nType = do
result <- runPGSQuery query (nId, 0 :: Int)
case result of
[DPS.Only parentId, DPS.Only pTypename] -> do
if hasDBid nType == pTypename then
if toDBid nType == pTypename then
pure $ Just $ NodeId parentId
getClosestParentIdByType (NodeId parentId) nType
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ getNodesWithType nt _ = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWithType nt
=> NodeType -> Query NodeRead
selectNodesWithType nt' = proc () -> do
row@(Node _ _ tn _ _ _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
restrict -< tn .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid nt')
restrict -< tn .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid nt')
returnA -< row
getNodesIdWithType :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType) => NodeType -> Cmd err [NodeId]
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ selectNodesIdWithType :: HasDBid NodeType
=> NodeType -> Query (Column PGInt4)
selectNodesIdWithType nt = proc () -> do
row@(Node _ _ tn _ _ _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
restrict -< tn .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid nt)
restrict -< tn .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid nt)
returnA -< _node_id row
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ node nodeType name hyperData parentId userId =
(pgJSONB $ cs $ encode hyperData)
typeId = hasDBid nodeType
typeId = toDBid nodeType
insertNodes :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err Int64
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ insertNodes' ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn
ns' :: [NodeWrite]
ns' = map (\(Node i t u p n d h)
-> Node (pgNodeId <$> i)
(pgInt4 $ hasDBid t)
(pgInt4 $ toDBid t)
(pgInt4 u)
(pgNodeId <$> p)
(pgStrictText n)
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ insertNodesWithParentR pid ns = insertNodesR (set node_parentId (pgNodeId <$> pi
node2table :: HasDBid NodeType
=> UserId -> Maybe ParentId -> Node' -> NodeWrite
node2table uid pid (Node' nt txt v []) = Node Nothing Nothing (pgInt4 $ hasDBid nt) (pgInt4 uid) (fmap pgNodeId pid) (pgStrictText txt) Nothing (pgStrictJSONB $ cs $ encode v)
node2table uid pid (Node' nt txt v []) = Node Nothing Nothing (pgInt4 $ toDBid nt) (pgInt4 uid) (fmap pgNodeId pid) (pgStrictText txt) Nothing (pgStrictJSONB $ cs $ encode v)
node2table _ _ (Node' _ _ _ _) = panic "node2table: should not happen, Tree insert not implemented yet"
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ selectChildren parentId maybeNodeType = proc () -> do
row@(Node nId _ typeName _ parent_id _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
(NodeNode n1id n2id _ _) <- queryNodeNodeTable -< ()
let nodeType = maybe 0 hasDBid maybeNodeType
let nodeType = maybe 0 toDBid maybeNodeType
restrict -< typeName .== pgInt4 nodeType
restrict -< (.||) (parent_id .== (pgNodeId parentId))
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField (toField, Action{-, ToField-})
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (Values(..), QualifiedIdentifier(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.Core (HasDBid(hasDBid))
import Gargantext.Core (HasDBid(toDBid))
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd, runPGSQuery{-, formatPGSQuery-})
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class InsertDb a
instance InsertDb HyperdataDocument
insertDb' u p h = [ toField ("" :: Text)
, toField $ hasDBid NodeDocument
, toField $ toDBid NodeDocument
, toField u
, toField p
, toField $ maybe "No Title" (DT.take 255) (_hd_title h)
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ instance InsertDb HyperdataDocument
instance InsertDb HyperdataContact
insertDb' u p h = [ toField ("" :: Text)
, toField $ hasDBid NodeContact
, toField $ toDBid NodeContact
, toField u
, toField p
, toField $ maybe "Contact" (DT.take 255) (Just "Name") -- (_hc_name h)
......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ instance (AddUniqId a, ToJSON a, HasDBid NodeType) => AddUniqId (Node a)
hashId = Just $ "\\x" <> (hash $ DT.concat params)
params = [ secret
, cs $ show $ hasDBid NodeDocument
, cs $ show $ toDBid NodeDocument
, n
, cs $ show p
, cs $ encode h
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ instance (AddUniqId a, ToJSON a, HasDBid NodeType) => AddUniqId (Node a)
hashId = "\\x" <> (hash $ DT.concat params)
params = [ secret
, cs $ show $ hasDBid NodeDocument
, cs $ show $ toDBid NodeDocument
, n
, cs $ show p
, cs $ encode h
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class ToNode a
toNode :: HasDBid NodeType => UserId -> ParentId -> a -> Node a
instance ToNode HyperdataDocument where
toNode u p h = Node 0 Nothing (hasDBid NodeDocument) u (Just p) n date h
toNode u p h = Node 0 Nothing (toDBid NodeDocument) u (Just p) n date h
n = maybe "No Title" (DT.take 255) (_hd_title h)
date = jour y m d
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ instance ToNode HyperdataDocument where
-- TODO better Node
instance ToNode HyperdataContact where
toNode u p h = Node 0 Nothing (hasDBid NodeContact) u (Just p) "Contact" date h
toNode u p h = Node 0 Nothing (toDBid NodeContact) u (Just p) "Contact" date h
date = jour 2020 01 01
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ selectNodesWithUsername nt u = runOpaQuery (q u)
q u' = proc () -> do
(n,usrs) <- join' -< ()
restrict -< user_username usrs .== (toNullable $ pgStrictText u')
restrict -< _node_typename n .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid nt)
restrict -< _node_typename n .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid nt)
returnA -< _node_id n
join' :: Query (NodeRead, UserReadNull)
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ getNodeNodeWith pId _ maybeNodeType = runOpaQuery query
row@(Node nId typeName _ parent_id _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
(NodeNode _ n1id n2id _ _) <- queryNodeNodeTable -< ()
let nodeType = maybe 0 hasDBid maybeNodeType
let nodeType = maybe 0 toDBid maybeNodeType
restrict -< typeName .== pgInt4 nodeType
restrict -< (.||) (parent_id .== (pgNodeId parentId))
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ selectCountDocs cId = runCountOpaQuery (queryCountDocs cId)
(n, nn) <- joinInCorpus -< ()
restrict -< nn^.nn_node1_id .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId')
restrict -< nn^.nn_category .>= (toNullable $ pgInt4 1)
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeDocument)
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
returnA -< n
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ queryDocs cId = proc () -> do
(n, nn) <- joinInCorpus -< ()
restrict -< nn^.nn_node1_id .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId)
restrict -< nn^.nn_category .>= (toNullable $ pgInt4 1)
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeDocument)
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
returnA -< view (node_hyperdata) n
selectDocNodes :: HasDBid NodeType =>CorpusId -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataDocument]
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ queryDocNodes cId = proc () -> do
(n, nn) <- joinInCorpus -< ()
restrict -< nn^.nn_node1_id .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId)
restrict -< nn^.nn_category .>= (toNullable $ pgInt4 1)
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeDocument)
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
returnA -< n
joinInCorpus :: O.Query (NodeRead, NodeNodeReadNull)
......@@ -208,6 +208,6 @@ selectPublicNodes = runOpaQuery (queryWithType NodeFolderPublic)
queryWithType :: HasDBid NodeType =>NodeType -> O.Query (NodeRead, Column (Nullable PGInt4))
queryWithType nt = proc () -> do
(n, nn) <- joinOn1 -< ()
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid nt)
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid nt)
returnA -< (n, nn^.nn_node2_id)
......@@ -119,21 +119,21 @@ selectRoot :: User -> Query NodeRead
selectRoot (UserName username) = proc () -> do
row <- queryNodeTable -< ()
users <- queryUserTable -< ()
restrict -< _node_typename row .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeUser)
restrict -< _node_typename row .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeUser)
restrict -< user_username users .== (pgStrictText username)
restrict -< _node_userId row .== (user_id users)
returnA -< row
selectRoot (UserDBId uid) = proc () -> do
row <- queryNodeTable -< ()
restrict -< _node_typename row .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeUser)
restrict -< _node_typename row .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeUser)
restrict -< _node_userId row .== (pgInt4 uid)
returnA -< row
selectRoot (RootId nid) =
proc () -> do
row <- queryNodeTable -< ()
restrict -< _node_typename row .== (pgInt4 $ hasDBid NodeUser)
restrict -< _node_typename row .== (pgInt4 $ toDBid NodeUser)
restrict -< _node_id row .== (pgNodeId nid)
returnA -< row
selectRoot UserPublic = panic {-nodeError $ NodeError-} "[G.D.Q.T.Root.selectRoot] No root for Public"
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