Commit 7b41431a authored by Karen Konou's avatar Karen Konou

WIP: [GQL] Basic mutation authentication

parent 2b241420
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......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Schema.User (UserLight(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (node_id, node_hyperdata)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.API.GraphQL.Utils (AuthStatus(Invalid, Valid), authUser)
data UserInfo = UserInfo
{ ui_id :: Int
......@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ data UserInfoArgs
data UserInfoMArgs
= UserInfoMArgs
{ ui_id :: Int
, token :: Text
, ui_username :: Maybe Text
, ui_email :: Maybe Text
, ui_title :: Maybe Text
......@@ -108,35 +110,38 @@ updateUserInfo (UserInfoMArgs { ui_id, .. }) = do
users <- lift (getUsersWithNodeHyperdata ui_id)
case users of
[] -> panic $ "[updateUserInfo] User with id " <> (T.pack $ show ui_id) <> " doesn't exist."
((UserLight { .. }, node_u):_) -> do
let u_hyperdata = node_u ^. node_hyperdata
-- lift $ printDebug "[updateUserInfo] u" u
let u_hyperdata' = uh ui_titleL ui_title $
uh ui_sourceL ui_source $
uh ui_cwFirstNameL ui_cwFirstName $
uh ui_cwLastNameL ui_cwLastName $
uh ui_cwCityL ui_cwCity $
uh ui_cwCountryL ui_cwCountry $
uh' ui_cwLabTeamDeptsL ui_cwLabTeamDepts $
uh' ui_cwOrganizationL ui_cwOrganization $
uh ui_cwOfficeL ui_cwOffice $
uh ui_cwRoleL ui_cwRole $
uh ui_cwTouchMailL ui_cwTouchMail $
uh ui_cwTouchPhoneL ui_cwTouchPhone $
-- NOTE: We have 1 username and 2 emails: userLight_email and ui_cwTouchMail
-- The userLight_email is more important: it is used for login and sending mail.
-- Therefore we update ui_cwTouchMail and userLight_email.
-- ui_cwTouchMail is to be removed in the future.
let u' = UserLight { userLight_id
, userLight_username
, userLight_email = fromMaybe userLight_email $ view ui_cwTouchMailL u_hyperdata
, userLight_password }
-- lift $ printDebug "[updateUserInfo] with firstName" u_hyperdata'
_ <- lift $ updateHyperdata (node_u ^. node_id) u_hyperdata'
_ <- lift $ updateUserEmail u'
--let _newUser = toUser (u, u_hyperdata')
pure 1
((UserLight { .. }, node_u):_) ->
case authUser ui_id token of
Invalid -> panic "[updateUserInfo] failed to validate user"
Valid -> do
let u_hyperdata = node_u ^. node_hyperdata
-- lift $ printDebug "[updateUserInfo] u" u
let u_hyperdata' = uh ui_titleL ui_title $
uh ui_sourceL ui_source $
uh ui_cwFirstNameL ui_cwFirstName $
uh ui_cwLastNameL ui_cwLastName $
uh ui_cwCityL ui_cwCity $
uh ui_cwCountryL ui_cwCountry $
uh' ui_cwLabTeamDeptsL ui_cwLabTeamDepts $
uh' ui_cwOrganizationL ui_cwOrganization $
uh ui_cwOfficeL ui_cwOffice $
uh ui_cwRoleL ui_cwRole $
uh ui_cwTouchMailL ui_cwTouchMail $
uh ui_cwTouchPhoneL ui_cwTouchPhone $
-- NOTE: We have 1 username and 2 emails: userLight_email and ui_cwTouchMail
-- The userLight_email is more important: it is used for login and sending mail.
-- Therefore we update ui_cwTouchMail and userLight_email.
-- ui_cwTouchMail is to be removed in the future.
let u' = UserLight { userLight_id
, userLight_username
, userLight_email = fromMaybe userLight_email $ view ui_cwTouchMailL u_hyperdata
, userLight_password }
-- lift $ printDebug "[updateUserInfo] with firstName" u_hyperdata'
_ <- lift $ updateHyperdata (node_u ^. node_id) u_hyperdata'
_ <- lift $ updateUserEmail u'
--let _newUser = toUser (u, u_hyperdata')
pure 1
uh _ Nothing u_hyperdata = u_hyperdata
uh lens' (Just val) u_hyperdata = u_hyperdata & lens' .~ Just val
......@@ -4,8 +4,37 @@ import Data.Morpheus.Types (GQLTypeOptions, fieldLabelModifier)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unCapitalize, dropPrefix)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (jwtSettings, HasSettings (settings))
import Servant.Auth.Server (verifyJWT, JWTSettings)
import Control.Lens.Getter (view)
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd')
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthenticatedUser (AuthenticatedUser, _authUser_id))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (unNodeId)
unPrefix :: T.Text -> GQLTypeOptions -> GQLTypeOptions
unPrefix prefix options = options { fieldLabelModifier = nflm }
nflm label = unCapitalize $ dropPrefix (T.unpack prefix) $ ( fieldLabelModifier options ) label
data AuthStatus = Valid | Invalid
authUser :: (HasSettings env) => Int -> Text -> Cmd' env err AuthStatus
authUser ui_id token = do
let token' = encodeUtf8 token
jwtS <- view $ settings . jwtSettings
u <- getUserFromToken jwtS token'
case u of
Nothing -> pure Invalid
Just au ->
if nId au == ui_id
then pure Valid
else pure Invalid
nId AuthenticatedUser {_authUser_id} = unNodeId _authUser_id
getUserFromToken :: JWTSettings -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe AuthenticatedUser)
getUserFromToken = verifyJWT
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