Commit 7beb5d72 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

computeTime field in now optional

parent 2fd9c3e9
......@@ -430,13 +430,10 @@ type Period = (Date,Date)
type PeriodStr = (DateStr,DateStr)
data ComputeTimeHistory
= NoHistoricalDataAvailable
| ComputeTimeHistory (NonEmpty ElapsedSeconds)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, ToExpr)
noComputeTimeHistory :: ComputeTimeHistory
noComputeTimeHistory = NoHistoricalDataAvailable
newtype ComputeTimeHistory
= ComputeTimeHistory (NonEmpty ElapsedSeconds)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving newtype ToExpr
instance ToSchema ComputeTimeHistory where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy @[ElapsedSeconds])
......@@ -459,8 +456,9 @@ data Phylo =
-- See #409, store historical data on
-- how many seconds it took to generate
-- a given phylomemy graph, to give a rough
-- estimate to end users.
, _phylo_computeTime :: !ComputeTimeHistory
-- estimate to end users. The field is optional
-- to make it backward compatible.
, _phylo_computeTime :: !(Maybe ComputeTimeHistory)
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, ToExpr)
......@@ -706,13 +704,10 @@ instance ToJSON PhyloGroup
instance ToJSON ComputeTimeHistory where
toJSON = \case
-> JS.Null
ComputeTimeHistory runs
-> toJSON runs
instance FromJSON ComputeTimeHistory where
parseJSON JS.Null = pure NoHistoricalDataAvailable
parseJSON (JS.Array runs) = ComputeTimeHistory <$> parseJSON (JS.Array runs)
parseJSON ty = JS.typeMismatch "ComputeTimeHistory" ty
......@@ -832,7 +827,7 @@ instance Arbitrary PhyloParam where
arbitrary = pure defaultPhyloParam
instance Arbitrary ComputeTimeHistory where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure NoHistoricalDataAvailable, ComputeTimeHistory . NE.fromList . getNonEmpty <$> arbitrary ]
arbitrary = oneof [ ComputeTimeHistory . NE.fromList . getNonEmpty <$> arbitrary ]
-- The 'resize' ensure our tests won't take too long as
-- we won't be generating very long lists.
......@@ -857,9 +852,9 @@ trackComputeTime elapsedSecs = over phylo_computeTime update_time
-- In case we have more than one historical data available, we take only the last 5
-- runs, to not make the list unbounded.
update_time :: ComputeTimeHistory -> ComputeTimeHistory
update_time NoHistoricalDataAvailable
= ComputeTimeHistory (NE.singleton elapsedSecs)
update_time (ComputeTimeHistory (r NE.:| runs)) =
ComputeTimeHistory (elapsedSecs NE.:| (r : take 3 runs))
update_time :: Maybe ComputeTimeHistory -> Maybe ComputeTimeHistory
update_time Nothing
= Just $ ComputeTimeHistory (NE.singleton elapsedSecs)
update_time (Just (ComputeTimeHistory (r NE.:| runs))) =
Just $ ComputeTimeHistory (elapsedSecs NE.:| (r : take 3 runs))
......@@ -551,4 +551,4 @@ initPhylo docs conf =
(fromList $ map (\prd -> (prd, PhyloPeriod prd ("","") (initPhyloScales 1 prd))) periods)
(_qua_granularity $ phyloQuality $ _phyloParam_config params)
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