Commit 8156a769 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FUN] toGroupedText before toGroupedTextTree.

parent f25948fd
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Group.WithScores
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, view, set)
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, view, set, over)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListType(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeId)
......@@ -45,12 +45,54 @@ groupWithScores' flc _scores = FlowCont groups orphans
-- orphans have been filtered already
mapMaybeParent :: (Text -> Set NodeId)
-> Map Text FlowListScores
-> Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId)))
mapMaybeParent f = Map.fromListWith (<>) . (map (fromScores'' f)) . Map.toList
fromScores'' :: (Text -> Set NodeId)
-> (Text, FlowListScores)
-> (Maybe Parent, Map Text (GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId)))
fromScores'' f' (t, fs) = ( maybeParent
, Map.fromList [( t, set gts'_score (f' t)
$ set gts'_listType maybeList mempty
maybeParent = keyWithMaxValue $ view fls_parents fs
maybeList = keyWithMaxValue $ view fls_listType fs
toGroupedTree :: Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId)))
-> Map Parent (GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId))
toGroupedTree m = case Map.lookup Nothing m of
Nothing -> Map.empty
Just m' -> toGroupedTree' m m'
toGroupedTree' :: Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId)))
-> (Map Text (GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId)))
-> Map Parent (GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId))
toGroupedTree' m notEmpty
| notEmpty == Map.empty = Map.empty
| otherwise = Map.mapWithKey (addGroup m) notEmpty
addGroup m' k v = over gts'_children ( (toGroupedTree' m')
. (Map.union (fromMaybe Map.empty
$ Map.lookup (Just k) m'
) v
--8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<--
toGroupedTextScores' :: Map Text FlowListScores
-> Map Parent (GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId))
toGroupedTextScores' = toGroupedScores' . fromListScores'
fromListScores' :: Map Text FlowListScores
-> Map Parent GroupedWithListScores
......@@ -67,16 +109,7 @@ fromListScores' = Map.fromListWith (<>) . (map fromScores') . Map.toList
-- We ignore the ListType of children for the parents' one
-- added after and winner of semigroup actions
-- | TODO add score here
fromScores'' :: (Text, FlowListScores) -> (Maybe Parent, [GroupedTextScores' (Set NodeId)])
fromScores'' (t, fs) = ( maybeParent
, [ set gts'_listType maybeList mempty]
maybeParent = keyWithMaxValue $ view fls_parents fs
maybeList = keyWithMaxValue $ view fls_listType fs
-- toTree :: [(Maybe Parent, [GroupedWithListScores])] -> Map Parent (
toGroupedScores' :: Map Parent GroupedWithListScores
......@@ -88,16 +121,6 @@ toGroupedScores' = undefined
--8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<-- -8<--
-- TODO To be removed
data GroupedTextScores score =
GroupedTextScores { _gts_listType :: !(Maybe ListType)
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ toTree m =
-> Tree NodeTree
toTree' m' n =
TreeN (toNodeTree n) $
-- | Lines below are equal computationally but not semantically
-- | Lines below are equivalent computationally but not semantically
-- m' ^.. at (Just $ _dt_nodeId n) . _Just . each . to (toTree' m')
toListOf (at (Just $ _dt_nodeId n) . _Just . each . to (toTree' m')) m'
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