Commit 840513f3 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Use parMap instead of using parList

parent 8485e059
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker where
import Control.Lens hiding (Level)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parList, rdeepseq, using)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parMap, rpar)
import Data.List (nub, partition, intersect, tail)
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Map (fromListWith, keys, unionWith, fromList, empty, toList, elems, (!), restrictKeys, insert)
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ evolvSeaLadder nbFdt lambda freq similarities graph = map snd
-- 1.1) for each measure of similarity, prune the flat phylo, compute the branches and estimate the quality
qua :: [Double]
qua = map (\thr ->
qua = parMap rpar (\thr ->
let edges = filter (\edge -> snd edge >= thr) graph
nodes = nub $ concat $ map (\((n,n'),_) -> [n,n']) edges
branches = toRelatedComponents nodes edges
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ findSeaLadder phylo = case getSeaElevation phylo of
docs = filterDocs (getDocsByDate phylo) ([period] ++ next)
diagos = filterDiago (getCoocByDate phylo) ([period] ++ next)
-- 1.2) compute the kinship similarities between pairs of source & target in parallel
pairs = map (\source ->
pairs = parMap rpar (\source ->
let candidates = filter (\target -> (> 2) $ length
$ intersect (getGroupNgrams source) (getGroupNgrams target)) targets
in map (\target ->
......@@ -183,8 +183,7 @@ findSeaLadder phylo = case getSeaElevation phylo of
in ((source,target),toSimilarity nbDocs diago (getSimilarity phylo) (getGroupNgrams source) (getGroupNgrams target) (getGroupNgrams target))
) candidates
) sources
pairs' = pairs `using` parList rdeepseq
in acc ++ (concat pairs')
in acc ++ (concat pairs)
) [] $ keys $ phylo ^. phylo_periods
appendGroups :: (a -> Period -> (Text,Text) -> Scale -> Int -> [Cooc] -> Map Int Double -> PhyloGroup) -> Scale -> Map (Date,Date) [a] -> Phylo -> Phylo
......@@ -311,15 +310,14 @@ filterCliqueBySize thr l = filter (\clq -> (length $ clq ^. clustering_roots) >=
-- To filter nested Fis
filterCliqueByNested :: Map (Date, Date) [Clustering] -> Map (Date, Date) [Clustering]
filterCliqueByNested m =
let clq = map (\l ->
let clq = parMap rpar (\l ->
foldl (\mem f -> if (any (\f' -> isNested (f' ^. clustering_roots) (f ^. clustering_roots)) mem)
then mem
let fMax = filter (\f' -> not $ isNested (f ^. clustering_roots) (f' ^. clustering_roots)) mem
in fMax ++ [f] ) [] l)
$ elems m
clq' = clq `using` parList rdeepseq
in fromList $ zip (keys m) clq'
in fromList $ zip (keys m) clq
-- | To transform a time map of docs into a time map of Fis with some filters
......@@ -340,7 +338,7 @@ toSeriesOfClustering phylo phyloDocs = case (clique $ getConfig phylo) of
seriesOfClustering :: Map (Date,Date) [Clustering]
seriesOfClustering = case (clique $ getConfig phylo) of
Fis _ _ ->
let fis = map (\(prd,docs) ->
let fis = parMap rpar (\(prd,docs) ->
case (corpusParser $ getConfig phylo) of
Csv' _ -> let lst = toList
$ fisWithSizePolyMap' (Segment 1 20) 1 (map (\d -> (ngramsToIdx (text d) (getRoots phylo), (weight d, (sourcesToIdx (sources d) (getSources phylo))))) docs)
......@@ -350,18 +348,16 @@ toSeriesOfClustering phylo phyloDocs = case (clique $ getConfig phylo) of
in (prd, map (\f -> Clustering (Set.toList $ fst f) (snd f) prd (Just $ fromIntegral $ snd f) []) lst)
$ toList phyloDocs
fis' = fis `using` parList rdeepseq
in fromList fis'
in fromList fis
MaxClique _ thr filterType ->
let mcl = map (\(prd,docs) ->
let mcl = parMap rpar (\(prd,docs) ->
let cooc = map round
$ foldl sumCooc empty
$ map listToMatrix
$ map (\d -> ngramsToIdx (text d) (getRoots phylo)) docs
in (prd, map (\cl -> Clustering cl 0 prd Nothing []) $ getMaxCliques filterType Conditional thr cooc))
$ toList phyloDocs
mcl' = mcl `using` parList rdeepseq
in fromList mcl'
in fromList mcl
-- dev viz graph maxClique getMaxClique
......@@ -406,13 +402,12 @@ groupDocsByPeriodRec f prds docs acc =
groupDocsByPeriod' :: (NFData doc, Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date) -> [(date,date)] -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc]
groupDocsByPeriod' f pds docs =
let docs' = groupBy (\d d' -> f d == f d') $ sortOn f docs
periods = map (inPeriode f docs') pds
periods' = periods `using` parList rdeepseq
periods = parMap rpar (inPeriode f docs') pds
in trace ("\n" <> "-- | Group "
<> show(length docs)
<> " docs by "
<> show(length pds) <> " periods" <> "\n" :: Text)
$ fromList $ zip pds periods'
$ fromList $ zip pds periods
inPeriode :: Ord b => (t -> b) -> [[t]] -> (b, b) -> [t]
......@@ -425,13 +420,12 @@ groupDocsByPeriod' f pds docs =
groupDocsByPeriod :: (NFData doc, Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date) -> [(date,date)] -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc]
groupDocsByPeriod _ _ [] = panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker] Empty [Documents] can not have any periods"
groupDocsByPeriod f pds es =
let periods = map (inPeriode f es) pds
periods' = periods `using` parList rdeepseq
let periods = parMap rpar (inPeriode f es) pds
in trace ("\n" <> "-- | Group "
<> show(length es) <> " docs by "
<> show(length pds) <> " periods" <> "\n" :: Text)
$ fromList $ zip pds periods'
$ fromList $ zip pds periods
inPeriode :: Ord b => (t -> b) -> [t] -> (b, b) -> [t]
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