Commit 884666c6 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[GRAPH] Distances work with Accelerate (WIP)

parent 9cfbeaf8
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Gargantext.Core (Lang(..))
import qualified Ngrams.Lang.Occurrences as Occ
import qualified Ngrams.Metrics as Metrics
import qualified Parsers.Date as PD
import qualified Graph.Distance as GD
main :: IO ()
main = do
......@@ -24,3 +25,4 @@ main = do
-- Lang.ngramsExtractionTest EN
-- Metrics.main
......@@ -18,18 +18,15 @@ module Gargantext.Viz.Graph.Distances.Distributional
import Data.Matrix hiding (identity)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.Graph.Utils
distributional :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Matrix a -> [((Int, Int), a)]
distributional m = filter (\((x,y), d) -> foldl' (&&) True (conditions x y d) ) distriList
distributional' :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Matrix a -> [((Int, Int), a)]
distributional' m = filter (\((x,y), d) -> foldl' (&&) True (conditions x y d) ) distriList
conditions x y d = [ (x /= y)
, (d > miniMax')
......@@ -51,7 +48,6 @@ ri m = matrix c r doRi
$ (ax Col x y mi') (ax Row x y mi')
(c,r) = (nOf Col m, nOf Row m)
mi :: (Ord a, Floating a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a
mi m = matrix c r createMat
......@@ -34,13 +34,14 @@ Implementation use Accelerate library which enables GPU and CPU computation:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Gargantext.Viz.Graph.Distances.Matrice
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Data.Array.Accelerate
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Interpreter (run)
import qualified Gargantext.Prelude as P
......@@ -85,6 +86,10 @@ dim m = n
-- indexTail (arrayShape m)
-- TODO move to Utils
runExp :: Elt e => Exp e -> e
runExp e = indexArray (run (unit e)) Z
-- | Sum of a Matrix by Column
......@@ -119,7 +124,9 @@ matProba r mat = zipWith (/) mat (matSumCol r mat)
-- >>> run $ diag (use $ matrix 3 ([1..] :: [Int]))
-- Vector (Z :. 3) [1,5,9]
diag :: Elt e => Acc (Matrix e) -> Acc (Vector e)
diag m = backpermute (indexTail (shape m)) (lift1 (\(Z :. x) -> (Z :. x :. (x :: Exp Int)))) m
diag m = backpermute (indexTail (shape m))
(lift1 (\(Z :. x) -> (Z :. x :. (x :: Exp Int))))
-- | Divide by the Diagonal of the matrix
......@@ -151,8 +158,8 @@ matMiniMax m = map (\x -> ifThenElse (x > miniMax') x 0) (transpose m)
-- [ 0.0, 0.0, 7.0,
-- 0.0, 0.0, 8.0,
-- 0.0, 6.0, 9.0]
matFilter :: Double -> Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
matFilter t m = map (\x -> ifThenElse (x > (constant t)) x 0) (transpose m)
filter' :: Double -> Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
filter' t m = map (\x -> ifThenElse (x > (constant t)) x 0) (transpose m)
-- * Measures of proximity
......@@ -236,42 +243,96 @@ conditional' m = ( run $ ie $ map fromIntegral $ use m
-- \[N_{m} = \sum_{i,i \neq i}^{m} \sum_{j, j \neq j}^{m} S_{ij}\]
distributional :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Double
distributional m = run $ matMiniMax
$ ri
distributional m = run -- $ matMiniMax
-- $ ri
-- $ myMin
$ filter' 0
$ s_mi
-- $ diag2null
$ map fromIntegral -- ^ from Int to Double
$ use m -- ^ push matrix in Accelerate type
-- filter m = zipWith (\a b -> max a b) m (transpose m)
ri :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
ri mat = zipWith (/) mat1 mat2
ri mat = mat1 -- zipWith (/) mat1 mat2
mat1 = matSumCol n $ zipWith min (s_mi mat) (s_mi $ transpose mat)
mat2 = matSumCol n mat
mat1 = matSumCol n $ zipWith min' (myMin mat) (myMin $ transpose mat)
mat2 = total mat
s_mi :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
s_mi m' = zipWith (\a b -> log (a/b)) m'
$ zipWith (/) (crossProduct m') (total m')
$ zipWith (/) (crossProduct n m') (total m')
total :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
total = replicate (constant (Z :. n :. n)) . sum . sum
min' x y
| runExp (x > y && x /= 0) = x
| P.otherwise = y
myMin :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
myMin = replicate (constant (Z :. n :. All)) . minimum
n :: Dim
n = dim m
crossProduct :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
crossProduct m''' = zipWith (*) (cross m''' ) (cross (transpose m'''))
cross :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
cross mat = zipWith (-) (matSumCol n mat) (mat)
-- run $ (identityMatrix (DAA.constant (10::Int)) :: DAA.Acc (DAA.Matrix Int)) Matrix (Z :. 10 :. 10)
identityMatrix :: Num a => Exp Int -> Acc (Matrix a)
identityMatrix n =
let zeros = fill (index2 n n) 0
ones = fill (index1 n) 1
permute const zeros (\(unindex1 -> i) -> index2 i i) ones
eyeMatrix :: Num a => (Matrix a) -> Acc (Matrix a)
eyeMatrix m =
let zeros = fill (index2 n n) 1
ones = fill (index1 n) 0
n = constant $ dim m
permute const zeros (\(unindex1 -> i) -> index2 i i) ones
diag2null :: Num a => (Matrix a) -> Acc (Matrix a)
diag2null m' = zipWith (*) m eye
m = use m'
eye = eyeMatrix m'
crossProduct :: Dim -> Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
crossProduct n m = trace ( (run m',run m'')) $ zipWith (*) m' m''
m' = cross n m
m'' = cross n (transpose m)
crossT :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
crossT = run . transpose . use
crossProduct' :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
crossProduct' m = run $ crossProduct n m'
n = dim m
m' = use m
runWith :: (Arrays c, Elt a1)
=> (Dim -> Acc (Matrix a1) -> a2 -> Acc c)
-> Matrix a1
-> a2
-> c
runWith f m = run . f (dim m) (use m)
-- | cross
cross :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
cross mat = run $ zipWith (-) (matSumCol n mat') (mat')
cross :: Dim -> Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Matrix Double)
cross n mat = zipWith (-) (matSumCol n mat) (mat)
cross' :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
cross' mat = run $ cross n mat'
mat' = use mat
n = dim mat
......@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ extra-deps:
commit: 308c74b71a1abb0a91546fa57d353131248e3a7f
- Unique-,2723
- KMP-
- accelerate-
- aeson-lens-
- deepseq-th-
- duckling-
......@@ -84,3 +83,7 @@ extra-deps:
- password-
- base64-0.4.2@sha256:e9523e18bdadc3cab9dc32dfe3ac09c718fe792076326d6d353437b8b255cb5b,2888
- ghc-byteorder-,1535
# Matrix Computation
- accelerate-
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