Commit 8f4ffdcd authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Change gargantext-settings.toml for proxy sub-section

parent 0e037e1f
......@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ allowed-origins = [
use-origins-for-hosts = true
proxy-port = 8009
port = 8009
enabled = false
......@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ import Toml
data MicroServicesSettings =
MicroServicesSettings {
-- | The port where the microservices proxy will be listening on.
_msProxyPort :: Int
_msProxyPort :: !Int
, _msProxyEnabled :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
microServicesSettingsCodec :: TomlCodec MicroServicesSettings
microServicesSettingsCodec = MicroServicesSettings
<$> "proxy-port" .= _msProxyPort
<$> "port" .= _msProxyPort
<*> Toml.bool "enabled" .= _msProxyEnabled
mkProxyUrl :: GargConfig -> MicroServicesSettings -> BaseUrl
mkProxyUrl GargConfig{..} MicroServicesSettings{..} =
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ makeLenses ''GargTomlSettings
settingsCodec :: TomlCodec GargTomlSettings
settingsCodec = GargTomlSettings
<$> (Toml.table corsSettingsCodec "cors" .= _gargCorsSettings)
<*> (Toml.table microServicesSettingsCodec "microservices" .= _gargMicroServicesSettings)
<*> (Toml.table microServicesSettingsCodec "microservices.proxy" .= _gargMicroServicesSettings)
-- | Extends the 'allowed-origins' in the CORSettings with the URLs embellished
-- with the proxy port.
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