Commit 95553245 authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

fix the shape and the font

parent 6931956d
Pipeline #4313 failed with stages
in 42 minutes and 29 seconds
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ periodToDotNode prd prd' =
groupToDotNode :: Vector Ngrams -> PhyloGroup -> Int -> Dot DotId
groupToDotNode fdt g bId =
node (groupIdToDotId $ getGroupId g)
([Shape Square]
([FontName "Arial", Shape Square, penWidth 4]
<> [ toAttr "nodeType" "group"
, toAttr "gid" (groupIdToDotId $ getGroupId g)
, toAttr "from" (pack $ show (fst $ g ^. phylo_groupPeriod))
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