Eleve: merge my tests

parent f9d25b86
Pipeline #581 failed with stage
......@@ -367,12 +367,13 @@ split inE t0 ts =
mainEleve :: Int -> [[Text]] -> [[[Text]]]
mainEleve n x = mainEleve' n x x
mainEleve n x = mainEleve' n x x
mainEleve' :: Int -> [[Text]] -> [[Text]] -> [[[Text]]]
mainEleve' n x y = mainEleveWith x' n y
x' = buildTries n (fmap toToken x)
-- (fmap toToken i) is computed twice, since mainEleveWith is computing it too
-- | This function should take the longest possible chain of:
-- mainEleve'' n x y = maxChainSizeOf [ mainEleve' n x y
......@@ -397,9 +398,9 @@ type Checks e = [(Text, Int, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e)]
testEleve :: e ~ Double => Bool -> Int -> [Text] -> Checks e -> IO Bool
testEleve debug n output checks = do
res = split n info_autonomy nt <$> inp
res = split (1 + n) info_autonomy nt <$> input
when debug $ do
P.putStrLn $ show input
P.putStrLn . show $ (printToken <$>) <$> input
P.putStrLn ""
printTrie info_entropy nt
P.putStrLn ""
......@@ -411,14 +412,13 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do
out = T.words <$> output
expected = fmap (T.splitOn "-") <$> out
input = (T.splitOn "-" =<<) <$> out
inp = toToken <$> input
input = toToken . (T.splitOn "-" =<<) <$> out
nt :: Tries Token (I Double)
nt = normalizeEntropy info_entropy_var set_autonomy
. evTrie identity set_entropy_var
. entropyTrie isTerminal
$ buildTries n inp
$ buildTries n input
check f msg ref my =
if f ref my
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do
check sim "bwd_autonomy" bwd_autonomy (nodeEntropy info_autonomy (_bwd nt'))
-- | TODO real data is a list of tokenized sentences
example0, example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6 :: [Text]
example0, example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6, example7, example8, example9 :: [Text]
example0 = ["New-York is New-York and New-York"]
example1 = ["to-be or not to-be"]
example2 = ["to-be-or not to-be-or NOT to-be and"]
......@@ -458,8 +458,13 @@ example6 = ["le-petit chat"
,"le-petit rat"
,"le gros rat"
example7 = ["a-b d", "a-c e", "a-c", "a-b", "a-b", "a-c", "a-c", "a-b"]
-- example8 = ["z f", "z", "z", "z"] <> example7
example8 = ["z", "z", "z", "z"] <> example7 <> example7 <> example7
example9 = (T.replace "z" "a") <$> example8
--example8 = ["a-b d", "a-c e", "a f", "a-c g", "a-b h", "a i", "a j", "a-b k", "a-c l", "a-c m", "a n", "a-b o"]
checks0, checks2 :: Checks Double
checks0, checks2, checks7, checks8, checks9 :: Checks Double
checks0 =
-- [(token, count, entropy, ev, autonomy, fwd_entropy, fwd_ev, fwd_autonomy, bwd_entropy, bwd_ev, bwd_autonomy)]
......@@ -498,8 +503,27 @@ checks2 = []
runTestsEleve :: IO ()
runTestsEleve =
checks7 =
[ ("a b", 4, 2, 1.5, 1.0106455960380136, 2, 1, 0.7302967433402215, 2, 2, 1.2909944487358056)
, ("a c", 4, 2, 1.5, 1.0106455960380136, 2, 1, 0.7302967433402215, 2, 2, 1.2909944487358056)
, ("a", 8, 2, -0.7139421727208477, 0.9315597394596105, 1, -1.7139421727208477, 0.1695158759052029, 3, 0.2860578272791523, 1.693603603014018)
checks8 =
[ ("a b", 4, 2, 1.5, 1.2384061243840367, 2, 1, 0.9190418024406298, 2, 2, 1.5577704463274435)
, ("a c", 4, 2, 1.5, 1.2384061243840367, 2, 1, 0.9190418024406298, 2, 2, 1.5577704463274435)
, ("a", 8, 2, -1.1151193576322829, 0.8012882295122719, 1, -2.115119357632283, 1.1025957503820932e-2, 3, -0.11511935763228287, 1.5915505015207227)
, ("z", 4, 2, -1.1151193576322829, 0.9576679529201777, 2, -1.1151193576322829, 1.0906240295212841, 2, -1.1151193576322829, 0.8247118763190712)
checks9 =
[ ("a b", 4, 2, 0.8741854163060885, 0.9234576822288185, 2, -0.25162916738782304, 0.2891449181301934, 2, 2, 1.5577704463274435)
, ("a c", 4, 2, 0.8741854163060885, 0.9234576822288185, 2, -0.25162916738782304, 0.2891449181301934, 2, 2, 1.5577704463274435)
, ("a", 12, 2.91829583405449, 3.763498724462999e-2, 1.518835832034022, 2.251629167387823, -0.6290316794220367, 1.2162041043595873, 3.5849625007211565, 0.7043016539112967, 1.8214675597084569)
runTestsEleve :: Bool -> IO ()
runTestsEleve doChecks =
[("example0", 3, example0, checks0)
,("example0", 2, example0, [])
......@@ -509,9 +533,12 @@ runTestsEleve =
,("example4", 4, example4, [])
,("example5", 5, example5, [])
,("example6", 2, example6, [])
,("example7", 2, example7, checks7)
,("example8", 2, example8, checks8)
,("example9", 2, example9, checks9)
(\(name, n, ex, checks) -> do
P.putStrLn $ name <> " " <> show n
b <- testEleve False n ex checks
b <- testEleve False n ex (if doChecks then checks else [])
P.putStrLn $ " splitting: " <> if b then "PASS" else "FAIL"
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