feat: update corpus endpoint

parent ca1aa195
......@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow (reIndexWith)
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Pairing (pairing)
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Metrics (updateNgramsOccurrences, updateContextScore)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Phylo ( HyperdataPhylo(HyperdataPhylo) )
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node ( NodeId, NodeType(NodeCorpus, NodeAnnuaire) )
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (defaultList, getNode)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node ( NodeId,
NodeType(NodeCorpus, NodeAnnuaire, NodeTexts, NodeGraph, NodePhylo, NodeList) )
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (defaultList, getNode, getChildrenByType)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.UpdateOpaleye (updateHyperdata)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (node_parent_id)
import Gargantext.Prelude
......@@ -59,16 +60,15 @@ type API = Summary " Update node according to NodeType params"
data UpdateNodeParams = UpdateNodeParamsList { methodList :: !Method }
| UpdateNodeParamsGraph { methodGraphMetric :: !GraphMetric
, methodGraphClustering :: !PartitionMethod
, methodGraphBridgeness :: !BridgenessMethod
, methodGraphEdgesStrength :: !Strength
, methodGraphNodeType1 :: !NgramsType
, methodGraphNodeType2 :: !NgramsType
| UpdateNodeParamsGraph { methodGraph :: !UpdateNodeConfigGraph }
| UpdateNodeParamsTexts { methodTexts :: !Granularity }
| UpdateNodeParamsCorpus { methodGraph :: !UpdateNodeConfigGraph
, methodPhylo :: !PhyloSubConfigAPI
, methodTexts :: !Granularity
, methodList :: !Method }
| UpdateNodeParamsBoard { methodBoard :: !Charts }
| LinkNodeReq { nodeType :: !NodeType
......@@ -89,6 +89,16 @@ data Granularity = NewNgrams | NewTexts | Both
data Charts = Sources | Authors | Institutes | Ngrams | All
deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
data UpdateNodeConfigGraph = UpdateNodeConfigGraph { methodGraphMetric :: !GraphMetric
, methodGraphClustering :: !PartitionMethod
, methodGraphBridgeness :: !BridgenessMethod
, methodGraphEdgesStrength :: !Strength
, methodGraphNodeType1 :: !NgramsType
, methodGraphNodeType2 :: !NgramsType
deriving (Generic)
api :: NodeId -> ServerT API (GargM Env BackendInternalError)
api nId =
......@@ -104,7 +114,8 @@ updateNode :: (HasNodeStory env err m
-> UpdateNodeParams
-> JobHandle m
-> m ()
updateNode nId (UpdateNodeParamsGraph metric partitionMethod bridgeMethod strength nt1 nt2) jobHandle = do
updateNode nId (UpdateNodeParamsGraph
(UpdateNodeConfigGraph metric partitionMethod bridgeMethod strength nt1 nt2)) jobHandle = do
markStarted 2 jobHandle
-- printDebug "Computing graph: " method
......@@ -190,6 +201,24 @@ updateNode tId (UpdateNodeParamsTexts _mode) jobHandle = do
markComplete jobHandle
updateNode tId
(UpdateNodeParamsCorpus methodGraph methodPhylo methodTexts methodList)
jobHandle = do
markStarted 3 jobHandle
markProgress 1 jobHandle
_ <- getNode tId
childTexts <- getChildrenByType tId NodeTexts
childGraphs <- getChildrenByType tId NodeGraph
childPhylos <- getChildrenByType tId NodePhylo
childNodeLists <- getChildrenByType tId NodeList
mapM_ (\cId -> updateNode cId (UpdateNodeParamsTexts methodTexts) jobHandle) childTexts
mapM_ (\cId -> updateNode cId (UpdateNodeParamsGraph methodGraph) jobHandle) childGraphs
mapM_ (\cId -> updateNode cId (UpdateNodePhylo methodPhylo) jobHandle) childPhylos
mapM_ (\cId -> updateNode cId (UpdateNodeParamsList methodList) jobHandle) childNodeLists
markComplete jobHandle
updateNode _nId _p jobHandle = do
simuLogs jobHandle 10
......@@ -218,7 +247,7 @@ instance ToSchema UpdateNodeParams
instance Arbitrary UpdateNodeParams where
arbitrary = do
l <- UpdateNodeParamsList <$> arbitrary
g <- UpdateNodeParamsGraph <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
g <- UpdateNodeParamsGraph <$> arbitrary
t <- UpdateNodeParamsTexts <$> arbitrary
b <- UpdateNodeParamsBoard <$> arbitrary
elements [l,g,t,b]
......@@ -241,4 +270,10 @@ instance ToSchema Charts
instance Arbitrary Charts where
arbitrary = elements [ minBound .. maxBound ]
instance FromJSON UpdateNodeConfigGraph
instance ToJSON UpdateNodeConfigGraph
instance ToSchema UpdateNodeConfigGraph
instance Arbitrary UpdateNodeConfigGraph where
arbitrary = errorTrace "hi"
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