Eleve: improve splitting which passes 5/7 tests but still lacks a crucial point

parent c57595c8
Pipeline #471 failed with stage
......@@ -307,35 +307,37 @@ onTries h (Tries f b) = Tries (h f) (h b)
split :: (IsTrie trie, Entropy e) => Lens' i e -> trie Token i -> [Token] -> [[Token]]
split _ _ [] = []
split inE t0 (Terminal Start:xs0) = split inE (nodeChild (Terminal Start) t0) xs0
split inE t0 (x0:xs0) = go (nodeChild x0 t0) [x0] xs0
split _ _ [] = []
split inE t (Terminal Start:xs) = split inE t xs
split inE t (x0:xs0) = go [x0] xs0
consRev [] xss = xss
consRev xs xss = reverse xs : xss
go _ pref [] = [reverse pref]
go _ pref (Terminal Stop:_) = [reverse pref]
go t pref (Terminal Start:xs) = go t pref xs
go t pref (x:xs) =
-- trace (show (if acc then "ACC" else "CUT", (reverse (x : pref), ext), if acc then ">" else "<=", ((reverse pref, et), "+", ([x], ext0)))) $
mayCons [] xss = xss
mayCons xs xss = xs : xss
go pref [] = [pref]
go pref (Terminal Stop:_) = [pref]
go _ (Terminal Start:_) = panic "split impossible"
go pref (x:xs) =
-- trace (show (if acc then "ACC" else "CUT", (prefx, epxt), if acc then ">" else "<=", ((pref, ept), "+", ([x], ext)))) $
if acc
then go xt (x:pref) xs
else consRev pref $ go xt0 [x] xs
then go prefx xs
else mayCons pref $ go [x] xs
xt = nodeChild x t
xt0 = nodeChild x t0
et = ne 0 t
prefx = pref <> [x]
pt = findTrieR pref t
pxt = findTrieR prefx t
xt = findTrieR [x] t
ept = ne pt
-- ^ entropy of the current prefix
ext0 = ne 0 xt0
ext = ne xt
-- ^ entropy of [x]
ext = ne 0 xt
epxt = ne pxt
-- ^ entropy of the current prefix plus x
acc = ext > et + ext0
acc = P.isNaN ept || P.isNaN ext || not (P.isNaN epxt) -- && (epxt > ept + ext)
-- aut(["in","this","paper"]) > aut(["in","this"]) + aut(["paper"])
ne d t = if P.isNaN e then d else e
where e = nodeEntropy inE t
ne = nodeEntropy inE
split :: Entropy e => Lens' i e -> Tries Token i -> [Token] -> [[Token]]
......@@ -363,7 +365,7 @@ data Order = Backward | Forward
toToken' :: Order -> Int -> [[Text]] -> [[Token]]
toToken' o n input = L.concat
$ ( filter (/= [Terminal (term o)])
. chunkAlongEleve (n + 2)
. chunkAlongEleve (n + 1)
. (order o)
<$> toToken
......@@ -517,6 +519,7 @@ runTests =
,("example3", 2, example3, [])
,("example4", 4, example4, [])
,("example5", 5, example5, [])
,("example6", 2, example6, [])
(\(name, n, ex, checks) -> do
P.putStrLn $ name <> " " <> show n
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