Commit ad6406a8 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] Proxemy and confluence implemented and tested (need refactor).

parent a8e53a57
Pipeline #424 failed with stage
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ type NeighborsFilter = Graph_Undirected -> Node -> [Node]
type We = Bool
similarity_CONF_x_y :: Graph_Undirected -> (Node,Node) -> Length -> FalseReflexive -> We -> Double
similarity_CONF_x_y g (x,y) l r we = similarity
similarity_conf_x_y :: Graph_Undirected -> (Node,Node) -> Length -> FalseReflexive -> We -> Double
similarity_conf_x_y g (x,y) l r we = similarity
similarity :: Double
similarity | denominator == 0 = 0
......@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ similarity_CONF_x_y g (x,y) l r we = similarity
xline :: Map Node Double
xline = prox_markov g [x] l r filterNeighbors'
filterNeighbors' = if not we then filterNeighbors
else rm_edge_neighbors y
-- (\g n -> List.filter (/= y) $ filterNeighbors g n)
filterNeighbors' | we == True = filterNeighbors
| otherwise = rm_edge_neighbors (x,y)
pair_is_edge :: Bool
pair_is_edge = if we then False
else List.elem y (filterNeighbors g x)
pair_is_edge | we == True = False
| otherwise = List.elem y (filterNeighbors g x)
lim_SC :: Double
......@@ -63,12 +63,17 @@ similarity_CONF_x_y g (x,y) l r we = similarity
else (degree g y + 1 ) / denominator
denominator = if pair_is_edge
then (2 * (ecount g) + (vcount g) - 2)
else (2 * (ecount g) + (vcount g) )
then (2 * (ecount g) + (vcount g) - 2)
else (2 * (ecount g) + (vcount g) )
rm_edge_neighbors :: (Node, Node) -> Graph_Undirected -> Node -> [Node]
rm_edge_neighbors (x,y) g n | (n == x && List.elem y all_neighbors) = List.filter (/= y) all_neighbors
| (n == y && List.elem x all_neighbors) = List.filter (/= x) all_neighbors
| otherwise = all_neighbors
all_neighbors = filterNeighbors g n
rm_edge_neighbors :: Node -> Graph_Undirected -> Node -> [Node]
rm_edge_neighbors b g a = List.filter (/= b)
$ filterNeighbors g a
-- | TODO do as a Map instead of [Node] ?
prox_markov :: Graph_Undirected -> [Node] -> Length -> FalseReflexive -> NeighborsFilter -> Map Node Double
......@@ -91,8 +96,8 @@ spreading g ms r nf = Map.fromListWith (+) $ List.concat $ map pvalue (Map.keys
-- pvalue' n = [pvalue n] <> map pvalue (neighborhood n)
pvalue n = [(n, pvalue' n)] <> map (\n''->(n'', pvalue' n)) (nf g n)
pvalue' n' = (value n') / (fromIntegral $ List.length neighborhood)
value n' = maybe 0 identity $ Map.lookup n' ms
pvalue' n' = (value n') / (fromIntegral $ List.length neighborhood)
value n' = maybe 0 identity $ Map.lookup n' ms
neighborhood = (nf g n) <> (if r then [n] else [])
......@@ -132,6 +137,22 @@ graphTest= mkGraphUfromEdges [(0,1),(0,2),(0,4),(0,5),(1,0),(1,3),(1,8),(2,0),(2
runTest_prox_is_ok :: Bool
runTest_prox_is_ok = List.null (List.filter (not . List.null) $ map runTest_prox' [0..3])
runTest_conf_is_ok :: Bool
runTest_conf_is_ok = List.null $ List.filter (\t -> snd t == False)
[ (((x,y)), abs ((look (y,x) test) - (look (y,x) temoin)) < 0.0001)
| y <- nodes graphTest
, x <- nodes graphTest
test = Map.fromList $ Map.fromList [(n, [ (y, similarity_conf_x_y graphTest (n,y) 3 True False) | y <- nodes graphTest]) | n <- nodes graphTest]
temoin = test_confluence_temoin
look :: (Node,Node) -> Map Node (Map Node Double) -> Double
look (x,y) m = look' x $ look' y m
look' x' m' = maybe (panic "nokey") identity $ Map.lookup x' m'
runTest_prox' :: Node -> [((Node, (Node, Node)), Bool)]
runTest_prox' l = List.filter (\t -> snd t == False)
......@@ -146,7 +167,7 @@ runTest_prox' l = List.filter (\t -> snd t == False)
look' x' m' = maybe (panic "nokey") identity $ Map.lookup x' m'
test = toMap $ test_proxs_y l
temoin = toMap $ test_prox l
toMap = Map.fromList . Map.fromList
toMap = Map.fromList . Map.fromList
test_proxs_y :: Length -> [(Node, [(Node, Double)])]
......@@ -260,8 +281,8 @@ test_prox _ = undefined
-- | confluence longueur balade 3
test_confluence_temoin :: [(Node, [(Node, Double)])]
test_confluence_temoin = [(0,[(0,0.7448),(1,0.4844),(2,0.6471),(3,0.6759),(4,0.6297),(5,0.6219),(6,0.7040),(7,0.1870),(8,0.4092),(9,0.1870),(10,0.1870),(11,0.2233),(12,0.2233),(13,0.1870),(14,0.0987),(15,0.0987),(16,0.3325),(17,0.0000),(18,0.2827),(19,0.0000),(20,0.0641)])
test_confluence_temoin :: Map Node (Map Node Double)
test_confluence_temoin = Map.fromList $ Map.fromList [(0,[(0,0.7448),(1,0.4844),(2,0.6471),(3,0.6759),(4,0.6297),(5,0.6219),(6,0.7040),(7,0.1870),(8,0.4092),(9,0.1870),(10,0.1870),(11,0.2233),(12,0.2233),(13,0.1870),(14,0.0987),(15,0.0987),(16,0.3325),(17,0.0000),(18,0.2827),(19,0.0000),(20,0.0641)])
, (1,[(0,0.4844),(1,0.7225),(2,0.6158),(3,0.4509),(4,0.6326),(5,0.6521),(6,0.6008),(7,0.4259),(8,0.2441),(9,0.4362),(10,0.3925),(11,0.4587),(12,0.4587),(13,0.3804),(14,0.0931),(15,0.0931),(16,0.2426),(17,0.1611),(18,0.2100),(19,0.1461),(20,0.1259)])
, (2,[(0,0.6471),(1,0.6158),(2,0.7070),(3,0.6569),(4,0.7060),(5,0.5915),(6,0.6918),(7,0.0680),(8,0.3091),(9,0.0680),(10,0.0680),(11,0.0836),(12,0.0836),(13,0.1239),(14,0.3219),(15,0.3219),(16,0.0630),(17,0.2568),(18,0.3901),(19,0.2458),(20,0.2674)])
, (3,[(0,0.6759),(1,0.4509),(2,0.6569),(3,0.6740),(4,0.6865),(5,0.5777),(6,0.6659),(7,0.1411),(8,0.3093),(9,0.1411),(10,0.1888),(11,0.1704),(12,0.1704),(13,0.1774),(14,0.3144),(15,0.3144),(16,0.4317),(17,0.2472),(18,0.0602),(19,0.3320),(20,0.2975)])
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