Commit aff1578e authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] Book export to CSV functions (WIP)

parent 5401daf1
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
name: gargantext
synopsis: Search, map, share
description: Please see
category: Data
......@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ library
Module : Gargantext.Core.Text.Corpus.Parsers.Book
Description :
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
Get Book into GarganText
module Gargantext.Core.Text.Corpus.Parsers.Book
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.IO (FilePath)
import Gargantext.Core (Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Corpus.Parsers.CSV (hyperdataDocument2csv)
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Corpus.Parsers.FrameWrite (text2titleParagraphs)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata (HyperdataDocument(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import System.Directory -- (getDirectoryContents)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Text as DT
-- Main Export Function
type FileOut = FilePath
publi2csv :: Int -> FileDir -> FileOut -> IO ()
publi2csv n f_in f_out = do
files <- filesOf f_in
texts <- readPublis f_in files
let publis = List.concat $ map (file2publi n) texts
let docs = map (\(y,p) -> publiToHyperdata y p) $ [1..] publis
DBL.writeFile f_out (hyperdataDocument2csv docs)
filesOf :: FileDir -> IO [FilePath]
filesOf fd = List.sort -- sort by filename
<$> List.filter (\f -> DT.length (cs f) > 2)
<$> getDirectoryContents fd
readPublis :: FileDir -> [FilePath] -> IO [(FilePath, Text)]
readPublis fd fps = mapM (\fp -> DBL.readFile (fd <> fp) >>= \txt -> pure (fp, cs txt)) fps
-- Main Types
data Publi = Publi { publi_authors :: [Text]
, publi_source :: Text
, publi_title :: Text
, publi_text :: Text
deriving (Show)
data FileInfo = FileInfo { fi_authors :: [Text]
, fi_source :: Text
deriving (Show)
type FileDir = FilePath
file2publi :: Int -> (FilePath, Text) -> [Publi]
file2publi n (fp,theText) = map (\(t,txt) -> Publi authors source t txt) theTexts
theTexts = text2titleParagraphs n theText
FileInfo authors source = fileNameInfo fp
fileNameInfo :: FilePath -> FileInfo
fileNameInfo fp = toFileInfo xs
xs = DT.splitOn "_" $ DT.pack fp
toFileInfo (a:b:_) = FileInfo (DT.splitOn "-and-" a) (cs b)
toFileInfo _ = panic "error"
publiToHyperdata :: Int -> Publi -> HyperdataDocument
publiToHyperdata y (Publi a s t txt) =
HyperdataDocument { _hd_bdd = Just "Book File"
, _hd_doi = Nothing
, _hd_url = Nothing
, _hd_uniqId = Nothing
, _hd_uniqIdBdd = Nothing
, _hd_page = Nothing
, _hd_title = Just t
, _hd_authors = Just (DT.concat a)
, _hd_institutes = Nothing
, _hd_source = Just s
, _hd_abstract = Just txt
, _hd_publication_date = Nothing
, _hd_publication_year = Just y
, _hd_publication_month = Just 1
, _hd_publication_day = Just 1
, _hd_publication_hour = Nothing
, _hd_publication_minute = Nothing
, _hd_publication_second = Nothing
, _hd_language_iso2 = Just $ DT.pack $ show FR
-- MISC tool to remove urls for instance
clean :: Text -> Text
clean = DT.unwords . List.filter (\w -> DT.length w < 20) . DT.words
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ text2titleParagraphs n = catMaybes
n' = n + (round $ (fromIntegral n) / (2 :: Double))
doTitle :: [Text] -> Maybe (Text, Text)
doTitle (t:ts) = Just (t, DT.concat ts)
doTitle (t:ts) = Just (t, DT.intercalate " " ts)
doTitle [] = Nothing
......@@ -38,11 +38,17 @@ type NLP_API = Lang -> Text -> IO PosSentences
multiterms :: NLPServerConfig -> Lang -> Text -> IO [TermsWithCount]
multiterms nsc l txt = do
ret <- multiterms' tokenTag2terms l $ cleanTextForNLP txt
pure $ groupWithCounts ret
multiterms' :: (TokenTag -> a) -> Lang -> Text -> IO [a]
multiterms' f lang txt' = concat
let txt' = cleanTextForNLP txt
if txt' == ""
then do
printDebug "[G.C.T.Terms.Multi] becomes empty after cleanTextForNLP" txt
pure []
else do
ret <- multiterms' tokenTag2terms l txt'
pure $ groupWithCounts ret
multiterms' :: (TokenTag -> a) -> Lang -> Text -> IO [a]
multiterms' f lang txt' = concat
<$> map (map f)
<$> map (filter (\t -> _my_token_pos t == Just NP))
<$> tokenTags nsc lang txt'
......@@ -53,7 +59,9 @@ tokenTag2terms (TokenTag ws t _ _) = Terms ws t
tokenTags :: NLPServerConfig -> Lang -> Text -> IO [[TokenTag]]
tokenTags (NLPServerConfig { server = CoreNLP, url }) EN txt = tokenTagsWith EN txt $ corenlp url
tokenTags (NLPServerConfig { server = Spacy, url }) l txt = tokenTagsWith l txt $ SpacyNLP.nlp url
tokenTags (NLPServerConfig { server = Spacy, url }) l txt = do
-- printDebug "NLP Debug" txt
tokenTagsWith l txt $ SpacyNLP.nlp url
-- tokenTags FR txt = do
-- -- printDebug "[Spacy Debug]" txt
-- if txt == ""
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