Commit b2378cb1 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[DOC/CODE] cosmetics.

parent e086e526
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.Prelude
-- | Phylo datatype descriptors:
-- | Phylo datatype descriptor:
-- Period: time Segment of the whole phylomemy in UTCTime format (start,end)
-- Terms : list of all (possible) terms contained in the phylomemy (with their id)
-- Steps : list of all steps to build the phylomemy
......@@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ data Phylo = Phylo { _phyloPeriod :: (Start, End)
, _phyloSteps :: [PhyloStep]
} deriving (Generic)
type Ngram = (NgramId, Text)
type NgramId = Int
type Start = UTCTime
type End = UTCTime
-- | PhyloStep data type descriptor
type Ngram = (NgramId, Text)
type NgramId = Int
-- | PhyloStep datatype descriptor:
-- Period: tuple (start date, end date) of the step of the phylomemy
-- Levels: levels of granularity
data PhyloStep = PhyloStep { _phyloStepPeriod :: (Start, End)
, _phyloStepLevels :: [Level]
} deriving (Generic)
-- | Level of a step of a Phylomemy
-- | Level of a step of a Phylomemy descriptor
-- Label: maybe has a label as text
-- Terms: set of terms that build the group
-- Temporal Parents: directed and weighted link to Parents
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