Commit b2b68a63 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli Committed by Alfredo Di Napoli

Attempt to speed up logDistributional2

We are now around 6/7 times slower than the LLVM code.
parent 0536d1ff
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Auth (createPasswordHash)
import Paths_gargantext
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate as A
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate as Accelerate
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Interpreter as LLVM
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.Native as LLVM
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Interpreter as Naive
import qualified Data.List.Split as Split
import qualified Data.Massiv.Array as Massiv
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import qualified Data.Massiv.Array.Numeric as Massiv
import qualified Gargantext.Core.LinearAlgebra as LA
import qualified Gargantext.Core.Methods.Matrix.Accelerate.Utils as Accelerate
import qualified Gargantext.Core.Methods.Similarities.Accelerate.Distributional as Accelerate
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Data as HM
import Test.Tasty.Bench
import Data.Array.Accelerate ((:.))
......@@ -95,20 +96,37 @@ main = do
, bgroup "Phylo" [
bench "toPhylo (small)" $ nf toPhylo issue290PhyloSmall
, bgroup "logDistributional2" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf (Accelerate.logDistributional2With @Double accInput
, bench "Accelerate (LLVM)" $ nf (Accelerate.logDistributional2With @Double accInput
, bench "Massiv" $ nf (LA.logDistributional2 @_ @Double) massivInput
, bgroup "distributional" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf (Accelerate.distributionalWith @Double accInput
, bench "Accelerate (LLVM)" $ nf (Accelerate.distributionalWith @Double accInput
, bench "Massiv (reference implementation)" $ nf (LA.distributionalReferenceImplementation @_ @Double) massivInput
, bench "Massiv " $ nf (LA.distributional @_ @Double) massivInput
, bgroup "diag" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf ( . Accelerate.diag . Accelerate.use) accInput
, bench "Accelerate (LLVM)" $ nf ( . Accelerate.diag . Accelerate.use) accInput
, bench "Massiv " $ nf (LA.diag @_) massivInput
, bgroup "identityMatrix" [
, bgroup "matrixIdentity" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf ( . Accelerate.matrixIdentity @Double) 1000
, bench "Accelerate (LLVM)" $ nf ( . Accelerate.matrixIdentity @Double) 1000
, bench "Massiv " $ nf (Massiv.compute @Massiv.U . Massiv.identityMatrix @Double . Massiv.Sz1) 1000
, bench "Massiv" $ nf (LA.matrixIdentity @Double) 1000
, bench "HMatrix" $ nf (HM.ident @Double) 1000
, bgroup "matrixEye" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf ( . Accelerate.matrixEye @Double) 1000
, bench "Accelerate (LLVM)" $ nf ( . Accelerate.matrixEye @Double) 1000
, bench "Massiv " $ nf (LA.matrixEye @Double) 1000
, bgroup "matMaxMini" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf (\v -> . Accelerate.matMaxMini @Double . Accelerate.use) accDoubleInput
, bench "Accelerate (LLVM)" $ nf (\v -> . Accelerate.matMaxMini @Double . Accelerate.use) accDoubleInput
, bench "Massiv " $ nf (Massiv.compute @Massiv.U . LA.matMaxMini) massivDoubleInput
, bench "Massiv " $ nf LA.matMaxMini massivDoubleInput
, bgroup "(.*)" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf (\v -> $ (Accelerate.use v) Accelerate..* (Accelerate.use v)) accDoubleInput
......@@ -132,16 +150,5 @@ main = do
nf (\m -> $ Accelerate.termDivNan (Accelerate.use m) (Accelerate.use m)) accDoubleInput
, bench "Massiv " $ nf (\m -> LA.termDivNan @Massiv.U m m) massivDoubleInput
, bgroup "distributional" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf (Accelerate.distributionalWith @Double accInput
, bench "Accelerate (LLVM)" $ nf Accelerate.distributional accInput
, bench "Massiv (reference implementation)" $ nf (LA.distributionalReferenceImplementation @_ @Double) massivInput
, bench "Massiv " $ nf (LA.distributional @_ @Double) massivInput
, bgroup "logDistributional2" [
bench "Accelerate (Naive)" $ nf (Accelerate.logDistributional2With @Double accInput
, bench "Accelerate (LLVM)" $ nf Accelerate.logDistributional2 accInput
, bench "Massiv" $ nf (LA.logDistributional2 @_ @Double) massivInput
......@@ -907,7 +907,8 @@ benchmark garg-bench
build-depends: base
, bytestring ^>=
, accelerate
, accelerate-llvm
, accelerate-llvm-native
, hmatrix
, massiv
, deepseq
, gargantext
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall-missed-specialisations #-}
Module : Gargantext.Core.LinearAlgebra.Distributional
Description : The "distributional" algorithm, fast and slow implementations
......@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ logDistributional2 m = A.computeP
$ logDistributional' n m
n = dim m
{-# SPECIALIZE logDistributional2 :: Matrix A.U Int -> Matrix A.U Double #-}
logDistributional' :: forall r e.
( A.Manifest r e
......@@ -244,8 +246,8 @@ logDistributional' :: forall r e.
-> Matrix r e
logDistributional' n m' = result
m :: Matrix A.D e
m = fromIntegral m'
m :: Matrix A.U e
m = A.compute $ fromIntegral m'
-- Scalar. Sum of all elements of m.
to :: e
......@@ -257,7 +259,7 @@ logDistributional' n m' = result
-- Size n vector. s = [s_i]_i
s :: Vector A.U e
s = A.computeP $ sumRowsD (m `subD` d_m)
s = A.compute $ sumRowsD (m `subD` d_m)
-- Matrix nxn. Vector s replicated as rows.
s_1 :: Matrix D e
......@@ -179,19 +179,19 @@ dim m = n
(A.Sz2 _ n) = A.size m
matMaxMini :: (A.Source r a, Ord a, Num a, A.Shape r A.Ix2) => Matrix r a -> Matrix D a
matMaxMini m = (\x -> if x > miniMax then x else 0) m
matMaxMini :: (A.Unbox a, A.Source r a, Ord a, Num a, A.Shape r A.Ix2) => Matrix r a -> Matrix A.U a
matMaxMini m = A.compute $ (\x -> if x > miniMax then x else 0) m
-- Convert the matrix to a list of rows, take the minimum of each row,
-- and then the maximum of those minima.
miniMax = maximum (map minimum (A.toLists m))
sumM_go :: (A.Manifest r a, Num a, A.Load r A.Ix2 a) => Int -> Matrix r a -> Matrix r a
sumM_go n mi = A.makeArray (A.getComp mi) (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) ->
sumM_go :: (A.Unbox a, A.Manifest r a, Num a, A.Load r A.Ix2 a) => Int -> Matrix r a -> Matrix A.U a
sumM_go n mi = A.makeArrayR A.U A.Seq (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) ->
Prelude.sum [ if k /= i && k /= j then mi A.! (i A.:. k) else 0 | k <- [0 .. n - 1] ]
sumMin_go :: (A.Manifest r a, Num a, Ord a, A.Load r A.Ix2 a) => Int -> Matrix r a -> Matrix r a
sumMin_go n mi = A.makeArray (A.getComp mi) (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) ->
sumMin_go :: (A.Unbox a, A.Manifest r a, Num a, Ord a, A.Load r A.Ix2 a) => Int -> Matrix r a -> Matrix A.U a
sumMin_go n mi = A.makeArrayR A.U A.Seq (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) ->
[ if k /= i && k /= j
then min (mi A.! (i A.:. k)) (mi A.! (j A.:. k))
......@@ -199,11 +199,15 @@ sumMin_go n mi = A.makeArray (A.getComp mi) (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) ->
| k <- [0 .. n - 1]
matrixEye :: Num e => Int -> Matrix D e
matrixEye n = A.makeArrayR A.D A.Seq (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) -> if i == j then 0 else 1
matrixEye :: (A.Unbox e, Num e) => Int -> Matrix A.U e
matrixEye n = A.makeArrayR A.U A.Seq (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) -> if i == j then 0 else 1
{-# INLINE matrixEye #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE matrixEye :: Int -> Matrix A.U Double #-}
matrixIdentity :: Num e => Int -> Matrix D e
matrixIdentity n = A.makeArrayR A.D A.Seq (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) -> if i == j then 1 else 0
matrixIdentity :: (A.Unbox e, Num e) => Int -> Matrix A.U e
matrixIdentity n = A.makeArrayR A.U A.Seq (A.Sz2 n n) $ \(i A.:. j) -> if i == j then 1 else 0
{-# INLINE matrixIdentity #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE matrixIdentity :: Int -> Matrix A.U Double #-}
diagNull :: (A.Source r e, Num e) => Int -> Matrix r e -> Matrix D e
diagNull n m = A.zipWith (*) m (matrixEye n)
diagNull :: (A.Unbox e, A.Source r e, Num e) => Int -> Matrix r e -> Matrix A.U e
diagNull n m = A.compute $ A.zipWith (*) m (matrixEye n)
......@@ -235,19 +235,19 @@ compareLogDistributional2 Proxy (SquareMatrix i1)
compareMatMaxMini :: SquareMatrix Int -> Property
compareMatMaxMini (SquareMatrix i1)
= let massiv = LA.matMaxMini @Massiv.U (LA.accelerate2MassivMatrix i1)
= let massiv = LA.matMaxMini (LA.accelerate2MassivMatrix i1)
accelerate = (A.matMaxMini (use i1))
in accelerate === LA.massiv2AccelerateMatrix massiv
compareSumMin_go :: SquareMatrix Int -> Property
compareSumMin_go (SquareMatrix i1)
= let massiv = LA.sumMin_go @Massiv.U (A.dim i1) (LA.accelerate2MassivMatrix i1)
= let massiv = LA.sumMin_go (A.dim i1) (LA.accelerate2MassivMatrix i1)
accelerate = (Legacy.sumMin_go (A.dim i1) (use i1))
in accelerate === LA.massiv2AccelerateMatrix massiv
compareSumM_go :: SquareMatrix Int -> Property
compareSumM_go (SquareMatrix i1)
= let massiv = LA.sumM_go @Massiv.U (A.dim i1) (LA.accelerate2MassivMatrix i1)
= let massiv = LA.sumM_go (A.dim i1) (LA.accelerate2MassivMatrix i1)
accelerate = (Legacy.sumM_go (A.dim i1) (use i1))
in accelerate === LA.massiv2AccelerateMatrix massiv
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