Commit b38cd1e3 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[RENAME] renaming function to parser tokens.

parent b595e480
......@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ corenlp txt = do
-- Named Entity Recognition example
-- parseWith _tokenNer "Hello world of Peter."
-- [[("``","O"),("Hello","O"),("world","O"),("of","O"),("Peter","PERSON"),(".","O"),("''","O")]]
parseWith :: (Token -> t) -> String -> IO [[(Text, t)]]
parseWith f s = pm (pm (\t -> (_tokenWord t, f t))) <$> pm _sentenceTokens <$> sentences <$> corenlp s
tokenWith :: (Token -> t) -> String -> IO [[(Text, t)]]
tokenWith f s = pm (pm (\t -> (_tokenWord t, f t))) <$> pm _sentenceTokens <$> sentences <$> corenlp s
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