Commit b5d6e997 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[ERROR] Handling.

parent bbe66c85
Pipeline #91 canceled with stage
......@@ -35,12 +35,10 @@ module Gargantext.API.Node
import Control.Lens (prism', set)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad ((>>), guard)
import Control.Monad ((>>))
--import System.IO (putStrLn, readFile)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Functor (($>))
--import Data.Text (Text(), pack)
import Data.Text (Text())
import Data.Swagger
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
......@@ -269,11 +267,10 @@ graphAPI nId = do
-- TODO what do we get about the node? to replace contextText
instance HasNodeError ServantErr where
_NodeError = prism' make match
_NodeError = prism' mk (const $ panic "HasNodeError ServantErr: not a prism")
err = err404 { errBody = "NodeError: No list found" }
make NoListFound = err
match e = guard (e == err) $> NoListFound
mk NoListFound = err404 { errBody = "NodeError: No list found" }
mk MkNodeError = err404 { errBody = "NodeError: Cannot mk node" }
-- TODO(orphan): There should be a proper APIError data type with a case TreeError.
instance HasTreeError ServantErr where
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ flowCorpus ff fp cName = do
flowCorpus' NodeCorpus hyperdataDocuments' params
flowInsert :: NodeType -> [HyperdataDocument] -> CorpusName
flowInsert :: HasNodeError err => NodeType -> [HyperdataDocument] -> CorpusName
-> Cmd err ([ReturnId], MasterUserId, MasterCorpusId, UserId, CorpusId)
flowInsert _nt hyperdataDocuments cName = do
let hyperdataDocuments' = map (\h -> ToDbDocument h) hyperdataDocuments
......@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ flowInsert _nt hyperdataDocuments cName = do
pure (ids, masterUserId, masterCorpusId, userId, userCorpusId)
flowAnnuaire :: FilePath -> Cmd err ()
flowAnnuaire :: HasNodeError err => FilePath -> Cmd err ()
flowAnnuaire filePath = do
contacts <- liftIO $ deserialiseImtUsersFromFile filePath
ps <- flowInsertAnnuaire "Annuaire" $ map (\h-> ToDbContact h) $ map addUniqIdsContact contacts
printDebug "length annuaire" ps
flowInsertAnnuaire :: CorpusName -> [ToDbData]
flowInsertAnnuaire :: HasNodeError err => CorpusName -> [ToDbData]
-> Cmd err ([ReturnId], UserId, CorpusId, UserId, CorpusId)
flowInsertAnnuaire name children = do
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ flowCorpus' _ _ _ = undefined
type CorpusName = Text
subFlowCorpus :: Username -> CorpusName -> Cmd err (UserId, RootId, CorpusId)
subFlowCorpus :: HasNodeError err => Username -> CorpusName -> Cmd err (UserId, RootId, CorpusId)
subFlowCorpus username cName = do
maybeUserId <- getUser username
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ subFlowCorpus username cName = do
pure (userId, rootId, corpusId)
subFlowAnnuaire :: Username -> CorpusName -> Cmd err (UserId, RootId, CorpusId)
subFlowAnnuaire :: HasNodeError err => Username -> CorpusName -> Cmd err (UserId, RootId, CorpusId)
subFlowAnnuaire username _cName = do
maybeUserId <- getUser username
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ data DocumentIdWithNgrams =
} deriving (Show)
-- TODO group terms
extractNgramsT :: HyperdataDocument -> Cmd err (Map (NgramsT Ngrams) Int)
extractNgramsT :: HasNodeError err => HyperdataDocument -> Cmd err (Map (NgramsT Ngrams) Int)
extractNgramsT doc = do
let source = text2ngrams $ maybe "Nothing" identity $ _hyperdataDocument_source doc
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ extractNgramsT doc = do
documentIdWithNgrams :: (HyperdataDocument -> Cmd err (Map (NgramsT Ngrams) Int))
documentIdWithNgrams :: HasNodeError err => (HyperdataDocument -> Cmd err (Map (NgramsT Ngrams) Int))
-> [DocumentWithId] -> Cmd err [DocumentIdWithNgrams]
documentIdWithNgrams f = mapM toDocumentIdWithNgrams
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ mapNodeIdNgrams ds = (DM.fromListWith (+)) $ DM.fromListWith (<>) xs
xs = [(ng, [(nId, i)]) | (nId, n2i') <- n2i ds, (ng, i) <- DM.toList n2i']
n2i = map (\d -> ((documentId . documentWithId) d, document_ngrams d))
indexNgrams :: Map (NgramsT Ngrams ) (Map NodeId Int)
indexNgrams :: HasNodeError err => Map (NgramsT Ngrams ) (Map NodeId Int)
-> Cmd err (Map (NgramsT NgramsIndexed) (Map NodeId Int))
indexNgrams ng2nId = do
terms2id <- insertNgrams (map _ngramsT $ DM.keys ng2nId)
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ groupNgramsBy isEqual cId = DM.fromList $ catMaybes [ isEqual n1 n2 | n1 <- DM.k
-- TODO check: do not insert duplicates
insertGroups :: ListId -> Map NgramsIndexed NgramsIndexed -> Cmd err Int
insertGroups :: HasNodeError err => ListId -> Map NgramsIndexed NgramsIndexed -> Cmd err Int
insertGroups lId ngrs =
insertNodeNgramsNgramsNew [ NodeNgramsNgrams lId ng1 ng2 (Just 1)
| (ng1, ng2) <- map (both _ngramsId) $ DM.toList ngrs
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ ngrams2list :: Map (NgramsT NgramsIndexed) (Map NodeId Int) -> [(ListType,Ngrams
ngrams2list = zip (repeat CandidateList) . map (\(NgramsT _lost_t ng) -> ng) . DM.keys
-- | TODO: weight of the list could be a probability
insertLists :: ListId -> [(ListType,NgramsIndexed)] -> Cmd err Int
insertLists :: HasNodeError err => ListId -> [(ListType,NgramsIndexed)] -> Cmd err Int
insertLists lId lngs =
insertNodeNgrams [ NodeNgram Nothing lId ngr (fromIntegral $ listTypeId l) (listTypeId l)
| (l,ngr) <- map (second _ngramsId) lngs
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (null, id, map, sum)
data NodeError = NoListFound
data NodeError = NoListFound | MkNodeError
deriving (Show)
class HasNodeError e where
......@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ getOrMkList :: HasNodeError err => ParentId -> UserId -> Cmd err Int
getOrMkList pId uId =
defaultList pId
(\NoListFound -> maybe (nodeError NoListFound) pure . headMay =<< mkList pId uId)
(\_ -> maybe (nodeError MkNodeError) pure . headMay =<< mkList pId uId)
defaultList :: HasNodeError err => CorpusId -> Cmd err ListId
defaultList cId =
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