Commit b8c4d008 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[CORS] Adding CORS for test with frontend/Purescript.

parent a1f86ad5
...@@ -76,11 +76,20 @@ library: ...@@ -76,11 +76,20 @@ library:
- directory - directory
- duckling - duckling
- filepath - filepath
- fclabels
- fast-logger
# - haskell-gi-base
- http-conduit - http-conduit
- http-api-data
- http-types
- hxt - hxt
- ini - ini
- jose-jwt
- lens - lens
- logging-effect - logging-effect
- monad-logger
- mtl
- natural-transformation
- opaleye - opaleye
- parsec - parsec
- path - path
...@@ -92,6 +101,7 @@ library: ...@@ -92,6 +101,7 @@ library:
- protolude - protolude
- pureMD5 - pureMD5
- regex-compat - regex-compat
- resourcet
- safe - safe
- semigroups - semigroups
- servant - servant
...@@ -111,10 +121,13 @@ library: ...@@ -111,10 +121,13 @@ library:
- time-locale-compat - time-locale-compat
- timezone-series - timezone-series
- transformers - transformers
- transformers-base
- unordered-containers - unordered-containers
- uuid - uuid
- vector - vector
- wai - wai
- wai-cors
- wai-extra
- warp - warp
- yaml - yaml
- zip - zip
...@@ -70,6 +70,79 @@ import Gargantext.API.Count ( CountAPI, count, Query) ...@@ -70,6 +70,79 @@ import Gargantext.API.Count ( CountAPI, count, Query)
import Gargantext.Database.Utils (databaseParameters) import Gargantext.Database.Utils (databaseParameters)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import GHC.Base (Applicative)
-- import Control.Lens
import Data.List (lookup)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
--import Network.Wai (Request, requestHeaders, responseLBS)
import Network.Wai (Request, requestHeaders)
--import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors
-- import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
-- import qualified Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger as RequestLogger
import Network.HTTP.Types hiding (Query)
-- import Gargantext.API.Settings
fireWall :: Applicative f => Request -> f Bool
fireWall req = do
let origin = lookup "Origin" (requestHeaders req)
let host = lookup "Host" (requestHeaders req)
let hostOk = Just (encodeUtf8 "localhost:3000")
let originOk = Just (encodeUtf8 "http://localhost:8008")
if origin == originOk && host == hostOk
then pure True
else pure False
-- makeApp :: Env -> IO (Warp.Settings, Application)
makeApp :: IO Application
makeApp = do
let serverApp = appMock
-- logWare <- mkRequestLogger def { destination = RequestLogger.Logger $ env^.logger }
let checkOriginAndHost app req resp = do
blocking <- fireWall req
case blocking of
True -> app req resp
False -> app req resp
-- False -> resp ( responseLBS status401 [] "Invalid Origin or Host header" )
let corsMiddleware = cors $ \_ -> Just CorsResourcePolicy
-- { corsOrigins = Just ([env^.settings.allowedOrigin], False)
{ corsOrigins = Just (["http://localhost:8008"], False)
, corsMethods = [methodGet, methodPost, methodPut, methodDelete]
, corsRequestHeaders = ["authorization", "content-type"]
, corsExposedHeaders = Nothing
, corsMaxAge = Just ( 60*60*24 ) -- one day
, corsVaryOrigin = False
, corsRequireOrigin = True
, corsIgnoreFailures = False
--let warpS = Warp.setPort (8008 :: Int) -- (env^.settings.appPort)
-- $ Warp.defaultSettings
--pure (warpS, logWare $ checkOriginAndHost $ corsMiddleware $ serverApp)
pure $ checkOriginAndHost $ corsMiddleware $ serverApp
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
type PortNumber = Int type PortNumber = Int
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
...@@ -194,5 +267,13 @@ startGargantext port file = do ...@@ -194,5 +267,13 @@ startGargantext port file = do
startGargantextMock :: PortNumber -> IO () startGargantextMock :: PortNumber -> IO ()
startGargantextMock port = do startGargantextMock port = do
portRouteInfo port portRouteInfo port
run port appMock
application <-makeApp
run port application
Module : Gargantext.API.Application
Description : Application of the API
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
Inspired by :
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Gargantext.API.Application
Module : Gargantext.API.Settings
Description : Settings of the API (Server and Client)
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Gargantext.API.Settings
import System.Log.FastLogger
import GHC.Enum
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Prelude (Bounded())
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
-- import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Either (either)
-- import Data.Map
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal
import Servant
import Web.HttpApiData (parseUrlPiece)
import qualified Jose.Jwk as Jose
import qualified Jose.Jwa as Jose
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Lens
import Gargantext.Prelude
data SendEmailType = SendEmailViaAws
| LogEmailToConsole
| WriteEmailToFile
deriving (Show, Read, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
data Settings = Settings
{ _allowedOrigin :: ByteString -- ^ allowed origin for CORS
, _allowedHost :: ByteString -- ^ allowed host for CORS
, _appPort :: Int
, _logLevelLimit :: LogLevel -- ^ log level from the monad-logger package
, _dbServer :: Text
, _jwtSecret :: Jose.Jwk -- ^ key from the jose-jwt package
, _sendLoginEmails :: SendEmailType
makeLenses ''Settings
parseJwk :: Text -> Jose.Jwk
parseJwk secretStr = jwk
secretBs = encodeUtf8 secretStr
jwk = Jose.SymmetricJwk secretBs
(Just $ Jose.Signed Jose.HS256)
devSettings :: Settings
devSettings = Settings
{ _allowedOrigin = "http://localhost:8008"
, _allowedHost = "localhost:3000"
, _appPort = 3000
, _logLevelLimit = LevelDebug
, _dbServer = "localhost"
-- generate with dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 | base64
-- make sure jwtSecret differs between development and production, because you do not want
-- your production key inside source control.
, _jwtSecret = parseJwk "MVg0YAPVSPiYQc/qIs/rV/X32EFR0zOJWfHFgMbszMw="
, _sendLoginEmails = LogEmailToConsole
reqSetting :: FromHttpApiData a => Text -> IO a
reqSetting name = do
e <- fromMaybe (panic $ "Missing " <> name) <$> lookupEnv (unpack name)
pure $ either (panic $ "Unable to parse " <> name) identity $ parseUrlPiece $ pack e
optSetting :: FromHttpApiData a => Text -> a -> IO a
optSetting name d = do
me <- lookupEnv (unpack name)
case me of
Nothing -> pure d
Just e -> pure $ either (panic $ "Unable to parse " <> name) identity $ parseUrlPiece $ pack e
--settingsFromEnvironment :: IO Settings
--settingsFromEnvironment =
-- Settings <$> (encodeUtf8 <$> reqSetting "ALLOWED_ORIGIN")
-- <*> (encodeUtf8 <$> reqSetting "ALLOWED_HOST")
-- <*> optSetting "PORT" 3000
-- <*> (parseLogLevel <$> optSetting "LOG_LEVEL" "warn")
-- <*> reqSetting "DB_SERVER"
-- <*> (parseJwk <$> reqSetting "JWT_SECRET")
-- <*> optSetting "SEND_EMAIL" SendEmailViaAws
data Env = Env
{ _settings :: Settings
, _logger :: LoggerSet
-- , _dbConfig :: ConnectionPool -- from Database.Persist.Postgresql
makeLenses ''Env
createEnv :: Settings -> IO Env
createEnv _ = undefined {- implementation here: connect to db, init logger, etc -}
...@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Protolude ( Bool(True, False), Int, Double, Integer ...@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Protolude ( Bool(True, False), Int, Double, Integer
, takeWhile, sqrt, undefined, identity , takeWhile, sqrt, undefined, identity
, abs, maximum, minimum, return, snd, truncate , abs, maximum, minimum, return, snd, truncate
, (+), (*), (/), (-), (.), (>=), ($), (**), (^), (<), (>), (==), (<>) , (+), (*), (/), (-), (.), (>=), ($), (**), (^), (<), (>), (==), (<>)
, (&&), (||)
, toS , toS
) )
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