Verified Commit bbeceef8 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Merge branch 'dev' into 238-dev-async-job-worker

parents 9195326c ec01d870
Pipeline #6695 failed with stages
in 21 minutes and 17 seconds
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ doc
......@@ -52,4 +53,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
## Version
* [BACK][FEAT][Switch from .ini to TOML? (#304)](
* [BACK][SCRIPTS][Improve conversion script
* [BACK][FIX][Remove obsolete GHC option (#388)](
* [DOC][README][Little update to README, docs and .gitignore
## Version
* [BACK][FEAT][Switch from .ini to TOML? (#304)](
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ $ cd ..
*Note: This project can be built with either stack or cabal. We keep the `cabal.project` up-to-date, which allows us to build with cabal by default but we support stack thanks to thanks to `cabal2stack`, which allows us to generate a valid `stack.yaml` from a `cabal.project`. Due to the fact gargantext requires a particular set of system dependencies (C++ libraries, toolchains, etc) we use nix to setup an environment with all the required system dependencies, in a sandboxed and isolated fashion.*
*This documentation shows how to build with cabal. For information related to stack, see `docs/`.*
*This documentation shows how to build with cabal. For information related to stack, see [the note about Stack]( in the developer documentation.*
Depending on your situation, there are several ways to build the project:
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ $ cp gargantext-settings.toml_toModify gargantext-settings.toml
**NOTE** If you had the `gargantext.ini` file before, you can automatically generate toml with:
cabal v2-run gargantext-cli -- ini --ini-path ./gargantext.ini > gargantext-settings.toml
n$ cabal v2-run gargantext-cli -- ini --ini-path ./gargantext.ini > gargantext-settings.toml
> `.gitignore` excludes this file, so you don't need to worry about
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ The master user's name is automatically set to `gargantua`, but you will be prom
Make sure you know where `gargantext-server` is (probably in `~/.local/bin/` or `.cabal/bin/`). If the location is in your `$PATH`, just run:
$ gargantext-server -- --run Prod
$ gargantext-server --run Prod --toml gargantext-settings.toml
(If the location is not in your `$PATH`, just prefix `gargantext-server` with the path to it.)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module CLI.Ini where
import CLI.Types
import Control.Monad.Logger (LogLevel(LevelDebug))
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T (writeFile)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple qualified as PGS
import Gargantext.Core.Config qualified as Config
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Ini.Ini qualified as Ini
......@@ -35,24 +36,26 @@ import Toml qualified
iniCLI :: IniArgs -> IO ()
iniCLI (IniArgs iniPath) = do
-- putStrLn $ "ini path: " <> iniPath
iniCLI iniArgs = do
let iniPath = fromMaybe "gargantext.ini" $ ini_path iniArgs
let tomlPath = fromMaybe "gargantext-settings.toml" $ toml_path iniArgs
putStrLn $ "Reading configuration from file " <> iniPath <> "..."
ini <- Ini.readConfig iniPath
iniMail <- IniMail.readConfig iniPath
iniNLP <- IniNLP.readConfig iniPath
-- putStrLn (show ini :: Text)
connInfo <- Ini.readDBConfig iniPath
let c = convertConfigs ini iniMail iniNLP connInfo
-- putStrLn (show c :: Text)
putStrLn (show (Toml.encode c) :: Text)
T.writeFile tomlPath (show (Toml.encode c) :: Text)
putStrLn $ "Converted configuration into TOML and wrote it to file " <> tomlPath
iniCmd :: HasCallStack => Mod CommandFields CLI
iniCmd = command "ini" (info (helper <*> fmap CLISub ini_p) (progDesc "Parse .ini file and output a corresponding .toml file."))
iniCmd = command "ini" (info (helper <*> fmap CLISub iniParser)
(progDesc "Parse .ini file and output a corresponding .toml file."))
ini_p :: Parser CLICmd
ini_p = fmap CCMD_ini $ IniArgs
<$> strOption ( long "ini-path"
<> help "Path to ini file" )
iniParser :: Parser CLICmd
iniParser = fmap CCMD_ini $ IniArgs <$>
(optional . strOption $ long "ini-path" <> help "Path to the input ini file" ) <*>
(optional . strOption $ long "toml-path" <> help "Path to the output .toml file")
convertConfigs :: Ini.GargConfig -> IniMail.MailConfig -> IniNLP.NLPConfig -> PGS.ConnectInfo -> Config.GargConfig
convertConfigs ini@(Ini.GargConfig { .. }) iniMail nlpConfig connInfo =
......@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ data ImportArgs = ImportArgs
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data IniArgs = IniArgs
{ ini_path :: !FilePath
{ ini_path :: !(Maybe FilePath)
, toml_path :: !(Maybe FilePath)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data InitArgs = InitArgs
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ fi
# with the `sha256sum` result calculated on the `cabal.project` and
# `cabal.project.freeze`. This ensures the files stay deterministic so that CI
# cache can kick in.
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ allow-older: aeson:hashable
, hsparql:rdf4h
package gargantext
ghc-options: -fwrite-ide-info -hiedir=".stack-work/hiedb"
ghc-options: -fwrite-ide-info
package hmatrix
ghc-options: -O2 -fsimpl-tick-factor=10000 -fdicts-cheap -fdicts-strict -flate-dmd-anal -fno-state-hack
package gargantext
ghc-options: -fwrite-ide-info -hiedir=".stack-work/hiedb" -O0
ghc-options: -fwrite-ide-info
package gargantext-admin
ghc-options: -O0
Editor Setup
This document tells you how to turn VSCodium into a Haskell integrated
development environment (IDE). Hopefully, the process looks roughly the same
with any editor that supports the language server protocol (LSP).
1. Install [the VSCodium editor](
2. Install [direnv]( on your system
3. Install [GHCup](
During the installation process, it will ask you whether to install
haskell-language-server (HLS); accept.
4. Install the following VSCodium extensions using VSCodium's built-in
package manager (the "Extensions" tab on the left):
- [direnv](
Warning: there are several extensions with that name; choose the one by `mkhl`
- [Haskell](
Restart VSCodium, open the `haskell-gargantext` project. Wait a few seconds;
you might get a popup telling you that GHCup needs to download some version
of GHC; accept.
Now *if everything went well*, you should have Haskell intellisense working
in your editor: hover over a symbol to get its type and documentation,
right-click a symbol and click "Jump to definition" to jump to its definition,
Sadly, there is a good chance that something did go wrong. To help you
troubleshoot, here's a rundown of what should have happened under the hood when
you opened the project — assuming I didn't misunderstand anything:
1. The `direnv` extension sees the `.envrc` file at the root of the project,
and sets the environment variables accordingly (all `.envrc` actually says
is to use a Nix shell).
2. The `haskell` extension looks up what version of GHC is needed and tells that
to GHCup.
3. If needed, GHCup downloads the right version of GHC for the project and adds
it to its collection of GHC compilers in `~/.ghcup/ghc/`
4. Now the `haskell` extension has everything it needs.
Things to try if something goes wrong
- Make sure that you have compiled the project before.
- The current HLS version might be too recent to work with your GHC version.
To check that and use an adequate HLS version:
- Check out the project's GHC version around the beginning of `cabal.project`;
- Look up the corresponding "Last supporting HLS version" in [this table](
For instance, if the project's GHC version is 9.4.7, you need HLS v2.5.0.0 *at most*.
- Tell GHCup to compile the corresponding version of HLS based the corresponding version of GHC,
with the following command (again, using GHC 9.4.7 as an example):
$ ghcup compile hls --version --ghc 9.4.7
Now in principle the VSCodium `haskell` extension should have everything
it needs to provide Intellisense.
Running commands from the REPL
You can interact with the Gargantext server directly from GHCI, the Haskell REPL.
This saves you the need to have the frontend running, and it allows you
to interact directly using types and functions defined in the backend source.
Launching and setting up the REPL
**From within a Nix shell** (as indicated here by the `n$` prompt —
don't type it!), run:
n$ cabal repl
Wait for the Gargantext modules to compile. You're now in GHCI.
Import the custom prelude, as well as the `runCmdReplServantErr` function:
ghci> import Gargantext.Prelude
ghci> import Gargantext.API.Dev (runCmdReplServantErr)
> `runCmdReplServantErr` is a variant of the `runCmd` function (defined in
> `Gargantext.Database.Prelude`) designed to be called directly from the REPL.
You might miss some symbols not in the Gargantext prelude, such as `String`.
If you need such symbols, you can of course just import them directly, like so:
ghci> import GHC.Base (String)
Running commands
Make sure that:
- The database is up,
- The Gargantext server is running locally.
Write the command you want to run by defining a value of type
`Cmd'' DevEnv ServerError a`, then apply `runCmdReplServantErr` to it and run
the resulting action from within the REPL.
The server should have run teh command and updated the database accordingly.
Saving your REPL setup
To avoid typing all of that every time, and saving your own helper functions,
you can define your own module somewhere in the hierarchy. For instance,
you could write something like
module Gargantext.ReplHelper where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.API.Dev (runCmdReplServantErr)
import GHC.Base (String)
runMyCustomCommand :: IO ()
runMyCustomCommand = runCmdReplServantErr ... -- insert your command here
in `src/Gargantext/ReplHelper.hs`. You'll also need to edit `gargantext.cabal`
to tell it about your new module:
Once you have added/edited your REPL helper module, you can live-reload
and import it from within GHCI:
ghci> :r
ghci> import Gargantext.ReplHelper
Alternatively, restarting GHCI will reload the module, but it will also recompile
# Building Gargantext using the Stack tool
Those are the instructions for developers who wish to build Gargantext using stack instead of cabal.
## Prerequisites
You need [Stack]( (obviously). You can install it with:
curl -sSL | sh
Check that the installation is complete with:
stack --version
Version 2.9.1
## Building and setting up
To build with stack, follow the instructions in ``, with the following changes:
- Replace the `cabal update` and `cabal install` commands with (still from within a Nix shell!):
stack build --fast
*Note: The default build (with optimizations) requires large amounts of RAM (16GB at least). The (recommended) `--fast` flag is here to avoid heavy compilation times and swapping out your machine; just omit it if you want to build with optimizations.*
- After you have run the `docker compose up` command, install with
stack install
## Keeping the stack.yaml updated with the cabal.project
Once you have a valid version of stack, building requires generating a valid `stack.yaml`. This can be obtained by installing `cabal2stack`:
git clone
cd cabal2stack
Then, depending on what build system you are using, either build with `cabal install --overwrite-policy=always` or `stack install`.
And finally:
cabal2stack --system-ghc --allow-newer --resolver lts-21.17 --resolver-file devops/stack/lts-21.17.yaml -o stack.yaml
stack build
The good news is you don't have to do all of this manually; during development, after modifying `cabal.project`, it's enough to run:
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cabal-version: 3.4
-- see:
name: gargantext
synopsis: Search, map, share
description: Please see
category: Data
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ readConfig fp = do
let m_nlp_default = parseURI $ cs $ val' lang_default_text
let m_nlp_keys = filter (\k -> k `notElem` [lang_default_text]) $ fromRight [] $ Ini.keys iniSection ini
let m_nlp_keys = fromRight [] $ Ini.keys iniSection ini
let m_nlp_other = listToMaybeAll $ (\k -> (,) k <$> (parseURI $ cs $ val' k)) <$> m_nlp_keys
let mRet = NLPConfig <$> m_nlp_default <*> (Map.fromList <$> m_nlp_other)
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