Commit bd8b6659 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue-380' into dev

parents c624d176 5f74a8a5
......@@ -591,9 +591,9 @@ parseTsv' bs = (V.toList . tsv2doc . snd) <$> readTsvLazyBS Comma bs
parseTsv' :: BL.ByteString -> Either Text [HyperdataDocument]
parseTsv' bs = do
result = case readTsvLazyBS Comma bs of
Left _err -> readTsvLazyBS Tab bs
Right res -> Right res
result = case (testCorrectFile bs) of
Left _err -> Left _err
Right del -> readTsvLazyBS del bs
V.toList . tsv2doc . snd <$> result
parseTsvC :: BL.ByteString
......@@ -601,9 +601,9 @@ parseTsvC :: BL.ByteString
parseTsvC bs =
(\(_h, rs) -> (fromIntegral $ V.length rs, yieldMany rs .| mapC tsv2doc)) <$> eResult
eResult = case readTsvLazyBS Comma bs of
Left _err -> readTsvLazyBS Tab bs
Right res -> Right res
eResult = case (testCorrectFile bs) of
Left _err -> Left _err
Right del -> readTsvLazyBS del bs
-- Tsv v3 weighted for phylo
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