Commit c1004ce9 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[TYPES] function for DocumentsV3.

parent 2897a88f
......@@ -209,9 +209,16 @@ getNodesWithParentId' :: Connection -> Int
-> Maybe Text -> IO [Node Value]
getNodesWithParentId' conn n _ = runQuery conn $ selectNodesWithParentID n
getDocumentsWithParentId :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Node HyperdataDocumentV3]
getDocumentsV3WithParentId :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Node HyperdataDocumentV3]
getDocumentsV3WithParentId conn n = runQuery conn $ selectNodesWith' n (Just Document)
getDocumentsWithParentId :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Node HyperdataDocument]
getDocumentsWithParentId conn n = runQuery conn $ selectNodesWith' n (Just Document)
selectNodesWithParentID :: Int -> Query NodeRead
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