Commit c9385388 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli Committed by Alfredo Di Napoli

WIP: implement distributional in terms of massiv

parent 8feef824
......@@ -589,6 +589,7 @@ library
, replace-attoparsec ^>=
, resource-pool >= && < 0.5
, safe-exceptions >= && < 0.2
, scientific < 0.4
, serialise ^>=
, servant >= 0.20.1 && < 0.21
, servant-auth ^>=
......@@ -749,6 +750,7 @@ common testDependencies
, raw-strings-qq
, resource-pool >= && < 0.5
, safe-exceptions >= && < 0.2
, scientific < 0.4
, servant-auth-client
, servant-client >= 0.20 && < 0.21
, servant-client-core >= 0.20 && < 0.21
......@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ module Gargantext.Core.LinearAlgebra (
, createIndices
-- * Operations on matrixes
, (.*)
, diag
, termDivNan
, distributional
) where
import Data.Bimap (Bimap)
......@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ import Data.Set qualified as S
import Data.Set (Set)
import Prelude
import Data.Massiv.Array qualified as A
import Data.Massiv.Array (D, Matrix, Vector)
import Data.Massiv.Array (D, Matrix, Vector, Array, Ix3)
newtype Index = Index { _Index :: Int }
deriving newtype (Eq, Show, Ord, Num, Enum)
......@@ -49,8 +51,8 @@ createIndices = set2indices . map2set
-- | Computes the diagnonal matrix of the input one.
diag :: Num e => Matrix D e -> Vector D e
diag matrix =
let (A.Sz2 _rows cols) = A.size matrix
newSize = A.Sz1 cols
let (A.Sz2 rows _cols) = A.size matrix
newSize = A.Sz1 rows
in A.backpermute' newSize (\j -> j A.:. j) matrix
......@@ -91,37 +93,79 @@ diag matrix =
-- /IMPORTANT/: As this function computes the diagonal matrix in order to carry on the computation
-- the input has to be a square matrix, or this function will fail at runtime.
distributional :: Matrix D Int -> Matrix D Double
distributional :: forall e. (Ord e, Fractional e, Num e)
=> Matrix D Int
-> Matrix D e
distributional m' = result
m = map A.fromIntegral $ use m'
m :: Matrix D e
m = fromIntegral m'
n = dim m'
diag_m = A.diag m
diag_m :: Vector D e
diag_m = diag m
d_1 = replicate (constant (Z :. n :. All)) diag_m
d_2 = replicate (constant (Z :. All :. n)) diag_m
-- replicate (constant (Z :. n :. All)) diag_m
d_1 :: Matrix D e
d_1 = let (A.Sz1 r) = A.size diag_m
in A.backpermute' (A.Sz2 n r) (\(_ A.:. i) -> i) diag_m
mi = (A..*) (termDivNan m d_1) (termDivNan m d_2)
-- replicate (constant (Z :. All :. n)) diag_m
d_2 :: Matrix D e
d_2 = let (A.Sz1 r) = A.size diag_m
in A.backpermute' (A.Sz2 r n) (\(i A.:. _) -> i) diag_m
mi :: Matrix D e
mi = (.*) (termDivNan m d_1) (termDivNan m d_2)
-- The matrix permutations is taken care of below by directly replicating
-- the matrix mi, making the matrix w unneccessary and saving one step.
w_1 = replicate (constant (Z :. All :. n :. All)) mi
w_2 = replicate (constant (Z :. n :. All :. All)) mi
w' = zipWith min w_1 w_2
-- replicate (constant (Z :. All :. n :. All)) mi
w_1 :: Array D Ix3 e
w_1 = let (A.Sz2 r c) = A.size mi
in A.backpermute' (A.Sz3 r n c) (\(x A.:> _y A.:. z) -> x A.:. z) mi
-- replicate (constant (Z :. n :. All :. All)) mi
w_2 :: Array D Ix3 e
w_2 = let (A.Sz2 r c) = A.size mi
in A.backpermute' (A.Sz3 n r c) (\(_x A.:> y A.:. z) -> y A.:. z) mi
w' :: Array D Ix3 e
w' = A.zipWith min w_1 w_2
-- The matrix ii = [r_{i,j,k}]_{i,j,k} has r_(i,j,k) = 0 if k = i OR k = j
-- and r_(i,j,k) = 1 otherwise (i.e. k /= i AND k /= j).
ii = generate (constant (Z :. n :. n :. n))
(lift1 (\( i A.:. j A.:. k) -> cond ((&&) ((/=) k i) ((/=) k j)) 1 0))
-- and r_(i,j,k) = 1 otherwise (i.e. k /= i AND k /= j).
-- generate (constant (Z :. n :. n :. n)) (lift1 (\( i A.:. j A.:. k) -> cond ((&&) ((/=) k i) ((/=) k j)) 1 0))
ii :: Array D Ix3 e
ii = A.makeArrayR A.D A.Par (A.Sz3 n n n) $ \(i A.:> j A.:. k) -> if k /= i && k /= j then 1 else 0
z_1 :: Matrix D e
z_1 = sumRows ((.*) w' ii)
z_1 = sum ((A..*) w' ii)
z_2 = sum ((A..*) w_1 ii)
z_2 :: Matrix D e
z_2 = sumRows ((.*) w_1 ii)
result = termDivNan z_1 z_2
-- | Term by term division where divisions by 0 produce 0 rather than NaN.
termDivNan :: (Eq a, Fractional a) => Matrix D a -> Matrix D a -> Matrix D a
termDivNan = A.zipWith (\i j -> if j == 0 then 0 else i / j)
sumRows :: Num e => Array D A.Ix3 e -> Array D A.Ix2 e
sumRows matrix =
let A.Sz3 rows cols z = A.size matrix
in A.makeArray (A.getComp matrix) (A.Sz2 rows cols) $ \(i A.:. j) ->
A.sum (A.backpermute' (A.Sz1 z) (\c -> i A.:> j A.:. c) matrix)
-- | Matrix cell by cell multiplication
(.*) :: (A.Index ix, Num a)
=> Array D ix a
-> Array D ix a
-> Array D ix a
(.*) = A.zipWith (*)
-- | Get the dimensions of a /square/ matrix.
dim :: A.Size r => Matrix r a -> Int
dim m = n
(A.Sz2 _ n) = A.size m
......@@ -143,7 +143,10 @@ import qualified Prelude
distributional :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Double
distributional = distributionalWith
distributionalWith :: (forall a. Arrays a => Acc a -> a) -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Double
distributionalWith :: (Elt e, FromIntegral Int e, Eq e, Prelude.Fractional (Exp e), Ord e)
=> (forall a. Arrays a => Acc a -> a)
-> Matrix Int
-> Matrix e
distributionalWith interpret m' = interpret $ result
m = map A.fromIntegral $ use m'
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Gargantext.Orphans.Accelerate where
import Prelude
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Scientific ()
import Data.Array.Accelerate (DIM2, Z (..), (:.) (..), Array, Elt, fromList, arrayShape)
import Data.Array.Accelerate qualified as A
import qualified Data.List.Split as Split
......@@ -23,12 +24,9 @@ sliceArray :: (Elt e, Show e) => Array DIM2 e -> [Array DIM2 e]
sliceArray arr =
case arrayShape arr of
(Z :. x :. y) -> case (x, y) of
(_,1) -> [ resizeArray arr (max 1 (x - 1)) y ]
(1,_) -> [ resizeArray arr x (max 1 ( y - 1)) ]
_ -> [ resizeArray arr (max 1 (x - 1)) (max 1 y)
, resizeArray arr (max 1 x) (max 1 (y - 1))
, resizeArray arr (max 1 (x - 1)) (max 1 (y - 1))
(_,1) -> [ ]
(1,_) -> [ ]
_ -> [ resizeArray arr (max 1 (x - 1)) (max 1 (y - 1)) ]
resizeArray :: (Show e, Elt e) => Array DIM2 e -> Int -> Int -> Array DIM2 e
resizeArray arr rows cols =
......@@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ import Data.Bimap (Bimap)
import Data.Bimap qualified as Bimap
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M
import Data.Massiv.Array qualified as Massiv
import Gargantext.Core.LinearAlgebra qualified as LA
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Matrix.Accelerate.Utils qualified as Legacy
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Similarities.Accelerate.Distributional qualified as Legacy
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Index qualified as Legacy
import Gargantext.Orphans.Accelerate (sliceArray)
import Gargantext.Prelude (headMay)
import Prelude hiding ((^))
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Data.Massiv.Array qualified as Massiv
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate as A
import qualified Data.List.Split.Internals as Split
import Gargantext.Prelude (headMay)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Scientific
-- Utility types and functions
......@@ -33,11 +36,11 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude (headMay)
newtype SquareMatrix a = SquareMatrix { _SquareMatrix :: Matrix a }
deriving newtype (Show, Eq)
instance (Elt a, Show a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (SquareMatrix a) where
instance (Elt a, Show a, Prelude.Num a, Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (SquareMatrix a) where
arbitrary = do
x <- choose (0,30)
x <- choose (1,30)
let sh = Z :. x :. x
SquareMatrix . fromList sh <$> vectorOf (x*x) arbitrary
SquareMatrix . A.fromList sh <$> vectorOf (x*x) arbitrary
shrink = map (SquareMatrix) . sliceArray . _SquareMatrix
compareImplementations :: (Arbitrary a, Eq b, Show b)
......@@ -63,8 +66,36 @@ mapCreateIndices (_m1, m2) = Bimap.fromList $ map (first LA.Index) $ M.toList m2
type TermDivNanShape = Z :. Int :. Int
twoByTwo :: Matrix Int
twoByTwo = fromList (Z :. 2 :. 2) (Prelude.replicate 4 0)
twoByTwo :: SquareMatrix Int
twoByTwo = SquareMatrix $ fromList (Z :. 2 :. 2) (Prelude.replicate 4 0)
testMatrix_01 :: SquareMatrix Int
testMatrix_01 = SquareMatrix $ fromList (Z :. 14 :. 14) $
[ 30, 36, -36, -16, 0, 7, 34, -7, 5, -4, 0, 21, 6, -35,
0, -31, 20, -15, -22, -7, -22, -37, -29, -29, 23, -31, -29, -23,
-24, -29, 19, -6, 16, 7, 15, -27, -27, -30, -9, -33, 18, -23,
7, -36, 12, 26, -17, -3, -2, -15, -4, 26, 24, 9, -4, 4,
32, 28, -2, -10, 34, -3, 20, -9, -22, 20, -26, 34, 18, -21,
7, -12, 12, -2, 36, 10, 34, -37, 13, -9, -28, 34, 33, -18,
-4, -32, -1, 29, 29, -28, 24, 28, 35, 19, 8, -18, 25, -35,
-14, -4, -24, -1, 7, 34, -37, -28, -12, -32, -5, -23, 27, 33,
-36, -28, 21, -29, -2, -26, -4, -31, -26, -21, 33, -11, -33, 20,
25, 14, 5, -7, 5, 24, 37, 1, -3, 23, 25, -16, 17, 5,
-35, 36, -2, -2, 1, -14, 34, -30, -10, 12, 25, 21, 0, 34,
17, -1, 20, -19, 15, 20, -5, -30, -35, -13, 5, 17, -10, -19,
-34, -11, -18, 26, -29, -28, 0, 3, 23, -6, 36, 4, 16, 28,
13, -37, -16, 2, 7, -13, 21, -10, -33, -33, -26, -19, -1, 29]
testMatrix_02 :: SquareMatrix Int
testMatrix_02 = SquareMatrix $ fromList (Z :. 7 :. 7) $
[ 30, 36, -36, -16, 0, 7, 34,
0, -31, 20, -15, -22, -7, -22,
-24, -29, 19, -6, 16, 7, 15,
7, -36, 12, 26, -17, -3, -2,
32, 28, -2, -10, 34, -3, 20,
7, -12, 12, -2, 36, 10, 34,
13, -37, -16, 2, 7, -13, 21]
accelerate2MassivMatrix :: (Massiv.Unbox a, Elt a) => Matrix a -> Massiv.Matrix Massiv.D a
accelerate2MassivMatrix m =
......@@ -96,10 +127,10 @@ tests = testGroup "LinearAlgebra" [
, testProperty "termDivNan" compareTermDivNan
, testProperty "diag" compareDiag
, testGroup "distributional" [
testProperty "2x2" (compareDistributional twoByTwo)
, testProperty "roundtrips" (compareImplementations' @(SquareMatrix Int) (Legacy.distributionalWith . _SquareMatrix)
(Legacy.distributionalWith . _SquareMatrix)
testProperty "2x2" (compareDistributional (Proxy @Double) twoByTwo)
, testProperty "7x7" (compareDistributional (Proxy @Double) testMatrix_02)
, testProperty "14x14" (compareDistributional (Proxy @Double) testMatrix_01)
, testProperty "roundtrips" (compareDistributional (Proxy @Double))
......@@ -121,8 +152,24 @@ compareDiag (SquareMatrix i1)
accelerate = (Legacy.diag (use i1))
in accelerate === massiv2AccelerateVector massiv
compareDistributional :: Matrix Int
compareDistributional :: forall e.
( Eq e
, Show e
, FromIntegral Int e
, Prelude.RealFloat e
, A.Ord e
, Ord e
, Prelude.Fractional (Exp e)
, Prelude.Fractional e
) => Proxy e
-> SquareMatrix Int
-> Property
compareDistributional i1
= Legacy.distributionalWith i1 === Legacy.distributionalWith i1
compareDistributional Proxy (SquareMatrix i1)
= let massiv = Massiv.computeAs Massiv.B $ LA.distributional @e (accelerate2MassivMatrix i1)
accelerate = Legacy.distributionalWith i1
expected = map conv (A.toList accelerate)
actual = map conv (mconcat (Massiv.toLists2 massiv))
in counterexample "size not equal" (Prelude.length expected === Prelude.length actual) .&&. expected === actual
conv :: e -> Scientific
conv = fromFloatDigits
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