Commit c9bea7e5 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Merge] Fix conflicts. I got error here at Test/API/Notifications.hs

parents 9c2f627d 24a1767f
Pipeline #6893 failed with stages
in 62 minutes and 58 seconds
......@@ -346,4 +346,45 @@ Maybe you need to restore the gargantua password
$ ALTER ROLE gargantua PASSWORD 'yourPasswordIn_gargantext-settings.toml'
Maybe you need to change the port to 5433 for database connection in your gargantext.ini file.
## `haskell-language-server`
If you want to use `haskell-language-server` for GHC 9.4.7, install it
with `ghcup`:
ghcup compile hls --version --ghc 9.4.7
## Running the tests
Running the tests can be done via the following command:
cabal v2-test --test-show-details=streaming --flags 'test-crypto no-phylo-debug-logs'
The flags have the following meaning:
* `test-crypto`: Switch to use very fast (but not production-secure) cryptography, so that tests runs
* `no-phylo-debug-logs`: Suppresses the debugging logs which would normally be present in phylo pure (!) code.
In order for some tests to run (like the phylo ones) is **required** to install the `gargantext-cli` via:
cabal v2-install gargantext:exe:gargantext-cli
### Modifying a golden test to accept a new (expected) output
Some tests, like the Phylo one, use golden testing to ensure that the JSON Phylo we generate is
the same as an expected one. This allows us to catch regressions in the serialisation or in the algorithm.
Sometimes, however, we genuinely want to modify the output so that it's the new reference (i.e. the new
golden reference). To do so, it's enough to run the testsuite passing the `--accept` flag, for example:
cabal v2-test garg-test-tasty --test-show-details=streaming --flags 'test-crypto no-phylo-debug-logs' --test-option=--pattern='/Phylo/' --test-option=--accept"
......@@ -839,7 +839,8 @@ test-suite garg-test-tasty
test bin/gargantext-cli
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ words = monoTexts
-- | Sentence split separators
isSep :: Char -> Bool
isSep = (`elem` (",.:;?!(){}[]\"\'" :: String))
isSep = (`elem` (",.:;?!(){}[]" :: String))
monoTerms :: Lang -> Text -> [TermsWithCount]
monoTerms l txt = map (\t -> (monoText2term l t, 1)) $ monoTexts txt
This diff is collapsed.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This diff is collapsed.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -14,7 +14,28 @@ commentary with @some markup@.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Test.Ngrams.Lang.Occurrences where
import Test.Hspec
import Data.Either
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Terms.WithList
import Gargantext.Core (Lang(ZH, EN))
import Gargantext.Prelude
test :: Spec
test = do
describe "terms in text counting" $ do
it "words with quotes should match" $ do
let ngrams = ["j'aime"]
let doc = "j'aime"
let output = []
termsInText EN (buildPatternsWith EN ngrams) doc `shouldBe` [("j'aime", 1)]
-- it "words with quotes should match and be case sentive" $ do
-- let ngrams = ["j'aIme"]
-- let doc = "j'aime"
-- let output = []
-- termsInText EN (buildPatternsWith EN ngrams) doc `shouldNotBe` [("j'aime", 1)]
import Test.Hspec
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Test.Offline.Phylo (tests) where
import CLI.Phylo.Common
import Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as JSON
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty qualified as JSON
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete qualified as Graphviz
import Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.TreeDiff
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Formats.TSV
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Phylo hiding (Phylo(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo hiding (EdgeType(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.API.Tools (readPhylo, phylo2dot2json)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.Example qualified as Cleopatre
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo hiding (EdgeType(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker (toPhylo, toPhyloWithoutLink)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools
import Paths_gargantext
import Prelude
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Golden (goldenVsStringDiff)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import qualified Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced as Advanced
phyloTestConfig :: PhyloConfig
phyloTestConfig = PhyloConfig {
......@@ -48,6 +53,32 @@ phyloTestConfig = PhyloConfig {
, exportFilter = [ByBranchSize {_branch_size = 3.0}]
phyloGolden :: TestName -> (FilePath, IO BL.ByteString) -> TestTree
phyloGolden testName (fp, action) =
goldenVsStringDiff testName differ fp action
differ ref new = [ "diff", "-u", "-w", "--color=always", ref, new]
-- | Use this variant for those tests which requires a more sophisticated way of
-- comparing outputs directly on the GraphData
phyloGoldenGraphData :: TestName -> (FilePath, IO GraphData) -> TestTree
phyloGoldenGraphData testName (goldenPath, getActual) =
Advanced.goldenTest testName getGolden getActual differ updateGolden
differ ref new = pure $ case compareGraphDataFuzzy ref new of
True -> Nothing
False -> Just $ show (ansiWlEditExprCompact $ ediff ref new)
updateGolden :: GraphData -> IO ()
updateGolden gd = BL.writeFile goldenPath (JSON.encodePretty gd)
getGolden :: IO GraphData
getGolden = do
expected_e <- JSON.eitherDecodeFileStrict' =<< getDataFileName goldenPath
case expected_e of
Left err -> fail err
Right (expected :: GraphData) -> pure expected
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Phylo" [
testGroup "Export" [
......@@ -56,14 +87,14 @@ tests = testGroup "Phylo" [
, testGroup "toPhyloWithoutLink" [
testCase "returns expected data" testSmallPhyloWithoutLinkExpectedOutput
, testCase "phyloCleopatre returns expected data" testCleopatreWithoutLinkExpectedOutput
, testCase "Nadal canned corpus returns expected data" testNadalWithoutLinkExpectedOutput
, phyloGolden "phyloCleopatre returns expected data" testCleopatreWithoutLinkExpectedOutput
, phyloGolden "Nadal canned corpus returns expected data" testNadalWithoutLinkExpectedOutput
, testGroup "phylo2dot2json" [
testCase "is deterministic" testPhylo2dot2json
phyloGoldenGraphData "is deterministic" testPhylo2dot2json
, testGroup "toPhylo" [
testCase "is deterministic" testToPhyloDeterminism
phyloGolden "is deterministic" testToPhyloDeterminism
, testGroup "relatedComponents" [
testCase "finds simple connection" testRelComp_Connected
......@@ -71,14 +102,13 @@ tests = testGroup "Phylo" [
, testCase "parses csv phylo" testCsvPhylo
testCleopatreWithoutLinkExpectedOutput :: Assertion
testCleopatreWithoutLinkExpectedOutput = do
testCleopatreWithoutLinkExpectedOutput :: (FilePath, IO BL.ByteString)
testCleopatreWithoutLinkExpectedOutput =
let actual = toPhyloWithoutLink Cleopatre.config
expected <- readPhylo =<< getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/cleopatre.golden.json"
assertBool (show $ ansiWlEditExprCompact $ ediff expected actual) (expected == actual)
in ("test-data/phylo/cleopatre.golden.json", pure $ JSON.encodePretty actual)
testNadalWithoutLinkExpectedOutput :: Assertion
testNadalWithoutLinkExpectedOutput = do
testNadalWithoutLinkExpectedOutput :: (FilePath, IO BL.ByteString)
testNadalWithoutLinkExpectedOutput = ("test-data/phylo/nadal.golden.json",) $ do
corpusPath' <- getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/nadal_docslist.golden.tsv"
listPath' <- getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/nadal_ngramslist.golden.tsv"
let config = phyloTestConfig { corpusPath = corpusPath'
......@@ -90,9 +120,7 @@ testNadalWithoutLinkExpectedOutput = do
(corpusPath config)
[Year 3 1 5,Month 3 1 5,Week 4 2 5]
let actual = setConfig phyloTestConfig $ toPhyloWithoutLink corpus config
expected <- setConfig phyloTestConfig <$> (readPhylo =<< getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/nadal.golden.json")
assertBool (show $ ansiWlEditExprCompact $ ediff expected actual) (expected == actual)
pure $ JSON.encodePretty $ setConfig phyloTestConfig $ toPhyloWithoutLink corpus config
testSmallPhyloWithoutLinkExpectedOutput :: Assertion
testSmallPhyloWithoutLinkExpectedOutput = do
......@@ -111,17 +139,12 @@ testSmallPhyloWithoutLinkExpectedOutput = do
expected <- setConfig phyloTestConfig <$> (readPhylo =<< getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/small-phylo.golden.json")
assertBool (show $ ansiWlEditExprCompact $ ediff expected actual) (expected == actual)
testPhylo2dot2json :: Assertion
testPhylo2dot2json = do
expected_e <- JSON.eitherDecodeFileStrict' =<< getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/phylo2dot2json.golden.json"
case expected_e of
testPhylo2dot2json :: (FilePath, IO GraphData)
testPhylo2dot2json = ("test-data/phylo/phylo2dot2json.golden.json",) $ do
actual_e <- JSON.parseEither JSON.parseJSON <$> phylo2dot2json Cleopatre.phyloCleopatre
case actual_e of
Left err -> fail err
Right (expected :: GraphData) -> do
actual_e <- JSON.parseEither JSON.parseJSON <$> phylo2dot2json Cleopatre.phyloCleopatre
case actual_e of
Left err -> fail err
Right (actual :: GraphData) -> do
assertBool ("Phylo mismatch!" <> show (ansiWlEditExprCompact $ ediff expected actual)) (expected `compareGraphDataFuzzy` actual)
Right (actual :: GraphData) -> pure actual
compareGraphDataFuzzy :: GraphData -> GraphData -> Bool
compareGraphDataFuzzy gd1 gd2 =
......@@ -232,8 +255,8 @@ testRelComp_Connected = do
(relatedComponents @Int) [[1,2], [3,5], [2,4],[9,5],[5,4]] @?= [[1,2,4,3,5,9]]
(relatedComponents @Int) [[1,2,5], [4,5,9]] @?= [[1,2,5,4,9]]
testToPhyloDeterminism :: Assertion
testToPhyloDeterminism = do
testToPhyloDeterminism :: (FilePath, IO BL.ByteString)
testToPhyloDeterminism = ("test-data/phylo/187481.json",) $ do
corpusPath' <- getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/GarganText_DocsList-nodeId-187481.tsv"
listPath' <- getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/GarganText_NgramsList-187482.tsv"
let config = phyloTestConfig { corpusPath = corpusPath'
......@@ -246,8 +269,7 @@ testToPhyloDeterminism = do
[Year 3 1 5,Month 3 1 5,Week 4 2 5]
let actual = setConfig phyloTestConfig $ toPhylo $ toPhyloWithoutLink corpus config
expected <- setConfig phyloTestConfig <$> (readPhylo =<< getDataFileName "test-data/phylo/187481.json")
assertBool ("Phylo mismatch! " <> show (ansiWlEditExprCompact $ ediff expected actual)) (expected == actual)
pure $ JSON.encodePretty actual
testCsvPhylo :: Assertion
testCsvPhylo = do
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ import qualified Test.Utils.Crypto as Crypto
import qualified Test.Utils.Jobs as Jobs
import qualified Test.Core.Similarity as Similarity
import qualified Test.Core.Notifications as Notifications
import qualified Test.Core.AsyncUpdates as AsyncUpdates
import qualified Test.Ngrams.Lang.Occurrences as Occurrences
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
......@@ -40,7 +42,8 @@ main = do
nlpSpec <- testSpec "NLP" NLP.test
jobsSpec <- testSpec "Jobs" Jobs.test
similaritySpec <- testSpec "Similarity" Similarity.test
asyncUpdatesSpec <- testSpec "Notifications" Notifications.test
asyncUpdatesSpec <- testSpec "AsyncUpdates" AsyncUpdates.test
occurrencesSepc <- testSpec "Occurrences" Occurrences.test
defaultMain $ testGroup "Gargantext"
[ utilSpec
......@@ -49,6 +52,7 @@ main = do
, cryptoSpec
, nlpSpec
, jobsSpec
, occurrencesSepc
, NgramsQuery.tests
, CorpusQuery.tests
, TSVParser.tests
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