Commit cb49e82a authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Correct FrontendError for policy check failures

It also:

* Amends tests for policy checks status code changes
* Fix a bug in isNodeReadOnly
* Adds a function to return all the nodes ids for the published
  nodes. Next we need to modify `findShared` & co to make sure that
  published notes will show somewhere in the users' tree.
parent 2cf2292e
......@@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ library
......@@ -446,7 +447,6 @@ library
......@@ -732,6 +732,7 @@ common testDependencies
, hspec ^>= 2.11.1
, hspec-core
, hspec-expectations >= 0.8 && < 0.9
, hspec-expectations-lifted < 0.11
, hspec-wai
, hspec-wai-json
, http-api-data >= 0.5 && < 0.6
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ withPolicy ur checks m mgr = case mgr of
res <- runAccessPolicy ur checks
case res of
Allow -> m
Deny err -> throwError $ InternalServerError $ err
Deny err -> throwError $ AccessPolicyError err
-- FIXME(adn) the types are wrong.
withNamedPolicyT :: forall env m routes.
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Auth.PolicyCheck (
, nodeSuper
, nodeUser
, nodeChecks
, nodePublished
, moveChecks
, userMe
, alwaysAllow
......@@ -25,25 +26,26 @@ module Gargantext.API.Auth.PolicyCheck (
import Control.Lens (view)
import Data.BoolExpr (BoolExpr(..), Signed(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthenticatedUser(..))
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types (BackendInternalError)
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types (AccessPolicyErrorReason(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Config (GargConfig(..), HasConfig(hasConfig))
import Gargantext.Core.Config.Types (SecretsConfig(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Types (NodeId, UserId)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu (User(UserName))
import Gargantext.Core.Types (NodeId, UserId)
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (DBCmd)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error (HasNodeError)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeNode
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Tree (isDescendantOf, isOwnedBy, isSharedWith)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Tree.Root (getRootId)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Servant (HasServer(..), ServerError, ServerT, err403, err500)
import Servant.API.Routes (HasRoutes(getRoutes))
import Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie (AddSetCookieApi, AddSetCookies(..), Nat(S))
import Servant.Client.Core (HasClient(..), Client)
import Servant.Ekg (HasEndpoint(..))
import Servant (HasServer(..), ServerT)
import Servant.Server.Internal.Delayed (addParameterCheck)
import Servant.Server.Internal.DelayedIO (DelayedIO(..))
import Servant.Swagger qualified as Swagger
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeNode
import Gargantext.API.Errors (BackendInternalError)
-- Types
......@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ data AccessResult
= -- | Grants access.
-- | Denies access with the given 'ServerError'.
| Deny ServerError
| Deny AccessPolicyErrorReason
instance Semigroup AccessResult where
Allow <> Allow = Allow
......@@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ data AccessCheck
AC_node_descendant !NodeId
-- | Grants access if the input 'NodeId' is shared with the logged-in user.
| AC_node_shared !NodeId
-- | Grants access if the input 'NodeId' is shared with the logged-in user.
| AC_node_published !NodeId
-- | Grants access if the input 'NodeId' /is/ the logged-in user.
| AC_user_node !NodeId
-- | Grants access if the logged-in user is the user.
......@@ -116,12 +120,12 @@ accessPolicyManager = AccessPolicyManager (\ur ac -> interpretPolicy ur ac)
-> do
res <- interpretPolicy ur b1
case res of
Allow -> pure $ Deny err403
Allow -> pure $ Deny invalidUserPermissions
Deny _ -> pure Allow
-> pure Allow
-> pure $ Deny err403
-> pure $ Deny invalidUserPermissions
BConst (Positive b)
-> check' ur b
BConst (Negative b)
......@@ -131,23 +135,38 @@ accessPolicyManager = AccessPolicyManager (\ur ac -> interpretPolicy ur ac)
check' :: HasNodeError err => AuthenticatedUser -> AccessCheck -> DBCmd err AccessResult
check' (AuthenticatedUser loggedUserNodeId loggedUserUserId) = \case
-> pure $ Deny err500
-> pure $ Deny invalidUserPermissions
-> pure Allow
AC_user_node requestedNodeId
-> do ownedByMe <- requestedNodeId `isOwnedBy` loggedUserUserId
enforce err403 $ (loggedUserNodeId == requestedNodeId || ownedByMe)
enforce invalidUserPermissions $ (loggedUserNodeId == requestedNodeId || ownedByMe)
AC_user requestedUserId
-> enforce err403 $ (loggedUserUserId == requestedUserId)
-> enforce invalidUserPermissions $ (loggedUserUserId == requestedUserId)
AC_master_user _requestedNodeId
-> do
masterUsername <- _s_master_user . _gc_secrets <$> view hasConfig
masterNodeId <- getRootId (UserName masterUsername)
enforce err403 $ masterNodeId == loggedUserNodeId
enforce invalidUserPermissions $ masterNodeId == loggedUserNodeId
AC_node_descendant nodeId
-> enforce err403 =<< nodeId `isDescendantOf` loggedUserNodeId
-> enforce nodeNotDescendant =<< nodeId `isDescendantOf` loggedUserNodeId
AC_node_shared nodeId
-> enforce err403 =<< nodeId `isSharedWith` loggedUserNodeId
-> enforce nodeNotShared =<< nodeId `isSharedWith` loggedUserNodeId
AC_node_published nodeId
-> enforce nodeNotShared =<< isNodeReadOnly nodeId
-- Errors
nodeNotShared :: AccessPolicyErrorReason
nodeNotShared = AccessPolicyErrorReason "Node is not shared with user."
nodeNotDescendant :: AccessPolicyErrorReason
nodeNotDescendant = AccessPolicyErrorReason "Node is not a direct descendant."
invalidUserPermissions :: AccessPolicyErrorReason
invalidUserPermissions = AccessPolicyErrorReason "User not authorized to perform the operation."
-- Smart constructors of access checks
......@@ -168,8 +187,15 @@ nodeDescendant = BConst . Positive . AC_node_descendant
nodeShared :: NodeId -> BoolExpr AccessCheck
nodeShared = BConst . Positive . AC_node_shared
nodePublished :: NodeId -> BoolExpr AccessCheck
nodePublished = BConst . Positive . AC_node_published
nodeChecks :: NodeId -> BoolExpr AccessCheck
nodeChecks nid = nodeUser nid `BOr` nodeSuper nid `BOr` nodeDescendant nid `BOr` nodeShared nid
nodeChecks nid =
nodeUser nid `BOr`
nodeSuper nid `BOr`
nodeDescendant nid `BOr`
nodeShared nid
-- | A user can move a node from source to target only
-- if:
......@@ -228,5 +254,5 @@ instance (HasRoutes subApi) => HasRoutes (PolicyChecked subApi) where
-- | If the given predicate holds then grant access, otherwise denies access
-- with the given 'ServerError'.
enforce :: Applicative m => ServerError -> Bool -> m AccessResult
enforce :: Applicative m => AccessPolicyErrorReason -> Bool -> m AccessResult
enforce errStatus p = pure $ if p then Allow else Deny errStatus
......@@ -79,6 +79,13 @@ backendErrorToFrontendError = \case
$ FE_validation_error $ case prettyValidation validationError of
Nothing -> "unknown_validation_error"
Just v -> T.pack v
AccessPolicyError accessPolicyError
-> case accessPolicyError of
AccessPolicyNodeError nodeError
-> nodeErrorToFrontendError nodeError
AccessPolicyErrorReason reason
-> mkFrontendErr' "A policy check failed"
$ FE_policy_check_error reason
frontendErrorToGQLServerError :: FrontendError -> ServerError
frontendErrorToGQLServerError fe@(FrontendError diag ty _) =
......@@ -155,8 +162,8 @@ nodeErrorToFrontendError ne = case ne of
-> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_lookup_failed_username_not_found uname
UserHasTooManyRoots uid roots
-> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_lookup_failed_user_too_many_roots uid roots
UserPublicFolderDoesNotExist uid
-> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder uid
UserFolderDoesNotExist uid
-> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder uid
-> mkFrontendErrShow FE_node_not_implemented_yet
NoContextFound contextId
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Errors.Types (
, BackendInternalError(..)
, GraphQLError(..)
, ToFrontendErrorData(..)
, AccessPolicyErrorReason(..)
-- * Constructing frontend errors
, mkFrontendErrNoDiagnostic
......@@ -83,8 +84,15 @@ instance Exception e => Exception (WithStacktrace e) where
-- | An internal error which can be emitted from the backend and later
-- converted into a 'FrontendError', for later consumption.
data AccessPolicyErrorReason
= AccessPolicyErrorReason !T.Text
| AccessPolicyNodeError !NodeError
deriving Show
makePrisms ''AccessPolicyErrorReason
instance HasNodeError AccessPolicyErrorReason where
_NodeError = _AccessPolicyNodeError
data BackendInternalError
= InternalAuthenticationError !AuthenticationError
......@@ -94,6 +102,7 @@ data BackendInternalError
| InternalTreeError !TreeError
| InternalUnexpectedError !SomeException
| InternalValidationError !Validation
| AccessPolicyError !AccessPolicyErrorReason
deriving (Show, Typeable)
makePrisms ''BackendInternalError
......@@ -215,8 +224,8 @@ data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_400__node_lookup_failed_user_too_many_root
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder =
FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder { nenpf_user_id :: UserId }
data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder =
FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder { nenpf_user_id :: UserId }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
newtype instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_context_not_found =
......@@ -259,6 +268,14 @@ data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_400__validation_error =
FE_validation_error { validation_error :: T.Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
-- policy check errors
data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__policy_check_error =
FE_policy_check_error { policy_check_error :: T.Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
-- authentication errors
......@@ -407,13 +424,13 @@ instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_400__node_lookup_failed_user_too_many
netmr_roots <- o .: "roots"
pure FE_node_lookup_failed_user_too_many_roots{..}
instance ToJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder) where
toJSON (FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder userId) =
instance ToJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder) where
toJSON (FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder userId) =
object [ "user_id" .= toJSON userId ]
instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder) where
parseJSON = withObject "FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder" $ \o -> do
instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder) where
parseJSON = withObject "FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder" $ \o -> do
nenpf_user_id <- o .: "user_id"
pure FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder{..}
pure FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder{..}
instance ToJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_context_not_found) where
toJSON (FE_node_context_not_found cId) = object [ "context_id" .= toJSON cId ]
......@@ -479,6 +496,16 @@ instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_400__validation_error) where
parseJSON (String txt) = pure $ FE_validation_error txt
parseJSON ty = typeMismatch "FE_validation_error" ty
-- policy check errors
instance ToJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__policy_check_error) where
toJSON (FE_policy_check_error val) = toJSON val
instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__policy_check_error) where
parseJSON (String txt) = pure $ FE_policy_check_error txt
parseJSON ty = typeMismatch "FE_policy_check_error" ty
-- authentication errors
......@@ -640,8 +667,8 @@ instance FromJSON FrontendError where
EC_400__node_lookup_failed_user_too_many_roots -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_400__node_lookup_failed_user_too_many_roots) <- o .: "data"
pure FrontendError{..}
EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder) <- o .: "data"
EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder) <- o .: "data"
pure FrontendError{..}
EC_500__node_not_implemented_yet -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_500__node_not_implemented_yet) <- o .: "data"
......@@ -676,6 +703,11 @@ instance FromJSON FrontendError where
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_400__validation_error) <- o .: "data"
pure FrontendError{..}
-- policy check error
EC_403__policy_check_error -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__policy_check_error) <- o .: "data"
pure FrontendError{..}
-- authentication errors
EC_403__login_failed_error -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__login_failed_error) <- o .: "data"
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ data BackendErrorCode
| EC_400__node_lookup_failed_user_too_many_roots
| EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_not_found
| EC_404__node_lookup_failed_username_not_found
| EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder
| EC_404__node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder
| EC_404__node_corpus_not_found
| EC_500__node_not_implemented_yet
| EC_404__node_context_not_found
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ data BackendErrorCode
| EC_403__node_is_read_only
-- validation errors
| EC_400__validation_error
-- policy check errors
| EC_403__policy_check_error
-- authentication errors
| EC_403__login_failed_error
| EC_403__login_failed_invalid_username_or_password
......@@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ withPolicy ur mgr checks m = case mgr of
res <- lift $ runAccessPolicy ur checks
case res of
Allow -> m
Deny err -> lift $ throwError $ InternalServerError $ err
Deny err -> lift $ throwError $ AccessPolicyError err
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ module Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node
, getOrMkList
, getParentId
, getUserRootPublicNode
, getUserRootPrivateNode
, selectNode
-- * Queries that returns multiple nodes
......@@ -418,13 +419,24 @@ getListsWithParentId n = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWith' n (Just NodeList)
getUserRootPublicNode :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType)
=> UserId
-> DBCmd err (Node HyperdataFolder)
getUserRootPublicNode userId = do
getUserRootPublicNode = get_user_root_node_folder NodeFolderPublic
getUserRootPrivateNode :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType)
=> UserId
-> DBCmd err (Node HyperdataFolder)
getUserRootPrivateNode = get_user_root_node_folder NodeFolderPrivate
get_user_root_node_folder :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType)
=> NodeType
-> UserId
-> DBCmd err (Node HyperdataFolder)
get_user_root_node_folder nty userId = do
result <- runOpaQuery $ do
n <- queryNodeTable
where_ $ (n ^. node_typename .== sqlInt4 (toDBid NodeFolderPublic)) .&&
where_ $ (n ^. node_typename .== sqlInt4 (toDBid nty)) .&&
(n ^. node_user_id .== sqlInt4 (_UserId userId))
pure n
case result of
[] -> nodeError $ NodeLookupFailed $ UserPublicFolderDoesNotExist userId
[] -> nodeError $ NodeLookupFailed $ UserFolderDoesNotExist userId
[n] -> pure n
folders -> nodeError $ NodeLookupFailed $ UserHasTooManyRoots userId (map _node_id folders)
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ data NodeLookupError
| UserDoesNotExist UserId
| UserNameDoesNotExist Username
| UserHasTooManyRoots UserId [NodeId]
| UserPublicFolderDoesNotExist UserId
| UserFolderDoesNotExist UserId
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance ToJSON NodeLookupError
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ renderNodeLookupFailed = \case
UserDoesNotExist uid -> "user with id " <> T.pack (show uid) <> " couldn't be found."
UserNameDoesNotExist uname -> "user with username '" <> uname <> "' couldn't be found."
UserHasTooManyRoots uid roots -> "user with id " <> T.pack (show uid) <> " has too many roots: [" <> T.intercalate "," (map (T.pack . show) roots)
UserPublicFolderDoesNotExist uid -> "no public folder was found for user with id " <> T.pack (show uid)
UserFolderDoesNotExist uid -> "no requested folder was found for user with id " <> T.pack (show uid)
data NodeError = NoListFound ListId
......@@ -10,17 +10,22 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.User
( getNodeUser
, getUserByName
import Gargantext.Core ( HasDBid )
import Gargantext.Core.Types (Name)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.User ( HyperdataUser(..), defaultHyperdataUser )
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (Node, NodeId(..), UserId, NodeType(..), pgNodeId)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.User ( HyperdataUser(..) )
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (Node, NodeId(..), pgNodeId)
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (DBCmd, runOpaQuery)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node ( node, selectNode )
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node ( NodeWrite ) -- (Node(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node ( selectNode )
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Opaleye (limit)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (queryNodeTable, node_name)
import Opaleye.Operators
import Opaleye.SqlTypes
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error
getNodeUser :: NodeId -> DBCmd err (Node HyperdataUser)
......@@ -28,9 +33,12 @@ getNodeUser nId = do
fromMaybe (panicTrace $ "Node does not exist: " <> (show nId)) . headMay
<$> runOpaQuery (limit 1 $ selectNode (pgNodeId nId))
nodeUserW :: HasDBid NodeType => Maybe Name -> Maybe HyperdataUser -> UserId -> NodeWrite
nodeUserW maybeName maybeHyperdata = node NodeUser name user Nothing
name = maybe "User" identity maybeName
user = maybe defaultHyperdataUser identity maybeHyperdata
getUserByName :: HasNodeError err => T.Text -> DBCmd err (Node HyperdataUser)
getUserByName username = do
result <- runOpaQuery $ do
n <- queryNodeTable
where_ $ (n ^. node_name .== sqlStrictText username)
pure n
case result of
[n] -> pure n
_ -> nodeError $ NodeLookupFailed $ UserNameDoesNotExist username
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeNode
, selectDocs
, selectDocsDates
, selectPublicNodes
, publishedNodeIds
-- * Destructive operations
, deleteNodeNode
......@@ -257,6 +258,15 @@ selectPublicNodes :: HasDBid NodeType => (Hyperdata a, DefaultFromField SqlJsonb
=> DBCmd err [(Node a, Maybe Int)]
selectPublicNodes = runOpaQuery (queryWithType NodeFolderPublic)
publishedNodeIds :: DBCmd err [NodeId]
publishedNodeIds = map (_nn_node1_id) <$> do_query
do_query :: DBCmd err [NodeNode]
do_query = runOpaQuery $ do
n <- queryNodeNodeTable
where_ $ (n ^. nn_category .== sqlInt4 (toDBid NNC_read_only_publish))
pure n
-- | A 'Node' is read-only if there exist a match in the node_nodes directory
-- where the source is a public folder. Certain category of nodes (like private/shared folders, etc)
-- are automatically read-only.
......@@ -296,7 +306,7 @@ isNodeReadOnly targetNode = (== [Only True])
, toDBid NodeFolderPublic
, toDBid NNC_read_only_publish
, targetNode
, toDBid NNC_read_only_publish
, toDBid NodeFolderPublic
......@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ findShared :: HasTreeError err
=> RootId -> NodeType -> [NodeType] -> UpdateTree err
-> DBCmd err [DbTreeNode]
findShared r nt nts fun = do
foldersSharedId <- findNodesId r [nt]
trees <- mapM (updateTree nts fun) foldersSharedId
foldersSharedId <- findNodesId r [nt]
trees <- mapM (updateTree nts fun) foldersSharedId
pure $ concat trees
-- | Find shared folders with "direct" access, i.e. when fetching only
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import qualified Test.API.Private as Private
import qualified Test.API.UpdateList as UpdateList
tests :: NotificationsConfig -> D.Dispatcher -> Spec
tests nc dispatcher = describe "API" $ do
tests nc dispatcher = describe "Gargantext API" $ do
......@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ module Test.API.Prelude
, newPrivateFolderForUser
, newPublicFolderForUser
, getRootPublicFolderIdForUser
, getRootPrivateFolderIdForUser
, myUserNodeId
, checkEither
, shouldFailWith
) where
import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Gargantext.API.Errors
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu
......@@ -17,6 +20,7 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Types (NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Action.User
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Corpus
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.User (getUserByName)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Tree.Root
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (_node_id)
import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (get)
......@@ -24,7 +28,6 @@ import Prelude (fail)
import Servant.Client.Core
import Test.Database.Types
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, (@?=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
checkEither :: (Show a, Monad m) => m (Either a b) -> m b
checkEither = fmap (either (\x -> panicTrace $ "checkEither:" <> T.pack (show x)) identity)
......@@ -57,6 +60,14 @@ getRootPublicFolderIdForUser :: TestEnv -> User -> IO NodeId
getRootPublicFolderIdForUser env uname = flip runReaderT env $ runTestMonad $ do
_node_id <$> (getUserId uname >>= getUserRootPublicNode)
getRootPrivateFolderIdForUser :: TestEnv -> User -> IO NodeId
getRootPrivateFolderIdForUser env uname = flip runReaderT env $ runTestMonad $ do
_node_id <$> (getUserId uname >>= getUserRootPrivateNode)
myUserNodeId :: TestEnv -> T.Text -> IO NodeId
myUserNodeId env uname = flip runReaderT env $ runTestMonad $ do
_node_id <$> getUserByName uname
shouldFailWith :: Show a => Either ClientError a -> BackendErrorCode -> Assertion
action `shouldFailWith` backendError = case action of
Right{} -> fail "Expected action to fail, but it didn't."
......@@ -7,20 +7,22 @@ module Test.API.Private (
) where
import Gargantext.API.Errors
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Node
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Private
import Gargantext.Core.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu
import Gargantext.Core.Types (Node)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata (HyperdataUser)
import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (get)
import Network.HTTP.Client hiding (Proxy)
import Servant.Auth.Client ()
import Servant.Client
import Servant.Client.Generic (genericClient)
import Test.API.Prelude
import Test.API.Private.Move qualified as Move
import Test.API.Private.Share qualified as Share
import Test.API.Private.Table qualified as Table
import Test.API.Routes (mkUrl)
import Test.API.Routes
import Test.API.Setup (withTestDBAndPort, setupEnvironment, createAliceAndBob, SpecContext (..))
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Wai hiding (pendingWith)
......@@ -28,19 +30,22 @@ import Test.Hspec.Wai.Internal (withApplication)
import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON (json)
import Test.Utils (protected, shouldRespondWithFragment, withValidLogin)
privateTests :: SpecWith (SpecContext a)
privateTests =
describe "Private API" $ do
nodeTests :: Spec
nodeTests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
describe "Prelude" $ do
baseUrl <- runIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost"
manager <- runIO $ newManager defaultManagerSettings
let unauthenticatedClientEnv port = mkClientEnv manager (baseUrl { baseUrlPort = port })
it "setup DB triggers" $ \SpecContext{..} -> do
setupEnvironment _sctx_env
-- Let's create the Alice user.
void $ createAliceAndBob _sctx_env
describe "GET /api/v1.0/user" $ do
-- FIXME(adn): unclear if this is useful at all. Doesn't do permission checking.
it "doesn't allow someone with an invalid token to show the results" $ \(SpecContext testEnv port _ _) -> do
void $ createAliceAndBob testEnv
it "doesn't allow someone with an invalid token to show the results" $ \(SpecContext _testEnv port _ _) -> do
let gargAdminClient = (genericClient :: GargAdminAPI (AsClientT ClientM))
admin_user_api_get = (getRootsEp . rootsEp $ gargAdminClient :: ClientM [Node HyperdataUser])
......@@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ privateTests =
it "forbids 'alice' to see others node private info" $ \(SpecContext _testEnv port app _) -> do
withApplication app $ do
withValidLogin port "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \_clientEnv token -> do
protected token "GET" (mkUrl port "/node/1") "" `shouldRespondWith` 403
withValidLogin port "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \clientEnv token -> do
liftIO $ do
res <- runClientM (get_node token (UnsafeMkNodeId 1)) clientEnv
res `shouldFailWith` EC_403__policy_check_error
describe "GET /api/v1.0/tree" $ do
it "unauthorised users shouldn't see anything" $ \(SpecContext _testEnv port app _) -> do
......@@ -88,16 +95,16 @@ privateTests =
it "forbids 'alice' to see others node private info" $ \(SpecContext _testEnv port app _) -> do
withApplication app $ do
withValidLogin port "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \_clientEnv token -> do
protected token "GET" (mkUrl port "/tree/1") "" `shouldRespondWith` 403
withValidLogin port "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \clientEnv token -> do
liftIO $ do
res <- runClientM (get_tree token (UnsafeMkNodeId 1)) clientEnv
res `shouldFailWith` EC_403__policy_check_error
tests :: Spec
tests = do
sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
describe "Prelude" $ do
it "setup DB triggers" $ \SpecContext{..} -> setupEnvironment _sctx_env
describe "Private API" $ do
describe "Share API" $ do
describe "Table API" $ do
......@@ -6,42 +6,21 @@ module Test.API.Private.Move (
) where
import Control.Lens
import Gargantext.API.Errors
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Node (moveAPI, moveNodeEp)
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Private
import Gargantext.Core.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeNode (SourceId(..), TargetId(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Servant.Auth.Client qualified as SC
import Servant.Client
import Test.API.Prelude (newCorpusForUser, getRootPublicFolderIdForUser, checkEither, shouldFailWith)
import Test.API.Prelude
import Test.API.Routes
import Test.API.Setup
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec (Spec, it, aroundAll, describe, sequential)
import Test.Hspec.Wai.Internal (withApplication)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Lifted
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool)
import Test.Utils
moveNodeFromTo :: SC.Token -> SourceId -> TargetId -> ClientM [NodeId]
moveNodeFromTo token (SourceId sourceId) (TargetId targetId) = fmap (map UnsafeMkNodeId) $
clientRoutes & apiWithCustomErrorScheme
& ($ GES_new)
& backendAPI
& backendAPI'
& mkBackEndAPI
& gargAPIVersion
& gargPrivateAPI
& mkPrivateAPI
& ($ token)
& nodeEp
& nodeEndpointAPI
& ($ sourceId)
& moveAPI
& moveNodeEp
& ($ targetId)
tests :: Spec
tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
describe "Prelude" $ do
......@@ -58,8 +37,8 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
liftIO $ do
cId <- newCorpusForUser testEnv "alice"
bobPublicFolderId <- getRootPublicFolderIdForUser testEnv (UserName "bob")
res <- runClientM (moveNodeFromTo (toServantToken token) (SourceId bobPublicFolderId) (TargetId cId)) clientEnv
res `shouldFailWith` EC_500__internal_server_error
res <- runClientM (move_node token (SourceId cId) (TargetId bobPublicFolderId)) clientEnv
res `shouldFailWith` EC_403__policy_check_error
it "should allow moving a corpus node into Alice Public folder" $ \(SpecContext testEnv serverPort app _) -> do
withApplication app $ do
......@@ -67,5 +46,39 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
nodes <- liftIO $ do
cId <- newCorpusForUser testEnv "alice"
alicePublicFolderId <- getRootPublicFolderIdForUser testEnv (UserName "alice")
checkEither $ runClientM (moveNodeFromTo (toServantToken token) (SourceId alicePublicFolderId) (TargetId cId)) clientEnv
checkEither $ runClientM (move_node token (SourceId cId) (TargetId alicePublicFolderId)) clientEnv
liftIO $ length nodes `shouldBe` 1
it "should allow Alice to unpublish a corpus" $ \(SpecContext testEnv serverPort app _) -> do
withApplication app $ do
withValidLogin serverPort "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \clientEnv token -> do
nodes <- liftIO $ do
cId <- newCorpusForUser testEnv "alice"
alicePublicFolderId <- getRootPublicFolderIdForUser testEnv (UserName "alice")
alicePrivateFolderId <- getRootPrivateFolderIdForUser testEnv (UserName "alice")
_ <- checkEither $ runClientM (move_node token (SourceId cId) (TargetId alicePublicFolderId)) clientEnv
checkEither $ runClientM (move_node token (SourceId cId) (TargetId alicePrivateFolderId)) clientEnv
length nodes `shouldBe` 1
it "should allow Bob to see Alice's published corpuses" $ \(SpecContext testEnv serverPort app _) -> do
withApplication app $ do
aliceCorpusId <- withValidLogin serverPort "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \clientEnv token -> do
liftIO $ do
cId <- newCorpusForUser testEnv "alice"
alicePublicFolderId <- getRootPublicFolderIdForUser testEnv (UserName "alice")
_ <- checkEither $ runClientM (move_node token (SourceId cId) (TargetId alicePublicFolderId)) clientEnv
-- Check that we can see the folder
aliceNodeId <- myUserNodeId testEnv "alice"
tree <- checkEither $ runClientM (get_tree token aliceNodeId) clientEnv
assertBool "alice can't see her own corpus" (containsNode cId tree)
pure cId
withValidLogin serverPort "bob" (GargPassword "bob") $ \clientEnv token -> do
tree <- liftIO $ do
bobNodeId <- myUserNodeId testEnv "bob"
checkEither $ runClientM (get_tree token bobNodeId) clientEnv
containsNode aliceCorpusId tree `shouldBe` True
containsNode :: NodeId -> Tree NodeTree -> Bool
containsNode target (TreeN r c) = _nt_id r == target || any (containsNode target) c
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{--| Collection of ready-to-use servant-client functions to use in all our specs. -}
module Test.API.Routes where
module Test.API.Routes (
-- * Constants and helpers
, mkUrl
, gqlUrl
, toServantToken
, clientRoutes
-- * Servant client functions
, auth_api
, get_children
, get_node
, get_table
, get_table_ngrams
, get_tree
, move_node
, put_table_ngrams
, update_node
) where
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Fmt (Builder, (+|), (|+))
......@@ -13,16 +34,17 @@ import Gargantext.API.Errors
import Gargantext.API.HashedResponse (HashedResponse)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types ( NgramsTable, NgramsTablePatch, OrderBy, TabType, Versioned, VersionedWithCount )
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Node
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Node hiding (treeAPI)
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Private hiding (tableNgramsAPI)
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Table
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Tree (nodeTreeEp)
import Gargantext.API.Types () -- MimeUnrender instances
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Corpus.Query (RawQuery)
import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListId, NodeId, NodeType, NodeTableResult)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main (ListType)
import Gargantext.Core.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Query (Limit, MaxSize, MinSize, Offset)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Facet qualified as Facet
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeNode (SourceId(..), TargetId(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as H
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Port)
......@@ -41,12 +63,11 @@ instance RunClient m => HasClient m WS.WebSocketPending where
clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy WS.WebSocketPending -> Request -> Client m WS.WebSocketPending
clientWithRoute _pm Proxy _req _httpMethod = do
panicTrace "[WebSocket client] this is not implemented!"
return ()
hoistClientMonad _ _ f cl = \meth -> f (cl meth)
-- This is for requests made by http.client directly to hand-crafted URLs
-- This is for requests made by http.client directly to hand-crafted URLs.
curApi :: Builder
curApi = "v1.0"
......@@ -77,6 +98,25 @@ auth_api = clientRoutes & apiWithCustomErrorScheme
toServantToken :: Token -> S.Token
toServantToken = S.Token . TE.encodeUtf8
get_node :: Token
-> NodeId
-> ClientM (Node HyperdataAny)
get_node (toServantToken -> token) nodeId =
clientRoutes & apiWithCustomErrorScheme
& ($ GES_new)
& backendAPI
& backendAPI'
& mkBackEndAPI
& gargAPIVersion
& gargPrivateAPI
& mkPrivateAPI
& ($ token)
& nodeEp
& nodeEndpointAPI
& ($ nodeId)
& nodeNodeAPI
& getNodeEp
update_node :: Token
-> NodeId
-> UpdateNodeParams
......@@ -198,3 +238,36 @@ get_children (toServantToken -> token) nodeId =
& childrenAPI
& summaryChildrenEp
get_tree :: Token -> NodeId -> ClientM (Tree NodeTree)
get_tree (toServantToken -> token) nId = do
clientRoutes & apiWithCustomErrorScheme
& ($ GES_new)
& backendAPI
& backendAPI'
& mkBackEndAPI
& gargAPIVersion
& gargPrivateAPI
& mkPrivateAPI
& ($ token)
& treeAPI
& ($ nId)
& nodeTreeEp
& ($ [])
move_node :: Token -> SourceId -> TargetId -> ClientM [NodeId]
move_node (toServantToken -> token) (SourceId sourceId) (TargetId targetId) = fmap (map UnsafeMkNodeId) $
clientRoutes & apiWithCustomErrorScheme
& ($ GES_new)
& backendAPI
& backendAPI'
& mkBackEndAPI
& gargAPIVersion
& gargPrivateAPI
& mkPrivateAPI
& ($ token)
& nodeEp
& nodeEndpointAPI
& ($ sourceId)
& moveAPI
& moveNodeEp
& ($ targetId)
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Test.API.Setup (
, withTestDBAndPort
, withTestDBAndNotifications
, withBackendServerAndProxy
, testWithApplicationOnPort
, setupEnvironment
, createAliceAndBob
) where
......@@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ genFrontendErr be = do
-> do userId <- arbitrary
roots <- arbitrary
pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt (Errors.FE_node_lookup_failed_user_too_many_roots userId roots)
-> do userId <- arbitrary
pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt (Errors.FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_public_folder userId)
pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt (Errors.FE_node_lookup_failed_user_no_folder userId)
-> do contextId <- arbitrary
pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt (Errors.FE_node_context_not_found contextId)
......@@ -300,6 +300,10 @@ genFrontendErr be = do
chain <- listOf1 genValChain
pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt $ Errors.FE_validation_error (T.pack $ fromMaybe "unknown_validation_error" $ prettyValidation $ Validation chain)
-- policy check error
-> pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt $ Errors.FE_policy_check_error (T.pack "failed policy check.")
-- authentication error
-> do nid <- arbitrary
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