Commit ce0f0e64 authored by Quentin Lobbé's avatar Quentin Lobbé

add types Fis, Clique and Support

parent 101568d4
......@@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ import Data.Text (Text, unwords, toLower, words)
import Data.Tuple.Extra (both)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as DM
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as DS
import qualified Data.Matrix as DM'
import Gargantext.Text.Metrics.FrequentItemSet (fisWithSizePolyMap, Size(..))
import Gargantext.Text.Terms.Mono (monoTexts)
......@@ -59,53 +61,19 @@ type PeriodeSize = Int
type Occurrences = Int
-- | Phylo'' ?
-- | phylo_id = date && source data && query && [operations]
-- | node_type = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 <=> root | emergence | recombination | steady
data Phylo'' a = Phylo'' { phylo_id :: a
, branch_list :: [Branch a]
data Branch a = Branch { branch_id :: Int
, cluster_list :: [Cluster' a]
, cluster_edge :: [Edge a]
data Cluster' a = Cluster' { cluster_node :: Node a
, cluster_date :: Date
, term_list :: [Node a]
, term_edge :: [Edge a]
-- | number of Documents in a given Corpus where a set of Ngrams co-occurs
type Support = Int
-- | frequent items set
type Fis = Map (Set Ngrams) Support
data Edge a = Edge { edge_id :: Int
, edge_source :: Node a
, edge_target :: Node a
data Node a = Node { node_id :: Int
, node_label :: Ngrams
, node_type :: a
, node_score :: a
-- | Phylo == Phylo' ?
type Phylo' a = [Strate a]
data Strate a = Strate { strate_date :: (Date,Date)
, strate_clusters :: [Cluster a]
data Cluster a = Cluster { cluster_id :: Int
, cluster_ngrams :: Set Ngrams
, cluster_score :: a
, cluster_parent :: [(Cluster a, Double)]
data PhyloField = PhyloField {
phyloField_id :: Int
phyloExampleFinal :: Phylo
phyloExampleFinal = undefined
......@@ -115,12 +83,21 @@ appariement = undefined
phyloExample :: Map (Date, Date) (Map (Set Ngrams) Int)
phyloExample = fis phyloTerms
fisToFields :: Fis
-> [PhyloField]
fisToFields = undefined
phyloClusters :: Map (Date,Date) [PhyloField]
phyloClusters = undefined
phyloFis :: Map (Date, Date) Fis
phyloFis = termsToFis phyloTerms
fis :: Map (Date, Date) [Document]
-> Map (Date, Date) (Map (Set Ngrams) Int)
fis = phylo (words . text)
termsToFis :: Map (Date, Date) [Document]
-> Map (Date, Date) Fis
termsToFis = phylo (words . text)
phyloTerms :: Map (Date, Date) [Document]
phyloTerms = toPeriodes date 5 3 $ cleanCorpus mapList phyloCorpus
......@@ -132,14 +109,14 @@ phyloTerms = toPeriodes date 5 3 $ cleanCorpus mapList phyloCorpus
phylo :: (Document -> [Ngrams])
-> Map (Date, Date) [Document]
-> Map (Date, Date) (Map (Set Ngrams) Int)
phylo f = (\d -> fisWithSizePolyMap (Segment 1 20) 1 (map f d))
phylo f = (\d -> fisWithSizePolyMap (Segment 1 20) 1 (map f d))
-- | Create a Map of (time steps) and [documents]
toPeriodes :: (Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date)
-> Grain -> Step -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc]
toPeriodes _ _ _ [] = panic "Empty corpus can not have any periods"
toPeriodes f g s es = DM.fromList $ zip hs $ map (inPeriode f es) hs
toPeriodes f g s es = Map.fromList $ zip hs $ map (inPeriode f es) hs
hs = steps g s $ both f (DL.head es, DL.last es)
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