Commit d41e40d9 authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

merge done

parents 0b0ee22a 32246950
Pipeline #1444 failed with stage
# Cabal
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Viz.AdaptativePhylo
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker (toPhylo, toPhyloStep)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools (printIOMsg, printIOComment, setConfig)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport (toPhyloExport, dotToFile)
-- import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Prelude (toTermList)
import GHC.IO (FilePath)
import Prelude (Either(Left, Right))
DATE="2018-03-08 07:18:18"
# record my desktop + title + scp-gargantext
# use tutoriel code
#tmux -d video
xterm -e "tutoriel"
gource --start-date $DATE ../gargantext-hs &
gource --start-date $DATE gargantext-hs/purescript-gargantext
#tmux -a video
# Share video ?
......@@ -18,15 +18,13 @@ Phylo binaries
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent.Async as CCA (mapConcurrently)
import Control.Monad (mapM)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.List ((++),concat)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text, unwords, unlines)
import Data.Text (Text, unwords)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.IO (FilePath)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Context (TermList)
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Corpus.Parsers (FileFormat(..),parseFile)
......@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (DevEnv)
import Gargantext.API.Dev (withDevEnv, runCmdDev)
import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargError)
import Gargantext.API.Node () -- instances only
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.UpdateOpaleye
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd'', )
import Gargantext.Prelude
import System.Environment (getArgs)
......@@ -29,7 +26,6 @@ import Prelude (getLine)
-- | PosTag
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow (indexAllDocumentsWithPosTag)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NgramsPostag (createTable_NgramsPostag)
main :: IO ()
main = do
tmux kill-session -t gargantext
tmux new -d -s gargantext './server' \; \
split-window -h -d 'cd ./purescript-gargantext ; ./server' \; \
select-pane -t 1 \; \
split-window -d 'cd deps/CoreNLP ; ./' \; \
psql postgresql://gargantua:C8kdcUrAQy66U12341@localhost/gargandbV5
"result1_0_3" as "result1_4",
"result1_1_3" as "result2_4",
"result1_2_3" as "result3_4",
"result1_3_3" as "result4_4",
"result1_4_3" as "result5_4",
"result1_5_3" as "result6_4",
"result1_6_3" as "result7_4",
"result2_1_3" as "result8_4"
"id0_1" as "result1_0_3",
"typename1_1" as "result1_1_3",
"user_id2_1" as "result1_2_3",
"parent_id3_1" as "result1_3_3",
"name4_1" as "result1_4_3",
"date5_1" as "result1_5_3",
"hyperdata6_1" as "result1_6_3",
"id" as "id0_1",
"typename" as "typename1_1",
"user_id" as "user_id2_1",
"parent_id" as "parent_id3_1",
"name" as "name4_1",
"date" as "date5_1",
"hyperdata" as "hyperdata6_1"
FROM "nodes" as "T1") as "T1") as "T1") as "T1"
"node1_id0_2" as "result2_0_3",
"node2_id1_2" as "result2_1_3",
"score2_2" as "result2_2_3",
"category3_2" as "result2_3_3",
"node1_id" as "node1_id0_2",
"node2_id" as "node2_id1_2",
"score" as "score2_2",
"category" as "category3_2"
FROM "nodes_nodes" as "T1") as "T1") as "T1") as "T2"
("node1_id0_2") = ("id0_1")) as "T1"
WHERE (("result1_1_3") = (CAST(22 AS integer)))) as "T1"
sudo apt-get -y remove --purge docker docker-engine containerd runc
sudo apt-get -y install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg-agent \
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo apt -y install docker-compose
sudo addgroup gargantua docker
......@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ sudo apt install tmux htop
sudo sed -i "s/stretch/buster/g" /etc/apt/sources.list
#sudo apt update
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
# sudo reboot #recommended
#sudo apt update
sudo apt install liblzma-dev libpcre3-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev pkg-config libgsl-dev libbz2-dev postgresql postgresql-server-dev-11 nginx libigraph0-dev libgfortran-8-dev
sudo apt install liblzma-dev libpcre3-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev pkg-config libgsl-dev libbz2-dev postgresql postgresql-server-dev-11 nginx libigraph0-dev libgfortran-9-dev
sudo apt install git
#git config --global ""
......@@ -75,10 +75,6 @@ if [[ ! -d "deps" ]]; then
mkdir -v deps
cd deps
if [[ ! -d "clustering-louvain-cplusplus" ]]; then
sudo apt install default-jdk
if [[ ! -f "coreNLP.tar.bz2" ]]; then
......@@ -123,58 +119,3 @@ fi
# configure the database with script in devops/postgres
# edit gargantext.ini
..';;,,,''''oXNMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNXKOOdc:;;,.. TODO, too big, what diet for this ascii art ?
......@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ sudo apt install yarn
yarn install && yarn install-ps && yarn build
# temporary bug (help welcome)
cp src/index.html dist/index.html
cd ..
#cp src/index.html dist/index.html
#cd ..
......@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ REPO_FILEPATH = FILEPATH_TO_CHANGE
# [external]
# FRAMES (i.e. iframe sources used in various places on the frontend)
name: gargantext
version: ''
version: ''
synopsis: Search, map, share
description: Please see
category: Data
......@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ library:
- cassava
- cereal # (IGraph)
- clock
- clustering-louvain
- conduit
- conduit-extra
- containers
......@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ pkgs.mkShell {
......@@ -17,29 +17,27 @@ module Gargantext.API.Ngrams.List
import Control.Lens hiding (elements)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Map (Map, toList, fromList)
import Data.Map (toList, fromList)
import Data.Swagger (ToSchema, declareNamedSchema, genericDeclareNamedSchema)
import Data.Text (Text, concat, pack)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Media ((//), (/:))
import Servant
import Servant.Job.Async
import Servant.Job.Utils (jsonOptions)
import Web.FormUrlEncoded (FromForm)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (getNgramsTableMap, setListNgrams)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types (NgramsTableMap, RepoCmdM, Versioned(..))
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types (RepoCmdM, Versioned(..), NgramsList)
import Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.New.File (FileType(..))
import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargServer)
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefixSwagger)
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Types (FlowCmdM)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (NgramsType(..), ngramsTypes)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (ngramsTypes)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Network.HTTP.Media ((//), (/:))
import Servant
import Servant.Job.Async
import Servant.Job.Utils (jsonOptions)
import Web.FormUrlEncoded (FromForm)
type NgramsList = (Map NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap))
type API = Get '[JSON, HTML] (Headers '[Header "Content-Disposition" Text] NgramsList)
-- :<|> ReqBody '[JSON] NgramsList :> Post '[JSON] Bool
......@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ toTree lt vs m = map toNgramsTree $ unfoldForest buildNode roots
$ List.nub
$ map (\(c, c') -> case _nre_root c' of
Nothing -> Just c
_ -> _nre_root c') (HashMap.toList m)
_ -> _nre_root c'
) (HashMap.toList m)
roots = map fst
$ filter (\(_,l) -> l == lt)
Module : Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Prelude
Description : Tools to manage Ngrams Elements (from the API)
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Prelude
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Lens (view)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Validity
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListType)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (NgramsType)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Social.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Context (TermList)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- | Tools
-- Usage example: toTermList MapTerm NgramsTerms ngramsList
toTermList :: ListType -> NgramsType -> NgramsList -> Maybe TermList
toTermList lt nt nl = toTermList' lt <$> Map.lookup nt nl
toTermList' :: ListType -> Versioned NgramsTableMap -> TermList
toTermList' lt' = (toTermList'' lt') . Map.toList . view v_data
toTermList'' :: ListType -> [(NgramsTerm, NgramsRepoElement)] -> TermList
toTermList'' lt'' ns = Map.toList
$ Map.mapKeys toTerm
$ Map.fromListWith (<>) (roots' <> children')
toTerm = Text.splitOn " " . unNgramsTerm
(roots, children) = List.partition (\(_t, nre) -> view nre_root nre == Nothing)
$ List.filter (\(_t,nre) -> view nre_list nre == lt'') ns
roots' = catMaybes
$ map (\(t,nre) -> (,) <$> Just t
<*> Just (map toTerm $ unMSet
$ view nre_children nre
) roots
children' = catMaybes
$ map (\(t,nre) -> (,) <$> view nre_root nre
<*> Just (map toTerm $ [t]
<> (unMSet $ view nre_children nre)
) children
patchMSet_toList :: (Ord a, Hashable a) => PatchMSet a -> [(a,AddRem)]
patchMSet_toList = HM.toList . unPatchMapToHashMap . unPatchMSet
unMSet :: MSet a -> [a]
unMSet (MSet a) = Map.keys a
......@@ -142,3 +142,5 @@ getCoocByNgrams' f (Diagonal diag) m =
where ks = HM.keys m
......@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixUntagged, unPrefixSwagger
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (fromField', CmdM', HasConnectionPool, HasConfig)
import qualified Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Ngrams as TableNgrams
--data FacetFormat = Table | Chart
data TabType = Docs | Trash | MoreFav | MoreTrash
......@@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ instance Arbitrary NgramsElement where
newtype NgramsTable = NgramsTable [NgramsElement]
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show)
type NgramsList = NgramsTable
-- type NgramsList = NgramsTable
makePrisms ''NgramsTable
......@@ -753,12 +756,10 @@ instance Arbitrary NgramsRepoElement where
NgramsTable ns = mockTable
instance FromHttpApiData (Map TableNgrams.NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap))
parseUrlPiece x = maybeToEither x (decode $ cs x)
ngramsTypeFromTabType :: TabType -> TableNgrams.NgramsType
ngramsTypeFromTabType tabType =
let lieu = "Garg.API.Ngrams: " :: Text in
......@@ -783,3 +784,7 @@ instance FromJSON UpdateTableNgramsCharts where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ jsonOptions "_utn_"
instance ToSchema UpdateTableNgramsCharts where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_utn_")
type NgramsList = (Map TableNgrams.NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap))
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (JobLog(..), AsyncJobs)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargServer, simuLogs)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.API (recomputeGraph)
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances (GraphMetric(..), Distance(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances (GraphMetric(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Pairing (pairing)
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Types (FlowCmdM)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
......@@ -86,9 +86,7 @@ updateNode uId nId (UpdateNodeParamsGraph metric) logStatus = do
, _scst_events = Just []
_ <- case metric of
Order1 -> recomputeGraph uId nId Conditional
Order2 -> recomputeGraph uId nId Distributional
_ <- recomputeGraph uId nId (Just metric)
pure JobLog { _scst_succeeded = Just 2
, _scst_failed = Just 0
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Array.Accelerate (Matrix)
import Data.Swagger
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances.Accelerate.Conditional (measureConditional)
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances.Accelerate.Distributional (logDistributional)
import Gargantext.Prelude (Ord, Eq, Int, Double)
import Gargantext.Prelude (Show)
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances.Accelerate.Conditional (measureConditional)
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances.Accelerate.Distributional (distributional)
import Prelude (Enum, Bounded, minBound, maxBound)
import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
......@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ data Distance = Conditional | Distributional
measure :: Distance -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Double
measure Conditional = measureConditional
measure Distributional = distributional
measure Distributional = logDistributional
withMetric :: GraphMetric -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Double
withMetric Order1 = measureConditional
withMetric Order2 = distributional
withMetric :: GraphMetric -> Distance
withMetric Order1 = Conditional
withMetric Order2 = Distributional
data GraphMetric = Order1 | Order2
......@@ -116,10 +116,14 @@ distributional m' = run result
result = termDivNan z_1 z_2
logDistributional :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Double
logDistributional m' = run result
logDistributional m = run $ diagNull n $ matMiniMax $ logDistributional' n m
n = dim m
logDistributional' :: Int -> Matrix Int -> Acc (Matrix Double)
logDistributional' n m' = result
m = map fromIntegral $ use m'
n = dim m'
-- Scalar. Sum of all elements of m.
to = the $ sum (flatten m)
......@@ -234,6 +238,6 @@ rIJ n m = matMiniMax $ divide a b
-- | Test perfermance with this matrix
-- TODO : add this in a benchmark folder
distriTest :: Int -> Matrix Double
distriTest n = distributional (theMatrixInt n)
distriTest n = logDistributional (theMatrixInt n)
......@@ -15,24 +15,17 @@ Motivation and definition of the @Conditional@ distance.
module Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances.Conditional
import Data.Matrix hiding (identity)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Matrix hiding (identity)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Utils
import Gargantext.Prelude
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Utils
-- | Optimisation issue
toBeOptimized :: (Num a, Fractional a, Ord a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a
toBeOptimized m = proba Col m
......@@ -56,7 +49,6 @@ mapOnly Row = mapRow
mapAll :: (a -> a) -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
mapAll f m = mapOn Col (\_ -> f) m
-- | Compute a distance from axis
-- xs = (sum Col x') - x'
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ matMiniMax :: (Elt a, Ord a, P.Num a)
-> Acc (Matrix a)
matMiniMax m = filterWith' miniMax' (constant 0) m
miniMax' = the $ minimum $ maximum m
miniMax' = the $ maximum $ minimum m
-- | Filters the matrix with a constant
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ ex_cooc_mat :: IO (Map Label Index, Matrix Int, Matrix Double, (DAA.Vector Gener
ex_cooc_mat = do
m <- ex_cooc
let (ti,_) = createIndices m
let mat_cooc = cooc2mat ti m
let mat_cooc = cooc2mat Triangular ti m
pure ( ti
, mat_cooc
, incExcSpeGen_proba mat_cooc
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ ex_incExcSpeGen :: IO ([(Label, Double)], [(Label, Double)])
ex_incExcSpeGen = incExcSpeGen_sorted <$> ex_cooc
incExcSpeGen_sorted :: Ord t => Map (t,t) Int -> ([(t,Double)],[(t,Double)])
incExcSpeGen_sorted m = both ordonne (incExcSpeGen $ cooc2mat ti m)
incExcSpeGen_sorted m = both ordonne (incExcSpeGen $ cooc2mat Triangular ti m)
(ti,fi) = createIndices m
ordonne x = sortWith (Down . snd)
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Semigroup
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Prelude (unMSet, patchMSet_toList)
import Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Social.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListId)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (NgramsType(..))
......@@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Patch.Class as Patch (Replace(..))
addScorePatches :: NgramsType -> [ListId]
-> FlowCont NgramsTerm FlowListScores
-> Map NgramsType (Map ListId [HashMap NgramsTerm NgramsPatch])
-> FlowCont NgramsTerm FlowListScores
-> FlowCont NgramsTerm FlowListScores
-> Map NgramsType (Map ListId [HashMap NgramsTerm NgramsPatch])
-> FlowCont NgramsTerm FlowListScores
addScorePatches nt listes fl repo = foldl' (addScorePatchesList nt repo) fl listes
......@@ -136,9 +137,4 @@ score field list n m = (Just mempty <> m)
%~ (<> Just n)
patchMSet_toList :: (Ord a, Hashable a) => PatchMSet a -> [(a,AddRem)]
patchMSet_toList = HashMap.toList . unPatchMapToHashMap . unPatchMSet
unMSet :: MSet a -> [a]
unMSet (MSet a) = Map.keys a
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ localMetrics' m = Map.fromList $ zipWith (\(_,t) (inc,spe) -> (t, Vec.fromList [
(ti, fi) = createIndices m
(is, ss) = incExcSpeGen $ cooc2mat ti m
(is, ss) = incExcSpeGen $ cooc2mat Triangular ti m
scores = DAA.toList
$ (DAA.use is) (DAA.use ss)
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ scored' :: Ord t => Map (t,t) Int -> [Scored t]
scored' m = zipWith (\(_,t) (inc,spe) -> Scored t inc spe) (Map.toList fi) scores
(ti, fi) = createIndices m
(is, ss) = incExcSpeGen $ cooc2mat ti m
(is, ss) = incExcSpeGen $ cooc2mat Triangular ti m
scores = DAA.toList
$ (DAA.use is) (DAA.use ss)
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.API
import Control.Lens (set, (^.), _Just, (^?))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Swagger
import Data.Text
import Debug.Trace (trace)
......@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Tools
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types (NgramsRepo, r_version)
import Gargantext.API.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances (Distance(..), GraphMetric(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Distances (Distance(..), GraphMetric(..), withMetric)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.GEXF ()
......@@ -79,23 +80,24 @@ graphAPI u n = getGraph u n
getGraph :: UserId -> NodeId -> GargNoServer HyperdataGraphAPI
getGraph _uId nId = do
nodeGraph <- getNodeWith nId (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataGraph)
let graph = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataGraph
let camera = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataCamera
repo <- getRepo
let cId = maybe (panic "[G.V.G.API] Node has no parent")
graph = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataGraph
camera = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataCamera
cId = maybe (panic "[G.V.G.API] Node has no parent")
$ nodeGraph ^. node_parentId
-- TODO Distance in Graph params
case graph of
Nothing -> do
-- graph' <- computeGraph cId Distributional NgramsTerms repo
graph' <- computeGraph cId Conditional NgramsTerms repo
mt <- defaultGraphMetadata cId "Title" repo
let graph'' = set graph_metadata (Just mt) graph'
let hg = HyperdataGraphAPI graph'' camera
let defaultMetric = Order1
graph' <- computeGraph cId (withMetric defaultMetric) NgramsTerms repo
mt <- defaultGraphMetadata cId "Title" repo defaultMetric
graph'' = set graph_metadata (Just mt) graph'
hg = HyperdataGraphAPI graph'' camera
-- _ <- updateHyperdata nId hg
_ <- updateHyperdata nId (HyperdataGraph (Just graph'') camera)
pure $ trace "[G.V.G.API] Graph empty, computing" hg
......@@ -104,24 +106,32 @@ getGraph _uId nId = do
HyperdataGraphAPI graph' camera
recomputeGraph :: UserId -> NodeId -> Distance -> GargNoServer Graph
recomputeGraph _uId nId d = do
recomputeGraph :: UserId -> NodeId -> Maybe GraphMetric -> GargNoServer Graph
recomputeGraph _uId nId maybeDistance = do
nodeGraph <- getNodeWith nId (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataGraph)
let graph = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataGraph
let camera = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataCamera
let graphMetadata = graph ^? _Just . graph_metadata . _Just
let listVersion = graph ^? _Just . graph_metadata . _Just . gm_list . lfg_version
graph = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataGraph
camera = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataCamera
graphMetadata = graph ^? _Just . graph_metadata . _Just
listVersion = graph ^? _Just . graph_metadata . _Just . gm_list . lfg_version
graphMetric = case maybeDistance of
Nothing -> graph ^? _Just . graph_metadata . _Just . gm_metric
_ -> maybeDistance
repo <- getRepo
let v = repo ^. r_version
let cId = maybe (panic "[G.V.G.API.recomputeGraph] Node has no parent")
v = repo ^. r_version
cId = maybe (panic "[G.V.G.API.recomputeGraph] Node has no parent")
$ nodeGraph ^. node_parentId
similarity = case graphMetric of
Nothing -> withMetric Order2
Just m -> withMetric m
case graph of
Nothing -> do
graph' <- computeGraph cId d NgramsTerms repo
mt <- defaultGraphMetadata cId "Title" repo
graph' <- computeGraph cId similarity NgramsTerms repo
mt <- defaultGraphMetadata cId "Title" repo (fromMaybe Order1 maybeDistance)
let graph'' = set graph_metadata (Just mt) graph'
_ <- updateHyperdata nId (HyperdataGraph (Just graph'') camera)
pure $ trace "[G.V.G.API.recomputeGraph] Graph empty, computed" graph''
......@@ -129,7 +139,7 @@ recomputeGraph _uId nId d = do
Just graph' -> if listVersion == Just v
then pure graph'
else do
graph'' <- computeGraph cId d NgramsTerms repo
graph'' <- computeGraph cId similarity NgramsTerms repo
let graph''' = set graph_metadata graphMetadata graph''
_ <- updateHyperdata nId (HyperdataGraph (Just graph''') camera)
pure $ trace "[G.V.G.API] Graph exists, recomputing" graph'''
......@@ -144,18 +154,19 @@ computeGraph :: HasNodeError err
-> Cmd err Graph
computeGraph cId d nt repo = do
lId <- defaultList cId
lIds <- selectNodesWithUsername NodeList userMaster
let ngs = filterListWithRoot MapTerm $ mapTermListRoot [lId] nt repo
-- TODO split diagonal
myCooc <- HashMap.filter (>1)
let ngs = filterListWithRoot MapTerm
$ mapTermListRoot [lId] nt repo
myCooc <- HashMap.filter (>1) -- Removing the hapax (ngrams with 1 cooc)
<$> getCoocByNgrams (Diagonal True)
<$> groupNodesByNgrams ngs
<$> getNodesByNgramsOnlyUser cId (lIds <> [lId]) nt (HashMap.keys ngs)
graph <- liftBase $ cooc2graphWith Spinglass d 0 myCooc
-- printDebug "myCooc" myCooc
graph <- liftBase $ cooc2graphWith Spinglass d 0 myCooc
pure graph
......@@ -163,13 +174,14 @@ defaultGraphMetadata :: HasNodeError err
=> CorpusId
-> Text
-> NgramsRepo
-> GraphMetric
-> Cmd err GraphMetadata
defaultGraphMetadata cId t repo = do
defaultGraphMetadata cId t repo gm = do
lId <- defaultList cId
pure $ GraphMetadata {
_gm_title = t
, _gm_metric = Order1
, _gm_metric = gm
, _gm_corpusId = [cId]
, _gm_legend = [
LegendField 1 "#FFF" "Cluster1"
......@@ -205,7 +217,7 @@ graphRecompute u n logStatus = do
, _scst_remaining = Just 1
, _scst_events = Just []
_g <- trace (show u) $ recomputeGraph u n Conditional -- Distributional
_g <- trace (show u) $ recomputeGraph u n Nothing
pure JobLog { _scst_succeeded = Just 1
, _scst_failed = Just 0
, _scst_remaining = Just 0
......@@ -226,12 +238,17 @@ graphVersionsAPI u n =
graphVersions :: NodeId -> GargNoServer GraphVersions
graphVersions nId = do
nodeGraph <- getNodeWith nId (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataGraph)
let graph = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataGraph
let listVersion = graph ^? _Just
. graph_metadata
. _Just
. gm_list
. lfg_version
graph = nodeGraph
^. node_hyperdata
. hyperdataGraph
listVersion = graph
^? _Just
. graph_metadata
. _Just
. gm_list
. lfg_version
repo <- getRepo
let v = repo ^. r_version
......@@ -240,7 +257,7 @@ graphVersions nId = do
, gv_repo = v }
recomputeVersions :: UserId -> NodeId -> GargNoServer Graph
recomputeVersions uId nId = recomputeGraph uId nId Conditional -- Distributional
recomputeVersions uId nId = recomputeGraph uId nId Nothing
graphClone :: UserId
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ TODO use Map LouvainNodeId (Map LouvainNodeId)
module Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Bridgeness -- (bridgeness)
import Data.Graph.Clustering.Louvain.Utils (LouvainNode(..))
import Data.List (concat, sortOn)
import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, lookup, toList, mapWithKey, elems)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
......@@ -37,9 +36,6 @@ type NodeId = Int
type CommunityId = Int
instance ToComId LouvainNode where
nodeId2comId (LouvainNode i1 i2) = (i1, i2)
instance ToComId ClusterNode where
nodeId2comId (ClusterNode i1 i2) = (i1, i2)
......@@ -44,25 +44,34 @@ type Index = Int
score :: (Ord t) => (A.Matrix Int -> A.Matrix Double)
-> Map (t, t) Int
-> Map (t, t) Double
score f m = fromIndex fromI . mat2map . f $ cooc2mat toI m
score :: (Ord t) => MatrixShape
-> (A.Matrix Int -> A.Matrix Double)
-> Map (t, t) Int
-> Map (t, t) Double
score s f m = fromIndex fromI . mat2map . f $ cooc2mat s toI m
(toI, fromI) = createIndices m
cooc2mat :: Ord t => Map t Index -> Map (t, t) Int -> Matrix Int
cooc2mat ti m = map2mat 0 n idx
cooc2mat :: Ord t => MatrixShape -> Map t Index -> Map (t, t) Int -> Matrix Int
cooc2mat sym ti m = map2mat sym 0 n idx
n = M.size ti
idx = toIndex ti m -- it is important to make sure that toIndex is ran only once.
map2mat :: Elt a => a -> Int -> Map (Index, Index) a -> Matrix a
map2mat def n m = A.fromFunction shape (\(Z :. x :. y) -> fromMaybe def $ M.lookup (x, y) m)
data MatrixShape = Triangular | Square
map2mat :: Elt a => MatrixShape -> a -> Int -> Map (Index, Index) a -> Matrix a
map2mat sym def n m = A.fromFunction shape getData
shape = (Z :. n :. n)
getData = (\(Z :. x :. y) ->
case sym of
Triangular -> fromMaybe def (M.lookup (x,y) m)
Square -> fromMaybe (fromMaybe def $ M.lookup (y,x) m)
$ M.lookup (x, y) m
shape = (Z :. n :. n)
mat2map :: (Elt a, Shape (Z :. Index)) =>
A.Array (Z :. Index :. Index) a -> Map (Index, Index) a
......@@ -73,15 +82,19 @@ mat2map m = M.fromList . map f . A.toList . . A.indexed $ A.use m
toIndex :: Ord t => Map t Index -> Map (t,t) a -> Map (Index,Index) a
toIndex ni ns = indexConversion ni ns
toIndex :: Ord t
=> Map t Index
-> Map (t,t) a
-> Map (Index,Index) a
toIndex = indexConversion
fromIndex :: Ord t => Map Index t -> Map (Index, Index) a -> Map (t,t) a
fromIndex ni ns = indexConversion ni ns
indexConversion :: (Ord b, Ord k) => Map k b -> Map (k,k) a -> Map (b, b) a
indexConversion index ms = M.fromList
$ map (\((k1,k2),c) -> ( ((M.!) index k1, (M.!) index k2), c)) (M.toList ms)
$ map (\((k1,k2),c) -> ( ((M.!) index k1, (M.!) index k2), c))
(M.toList ms)
......@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Tools
-- import Data.Graph.Clustering.Louvain (hLouvain, {-iLouvainMap-})
import Data.Graph.Clustering.Louvain.CplusPlus (cLouvain)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import GHC.Float (sin, cos)
......@@ -25,10 +26,11 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Graph.BAC.Proxemy (confluence)
import Gargantext.Core.Statistics
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Bridgeness (bridgeness, Partitions, ToComId(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Tools.IGraph (mkGraphUfromEdges, spinglass)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Index (createIndices, toIndex, map2mat, mat2map, Index)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Index (createIndices, toIndex, map2mat, mat2map, Index, MatrixShape(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Tools.IGraph (mkGraphUfromEdges, spinglass, ClusterNode)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import IGraph.Random -- (Gen(..))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
......@@ -39,22 +41,36 @@ import qualified IGraph.Algorithms.Layout as Layout
-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- import qualified Data.List as List
-- import Debug.Trace (trace)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
-- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
type Threshold = Double
defaultClustering :: Map (Int, Int) Double -> IO [ClusterNode]
defaultClustering = spinglass 1
type Threshold = Double
cooc2graph' :: Ord t => Distance
-> Double
-> Map (t, t) Int
-> Map (Index, Index) Double
cooc2graph' distance threshold myCooc = distanceMap
(ti, _) = createIndices myCooc
myCooc' = toIndex ti myCooc
matCooc = map2mat 0 (Map.size ti) $ Map.filter (> 1) myCooc'
distanceMat = measure distance matCooc
distanceMap = Map.filter (> threshold) $ mat2map distanceMat
cooc2graph' distance threshold myCooc
= Map.filter (> threshold)
$ mat2map
$ measure distance
$ case distance of
Conditional -> map2mat Triangular 0 tiSize
Distributional -> map2mat Square 0 tiSize
$ Map.filter (> 1) myCooc'
(ti, _) = createIndices myCooc
tiSize = Map.size ti
myCooc' = toIndex ti myCooc
data PartitionMethod = Louvain | Spinglass
......@@ -63,7 +79,7 @@ cooc2graphWith :: PartitionMethod
-> Threshold
-> HashMap (NgramsTerm, NgramsTerm) Int
-> IO Graph
cooc2graphWith Louvain = cooc2graphWith' (cLouvain "1")
cooc2graphWith Louvain = undefined -- TODO use IGraph bindings
cooc2graphWith Spinglass = cooc2graphWith' (spinglass 1)
cooc2graph'' :: Ord t => Distance
......@@ -74,10 +90,13 @@ cooc2graph'' distance threshold myCooc = neighbouMap
(ti, _) = createIndices myCooc
myCooc' = toIndex ti myCooc
matCooc = map2mat 0 (Map.size ti) $ Map.filter (> 1) myCooc'
distanceMat = measure distance matCooc
neighbouMap = filterByNeighbours threshold
$ mat2map distanceMat
matCooc = mat2map
$ measure distance
$ case distance of
Conditional -> map2mat Triangular 0 (Map.size ti)
Distributional -> map2mat Square 0 (Map.size ti)
$ Map.filter (> 1) myCooc'
neighbouMap = filterByNeighbours threshold matCooc
-- Quentin
......@@ -105,17 +124,32 @@ cooc2graphWith' :: ToComId a
-> HashMap (NgramsTerm, NgramsTerm) Int
-> IO Graph
cooc2graphWith' doPartitions distance threshold myCooc = do
printDebug "cooc2graph" distance
-- TODO remove below
theMatrix = Map.fromList $ HashMap.toList myCooc
theMatrix = Map.fromList
$ HashMap.toList myCooc
(ti, _) = createIndices theMatrix
tiSize = Map.size ti
myCooc' = toIndex ti theMatrix
matCooc = map2mat 0 (Map.size ti)
$ Map.filterWithKey (\(a,b) _ -> a /= b)
$ Map.filter (> 1) myCooc'
distanceMat = measure distance matCooc
distanceMap = Map.filter (> threshold) $ mat2map distanceMat
matCooc = case distance of -- Shape of the Matrix
Conditional -> map2mat Triangular 0 tiSize
Distributional -> map2mat Square 0 tiSize
$ case distance of -- Removing the Diagonal ?
Conditional -> Map.filterWithKey (\(a,b) _ -> a /= b)
Distributional -> identity
$ Map.filter (>1) myCooc'
similarities = measure distance matCooc
links = round (let n :: Double = fromIntegral tiSize in n * log n)
distanceMap = Map.fromList
$ List.take links
$ List.sortOn snd
$ Map.toList
$ case distance of
Conditional -> Map.filter (> threshold)
Distributional -> Map.filter (> 0)
$ mat2map similarities
nodesApprox :: Int
nodesApprox = n'
......@@ -124,18 +158,17 @@ cooc2graphWith' doPartitions distance threshold myCooc = do
n' = Set.size $ Set.fromList $ as <> bs
ClustersParams rivers _level = clustersParams nodesApprox
printDebug "Start" ("partitions" :: Text)
printDebug "similarities" similarities
partitions <- if (Map.size distanceMap > 0)
-- then iLouvainMap 100 10 distanceMap
-- then hLouvain distanceMap
then doPartitions distanceMap
else panic "Text.Flow: DistanceMap is empty"
printDebug "End" ("partitions" :: Text)
-- bridgeness' = distanceMap
bridgeness' = trace ("Rivers: " <> show rivers)
$ bridgeness rivers partitions distanceMap
confluence' = confluence (Map.keys bridgeness') 3 True False
pure $ data2graph (Map.toList $ Map.mapKeys unNgramsTerm ti)
......@@ -308,4 +341,14 @@ layout m n gen = maybe (panic "") identity $ Map.lookup n $ coord
--p = Layout.defaultLGL
p = Layout.kamadaKawai
g = mkGraphUfromEdges $ map fst $ List.filter (\e -> snd e > 0) $ Map.toList m
-- Debug
-- measure logDistributional
dataDebug = map2mat Square (0::Int) 19 dataBug'
dataBug' :: Map (Int, Int) Int
dataBug' = Map.fromList [((0,0),28),((0,1),8),((0,2),6),((0,3),2),((0,5),4),((0,6),4),((0,7),2),((0,9),7),((0,10),4),((0,13),4),((0,14),2),((0,15),5),((0,16),8),((0,17),3),((1,1),28),((1,2),6),((1,3),7),((1,4),5),((1,5),7),((1,6),5),((1,7),2),((1,9),6),((1,10),7),((1,11),5),((1,13),6),((1,15),6),((1,16),14),((1,18),4),((2,2),39),((2,3),5),((2,4),4),((2,5),3),((2,6),4),((2,7),4),((2,8),3),((2,9),17),((2,10),4),((2,11),8),((2,12),2),((2,13),15),((2,14),4),((2,15),5),((2,16),21),((2,18),4),((3,3),48),((3,4),10),((3,5),7),((3,6),3),((3,7),7),((3,8),6),((3,9),12),((3,10),9),((3,11),8),((3,12),5),((3,13),15),((3,14),5),((3,15),9),((3,16),17),((3,18),4),((4,4),33),((4,5),2),((4,6),5),((4,7),7),((4,8),4),((4,9),6),((4,10),12),((4,11),8),((4,12),3),((4,13),16),((4,14),4),((4,15),4),((4,16),5),((4,17),2),((4,18),12),((5,5),27),((5,6),2),((5,8),3),((5,9),12),((5,10),6),((5,11),9),((5,13),4),((5,14),2),((5,15),7),((5,16),11),((5,18),4),((6,6),34),((6,7),4),((6,8),3),((6,9),12),((6,10),8),((6,11),2),((6,12),5),((6,13),6),((6,14),6),((6,15),5),((6,16),22),((6,17),8),((6,18),4),((7,7),27),((7,8),2),((7,9),6),((7,10),2),((7,11),4),((7,13),13),((7,15),2),((7,16),8),((7,17),6),((7,18),4),((8,8),30),((8,9),9),((8,10),6),((8,11),9),((8,12),6),((8,13),3),((8,14),3),((8,15),4),((8,16),15),((8,17),3),((8,18),5),((9,9),69),((9,10),9),((9,11),22),((9,12),15),((9,13),18),((9,14),10),((9,15),14),((9,16),48),((9,17),6),((9,18),9),((10,10),39),((10,11),15),((10,12),5),((10,13),11),((10,14),2),((10,15),4),((10,16),19),((10,17),3),((10,18),11),((11,11),48),((11,12),9),((11,13),20),((11,14),2),((11,15),13),((11,16),29),((11,18),13),((12,12),30),((12,13),4),((12,15),5),((12,16),16),((12,17),6),((12,18),2),((13,13),65),((13,14),10),((13,15),14),((13,16),23),((13,17),6),((13,18),10),((14,14),25),((14,16),9),((14,17),3),((14,18),3),((15,15),38),((15,16),17),((15,18),4),((16,16),99),((16,17),11),((16,18),14),((17,17),29),((18,18),23)]
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified IGraph as IG
import qualified IGraph.Algorithms.Clique as IG
import qualified IGraph.Algorithms.Community as IG
import qualified IGraph.Algorithms.Structure as IG
import qualified IGraph.Random as IG
import qualified Data.Map as Map
......@@ -61,11 +62,15 @@ spinglass :: Seed -> Map (Int, Int) Double -> IO [ClusterNode]
spinglass s g = toClusterNode
<$> map catMaybes
<$> map (map (\n -> Map.lookup n fromI))
<$> partitions_spinglass' s g''
<$> partitions_spinglass' s g'''
g'' = mkGraphUfromEdges (Map.keys g')
g' = toIndex toI g
g'' = mkGraphUfromEdges (Map.keys g')
g''' = case IG.isConnected g'' of
True -> g''
False -> panic "[G.C.V.G.T.Igraph: not connected graph]"
(toI, fromI) = createIndices g
g' = toIndex toI g
-- | Tools to analyze graphs
partitions_spinglass' :: (Serialize v, Serialize e)
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ packages:
#- 'deps/patches-class'
#- 'deps/patches-map'
#- 'deps/servant-job'
#- 'deps/clustering-louvain'
#- 'deps/accelerate'
#- 'deps/accelerate-utility'
......@@ -71,8 +70,6 @@ extra-deps:
# Graph libs
- git:
commit: 34553acc4ebdcae7065311dcefb426e0fd58c5a0
- git:
commit: 7d74f96dfea8e51fbab1793cc0429b2fe741f73d
# Accelerate Linear Algebra and specific instances
# (UndecidableInstances for newer GHC version)
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